Flower Garland Seva
Benefits for Donors. The Lord dissolves all the impurities and sins of the donor. The donor attains a place in the Lord's spiritual abode. One's marital life is filled with fragrance of love.
Benefits for Donors. The Lord dissolves all the impurities and sins of the donor. The donor attains a place in the Lord's spiritual abode. One's marital life is filled with fragrance of love.
Benefits for Donors- Since, the crown adorns the head region, the donor shall never lose his temper. One gains status and posting in governement jobs of authority and power. The donor becomes financially independant and develops sound judgement.
Benefits for Donors: Since the seva is associated with the water element, one develops higher emotions and intuition. Inner cleansing begins. The donor attains clarity of mind and takes the right decisions. Also, one attracts positive people.
Benefits for Donors- The sadhaka meets his true spiritual master. Rama Bhakti blossoms in the heart. Secrets of the spirtual world get revealed. The donor and his dear ones stay protected from ghosts, spirits and black magic.