3 Sacred Forms of Bhagavan Vishnu

3 sacred forms of bhagavan vishnu

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Nature of Matsya Avatar

Matsya avatar shows two moods, kind and merciful and the destroyer of demons. First, Lord Matsya blessed his devotee Satyavrata. He protected his devotees and the whole of creation.

In the later half, he equally displayed aversion to evil-minded souls like Hayagriva.
He slew the demon who dared to steal his precious possessions, the Vedas. The Lord displayed his earnestness for the protection of knowledge reservoirs. Hence, Matsya Avatar represents the very foundation of existence and survival. Here, the Dashavatar represent evolution. Matsya Avatar here represents the most primitive of the evolutionary trajectory.

Story of Matsya Avatar

According to the Puranas, there are four ages, Satya, Dvapar, Treta and Kali yuga.
Each yuga spans 1 day of Brahma. When Brahma sleeps, at the end of each yuga, the universe experiences Pralaya. So during such times, Bhagavan Vishnu incarnated on earth standing true to his duty as a protector.

matsya avatara

Well, Bhagavan Vishnu has taken 10 main incarnations. Today let us delve into the most primitive incarnation, Matsya avatar. Very few know about the origin of this avatar. The rendition of this avatar deals with the preservation of life.

Devotion of King Satyavrata

At the end of the Chakshusha Manvantara, there lived a king named Satyavrata.
He adored Bhagavan Vishnu and meditated for eons to get his vision. Meanwhile, Satya Yuga was about to end. The creator Brahma was tired and hence needed rest. This heralded the end of Satya yuga.

Stealing of the Vedas

When Brahma was asleep, a demon named Hayagriva appeared from his nostrils.
The devil thought- “This is the opportune moment to steal the vedas and plunge the universe in darkness. Vedas are the back-bone of society. They are the personification of knowledge. Hence their absence embarks an uncivilized society.

So thinking, Hayagriva stole the Vedas and hid underwater. Bhagavan Vishnu was worried now. Being the protector, his responsibility was to guard the vedas to the next era. Noow, Bhagavan Vishnu saw Manu meditating. Thus, he found the right candidate for his onerous endeavor.

Matsya Avatar and King Satyavrata

One day, Satyavrata performed his ablutions in the Krutamala river. Suddenly he heard a piteous cry- “Oh Emperor! Please do not throw me into the river.” Following the voice, he spotted a tiny golden fish swimming on his palms. Ther fish spoke prayerfully- “Oh King, You are my only refuge. The bigger fishes shall devour me. So, don’t leave me here.”
The King felt compassion for the fish.

king satyavrata

So, he put it back into his pitcher. Thereafter, Manu returned to his cottage. Astonishingly next morning when he awoke, he heard a scream- “Please help me! I feel suffocated in your pitcher.” Manu peeped into his pitcher noting the remarkable growth of the fish. Therefore, Manu transferred it into a larger vessel.

But the fish grew at an alarming pace. From the trough, it was transferred into a well, from the well into a pond, from the pond into a river, and finally the king released it into the vast ocean. At last, the fish spoke in its thunderous voice- “Oh King, you have protected me.

If you throw me into the ocean, crocodiles shall eat me. Why do you forsake a surrendered soul?” Now, Satyavrata saw the entity with suspicion. As the king glanced at the fish, it grew, occupying the entire ocean. Again, the fish cried aloud. Now, the king was astonished. He said- “I have neither heard nor seen someone grow at such a breath-taking pace. You are undoubtedly Sri Hari, the Lord of Maya.

Lord Matsya’s Orders

The fish replied- “You are right. I am here to bless you.” Tears of joy filled Satyavrata’s eyes. Instantly, a huge horn appeared on the fish’s head. Satyavrata offered prostate obeisances unto the lord and said- “Oh lord, you have fulfilled my one and only desire.
I wish for nothing else. Kindly reveal the purpose of your incarnation?”

Lord Matsya prophesized- “Satyavrata! This yuga is about to end. From the Seventh day, the ocean shall consume the entire planet. “Even the sun and moon shall disappear. I want you to construct a colossal boat. Start your job from now itself. Collect a pair (male-female) of each species and the seeds of all vegetation. Along with the Saptarishis, sit on the boat.” The King busied himself in fulfilling Matsya’s order. Thus, after finishing the first half of his mission, Matsya dev dived back into the ocean.

The Killing of Hayagriva


On the other hand, Hayagriv had imprisoned the Vedas. Matsya arrived right in time. The mere sight of lord Matsya induced chills in Hayagriva’s being. Before Hayagriva could gather himself, Matsya pounced on him and slew the demon. Thereafter he retrieved the vedas and handed them over to Lord Brahma.

King Satyavratra obeys Matsya. On the other hand, Manu had fulfilled the lord’s commandments. Suddenly torrential rains inundated the land. Oceans started rising.The boat began to stumble. As promised Lord Matsya appeared and said in his thunderous voice- “Manu! Use Vasuki serpent as a rope and anchor the boat to my horns. Under Lord Matsya, the boat safely sailed through the calamity.

In the dark night, Matsya ‘s effulgence was the only torch that lit their path.
On the boat, Lord Matsya rendered the entire Matsya Purana to the passengers.
Finally, the fish settled the boat on the Himavan mountain. The redeemed thus initiated a new era.In the present Manvantara, the very same Satyavrata has become Vaivavasta manu, the son of Lord Surya.

Rare Matsya Avatar Temple

matsya avatara temple

Indeed, in this avatar the Lord Matsya did not appear with his consort. The Vedanarayana Swamy temple of Andhra Pradesh is specially dedicated to the worship of Lord Matsya, the protector of the Vedas. The temple displays the charming idol of Matsya Bhagavan; the upper part represents Bhagavan Vishnu while the lower represents a fish.

Mantra of Lord Matsya

Om namo Bhagavate Matsya Devaya
Matsya Roopaya Vishnu Devaya
Pralaya Payodhija Devadevaya

Benefits of Matsya Mantra

Those who recite this mantra regularly, excel in their student life. The demon Hayagriva represents procrastination and the tendency to take shortcuts in life. Hayagriva slyly stole the Vedas to bring doom to another planet. So, worshipping Lord Matsya burns the detrimental mindset that inhibits the flow of knowledge. Matsya Avatar largely covers the water element.

As we all know water dominates over 71% of the earth. So, people affected by waterborne diseases shall gain immense respite. Lord Matsya saved creation, hence by worshipping Lord Matsya we overcome all problems and cross the ocean of material existence under the able leadership of Matsya Bhagavan.

Mohini Appears to distribute Nectar


Dhanvantari, the celestial physician, emerged from the waters holding a pitcher-full of nectar. This happened when the Asuras and Devatas jointly churned the great oceans.
The Asuras became impatient as they saw the celestial figure emerging from the ocean.
At once, they snatched the pot of nectar from his hands.

The Devatas stood there, dejected. The Asuras began to squabble. Their problem: Who will drink from the pot of ambrosia first? Bhagavan Vishnu came to the rescue of the Devatas. Vishnu once came to the rescue of Mother Earth, in the form of Varaha. He is always there for His devotees and the Devatas are His staunch devotees.

mohini avatara

The Lord is always on the side of the good. He assumed the great form of the seductress, Mohini.Mohini’s exceptional beauty defied all description. The demons, allured by her charm, allowed Mohini to distribute the nectar. Mohini said- “You, my dear Asuras, must not interrupt me, only then shall I proceed.”

The Asuras happily agreed. Svarbhanu gets into the line of the Devatas. Mohini distributed the Asura and Devata parties in separate rows. She walked towards the rows of the Devatas. She started pouring cups of nectar for the Devatas. Meanwhile, in doing so, she would cast luscious smiles towards the lusty demons. She asked the Asuras to hold on, through her glances. She did that as she filled every cup of the Devatas. The Asuras foolishly held on.

The demon Svarbhanu became suspicious. He did not trust Mohini. He stealthily crossed over to the line of the Devatas and sat amongst the Devatas, changing his form. Oblivious of the demon, Mohini poured the ambrosia into his cup too. Surya and Chandra Deva, at once raised an alarm to Bhagavan Vishnu.

How Rahu and Ketu came into Existence

vishnu cuts of swarabhanu's head

Bhagavan Vishnu at once, assumed his Almighty form and chopped off Svarbhanu’s head with the Sudrashana Chakra. There is another great story about the Sudrashana Chakra saving King Ambarisha, which you may find interesting.

However the demon didn’t perish since he already consumed the nectar. The head part of the demon became Rahu while the body, Ketu.

Mohini Attracts Lord Shiva

When Lord Shiva heard about Mohini, he visited Bhagavan Vishnu along with Parvati Devi in Vaikuntha. He expressed his desire to behold His Mohini form. Bhagavan Vishnu agreed and disappeared from the sight. In a few moments, an extraordinary damsel stood before him. She played with a ball.

shiva seeks mohini

Lord Shiva kept gazing at her without blinking His eyes. As she played, a gust of wind blew away her upper covering. She ran to hide behind a tree. Lord Shiva ran behind her.
He had once grabbed her in his two arms, but she escaped his grasp and ran again. Lord Shiva kept chasing her. They ran past numerous mountains and hermitages. Finally, he became cautious after ejaculation.

One may be interested in looking at the Mohini Avatara of Sri Vishnu in detail.

Who is Harihara Ayappa?

Bhagavan Vishnu assumed his male form once again. Lord Shiva had just managed to touch Mohini, although she try to avoid Lord Shiva’s advances. So she delivered a son that very instant. The right half of his body resembled Lord Shiva while the left half resembled Bhagavan Vishnu.

lord ayappa

Thus he attained the name Harihara (Vishnu and Shiva’s son). Lord Harihara has his temples in many parts of South India. Lord Ayappa is another name for Harihara.

Who is Lord Vamana?

Bhagavan Vishnu assumed Vamana’s form, the celestial dwarf, to give pleasure to His devotee Bali, the king of demons. Every devotee should know the awe-inspiring story of Vamana’s as one of the Lord’s great incarnations.

Bali conquers Deva Loka

The Devatas became immortal after tasting the nectar. They easily killed or defeated the Asuras in the battle. Indra with his fatal Vajra killed the demon king-Bali. However Narada Muni stopped Indra from eliminating Bali’s corpse. They carried the corpse of the demons to Astachala. Shukracharya revived all the demons and Bali with the power of Sanjivani.

guru shukracharya

On gaining a new life, Bali Maharaj poured his heart and soul in serving his master Shukracharya. Pleased by Bali, Shukracharya performed extraordinary fire sacrifices.
He generated a celestial chariot, bow, quiver and shield. With their divine ammunitions, the Asuras attacked Amravati. The terrified gods trembled, at the powerful onslaught of the demons.

On the advice of Guru Brihaspati, they fled in different directions for protection.
Bali now ruled over the heavens.

Devi Aditi’s Concern

This moved Aditi, the mother of Devas.So she decided to please Kashyapa, powerful husband. Sage Kashyapa, performed a ritual to invoke Bhagawan (Bhagavan Vishnu) as their son.

vamana and kashyapa

Bhagawan appeared before her and agreed to fulfil her desire. The Lord first appeared in his 4-handed form. He then immediately assumed the guise of a dwarf, Vamana. Maharishi Kashyapa, performed his thread ceremony.

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Shukracharya performs sacrifices for Bali

Shukracharya performed 99 horse sacrifices for Bali Maharaj. He keenly wanted Bali to perform the 100th Yajna. Only the one performing a 100 Ashvamedha Yajnas can be officially declared as Indra. Indra represents a position in heaven and does not point to an individual, by name.

Conquering Indra Loka by force can have only temporary consequences. But Shukracharya wanted to lawfully establish Bali’s right over the throne. Bali’s sacrificial hall was at the southern banks of the Narmada River.

Bali Maharaj Welcomes Vamana

Bali was performing his final Yajna. At that moment, Lord Vamana appeared in the guise of a Brahmachari (unmarried Brahmana) and begged for alms. Vamana’s effulgence was divine. Bali Maharaj accompanied by other Rishis amiably welcomed Him. Bali requested him to voice his wish. Vamana said- “I desire to acquire three steps of land.” Bali Maharaj laughed.

He asked Vamana to demand for more land. But Vamana was resolute. He said- “Three steps should satisfy me. I do not hanker for more.” Bali Maharaj just finalized his offer to Lord Vamana by taking a Sankalpa (holy promise), when his Guru, Shukracharya intervened. He said- “This is Vishnu, the great trickster.” However Bali had transcended all weaknesses of the mind and did not stop.

vamana measures the heavens

He felt that it is unjust not to keep up a promise. Vamana assumes a gigantic form. After the Sankalpa, Bhagavan Vishnu immediately assumed his gigantic Virat form. He measured the entire earth in one step. In his second step, his feet rose above the Brahma Loka, the land of the lofty sages. His foot nail damaged a tip of the universe. A stream of crystalline water rushed downwards washing His feet. Lord Brahma devotedly washed His feet. The sanctified water came down as Ganga.

Bali’s associates pounced on Vamana to kill him. But the Vishnu Parashadas (Vishnu’s celestial associates) killed and chased them off. Bhagavan Vishnu tied Bali Maharaj with the Varuna Pasha and said- “You promised to give me three steps of land. Tell me.
Where should I place my third step?” Bali offers his head to Vishnu. Bali Maharaj with the least surprise voice said- “An owner is greater than his ownings. So please place your feet on my head.”

vamana and bali

Bhagawan kept Bali’s words by placing his feet on his head. Brahma prayed to Bhagawan and said- “Such a generous king. Should he be made a captive?” Bhagawan replied- “Actually I have come just to bless him.” Bhagavan Vishnu transported Bali Maharaj along with his family to Sutala Loka and said- “I will eternally dwell and serve there as Bali’s doorkeeper. I will hold my mace and protect Bali there, always. My Chakra shall kill anyone who disobeys your orders, O Bali, in Sutala Loka.


I will protect you and I myself shall crown you as Indra in the Agami Savarni Manvantara.
This is my solemn promise to you.” Lord Brahma crowned Bhagawan as Upendra. Ravana in his conquering spree arrived at Sutala Loka. Lord Vamana then, threw him a thousand Yojanas (15 kilometres make 1 Yojana) afar with his feet like a ball.

The Great Rishabhadeva

Rishabhadeva was a lesser known but powerful incarnation of Bhagavan Vishnu. He lived the life of a householder king and upheld Dharma. The teachings of Rishabhadeva, later, laid the foundation of the Jain Dharma.

Bhagawan Vishnu appears as Rishabhadeva


King Nabhi did not have children. He worshipped Lord Narayana along with other Rishis. When Bhagawan appeared from the fire, the rishis requested Bhagawan to grant the king a son similar to Him. Where shall Bhagawan find someone like him? So Bhagawan Himself agreed to descend as Nabhi’s son. Thus Rishabhadeva took birth.

Rishabhadeva becomes the King of Ayodhya

Once, Indra stopped the rains in his Kingdom. But Rishabhadeva showered rains by his yogic powers. Embarrassed by his defeat, Indra gave his daughter Jayanti in marriage to Rishabhadeva. On King Nabhi’s retirement, Rishabhadeva ascended the throne of Ayodhya. He bore 100 sons. Out of these, 9 were great Yogis. 9 became rulers of 9 parts of the nation. 81 performed truthful action and became Brahmanas.

Confusion about Emperor Bharata

Rishabhadeva’s eldest son Bharata became the emperor. His valour gave the name Bharat for our nation. Earlier Bharath had the name Ajanabhavarsha. People wrongly link Shakuntala’s son Bharata for the name Bharata. Rishabhadeva handed over his kingdom to his eldest son.

He retired to the forests of the southern India where he roamed in the Avadhoota state.
He established numerous premises of Yoga and established the supremacy of the path.
The Jain Sampradaya considers Rishabhadeva as their founder. The Jains call him the first Tirthankara.

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