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The Swaha Beeja in the Hanuman Mantra
In this video post we shall discuss the many benefits of the famous Hanuman Mantra Om Ham Hanumate Rudratmakaya Hum Phat. Sometimes the beeja “Swaha” is added at the end of this Hanuman mantra to add further fire potency to the mantra.
This particular mantra is a very fierce Hanuman mantra and people who have earlier experience in Hanuman Sadhana should only be taking up the Hanuman Mantra Sadhana of the Om Ham Hanumate mantra.This particular mantra can induce many powerful experiences in the sadhaka which can startle him or get him off balance.
So I would recommend that this Powerful Hanuman Mantra should be practiced under the able guidance of a Guru who himself is a sadhaka of the said mantra. There are other softer mantras of Sri Hanumanji Maharaj such as the Hanuman Chalisa.
The Vrata of The Om Ham Hanumate Rudratmakaya Mantra

Don’t miss our video named Benefits of Chanting Hanuman Chalisa | Why Read Hanuman Chalisa? Chant the Om Ham Hanumate Rudratmakaya mantra after due consideration. I would suggest that you take up a 41 day vrata of chanting the Hanuman Chalisa by observing strict vegetarian diet without onion, garlic or mushrooms. Daily you have to chant 21 times of the Chalisa.
Visiting the Hanuman Temple
Observe celibacy during this period and also visit the Hanuman temple during this period on Saturdays and Tuesdays. Offer Jasmine oil mud lamp to Hanumanji along with a Garland of Madar or Ark leaves, as you visit Hanumanji in the temple. If you are successful in the 41 day Chalisa (21 times every day) only then should you take up the fierce sadhana of the Om Ham Hanumate mantra.

This is because; the Hanuman chalisa sadhana will give you enough strength to bear the energy release during the Om Hum Hanumate Sadhana. Also realize that this Om Hum Hanumate mantra should be done with devotion or Bhakti, with the mood of a servant of Hanumanji.
Avoid Attaining Siddhi over The Rudratmakaya Hanuman Mantra
If you try to attain Siddhi of this Hanuman mantra, in your mind, Hanumanji may appear in a fierce form and this can lead to mental imbalance of the practitioner.
Sometimes, when the sadhana of this mantra is done, one may hear knocking of the door or tapping sound on the wall. Usually, the sadhana of this Hanuman mantra is done after 9:00 PM. One has to maintain immense cleanliness as you take up chanting of this particular Hanuman Mantra.
Immediate Benefits of the Rudratmakaya Hanuman Mantra

Having a bath and wearing clean, lose clothes is a must before sitting down for the Hanuman mantra chanting. Before going into details of the mantra sadhana let me briefly mention the benefits of this Hanuman mantra. The mantra immediately drives away evil forces that surround your house and removes all types of negativity, provided, you are doing the Hanuman mantra with utter surrender and devotion to Hanumanji Maharaj.
Lord Hanuman personally ensures that he wards off all evil.
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Increase of Soul Power
The Hanuman mantra improves the power of the soul. Will-power increases immensely and there will be a lot of clarity in thought. Your decision making capacity becomes very quick and you will become flexible with your plans, as you take up important projects for execution. Mental tenacity, resilience and patience increases by leaps and bounds.
One will slowly lose all fear of life and will move around confidently by the power of Hanumanji Maharaj.
All types of mental worries come to an end. They may be able to avert future challenges and will be able to intelligently deal with situations. One shall be able to deal with situations that come up in life abruptly which come in without any prior intimation, because the intellect would have become razor sharp.
Increase in disease fighting Capacity

Disease fighting capacity is also enhanced because this Hanuman mantra strengthens the immune system. Students who are Hanuman Bhaktas should go to a Hanuman temple, take Deeksha of this mantra from a well-read Brahmana and recite this mantra.
This mantra especially helps in student life. Many are known to attain a life of their dreams with this mantra.
Dream Initiation can be a Play of the Mind
But, I personally do not promote this aspect of the Hanuman Mantra, because this is Kaliyuga and the mind projects itself as an attainer of special grace, which is to be denied with all humility. One should depend on Hanumanji to set goals for you and a person should recite this mantra selflessly for the pleasure of Sri Rama, Srimati Seeta Devi and Sri Hanumanji Maharaj.

This Hanuman mantra provides protection from all angles and may be regarded as a Hanuman Kavach Mantra. You may also find the video under very useful.
Process of Chanting the Rudratmakaya Hanuman Mantra
Now, I will give you a simple process to recite the Hanuman mantra.
One should have initially done some sort of Hanuman sadhana under a Guru before one takes up chanting of this Mantra, because this mantra is fierce and may baffle new Sadhakas. One can use the “Swaha” Beeja at the end of the Mantra by which the mantra becomes “Om Ham Hanumate Rudratmakaya Hum Phat Swaha”. One must consult one’s spiritual Guru before applying this Beeja.
This may give some faster results but is also known to give gastric problems and burning sensation near the Mooladhara Chakra, if the immune system of the sadhaka is not strong.
One should start the Hanuman mantra chanting after 9:00 PM. He should start by lighting a mud lamp that burns with the wick facing the west.

The oil used for the mud lamp should be pure jasmine oil, which is dear to Lord Hanuman. He should sit facing west on a woolen asana. One has to read the Hanuman Chalisa, Sankat Mochan Hanuman Ashtaka and Bajrang Baan once. He should then do 108 times chanting of the Sri Ram jay Ram Jai Jai Ram mantra that is one round,
This should be done on Tulsi beads.
You can watch our video What is the Power of Rama Nama? | What is Ida Pingala and Sushumna? | Benefits of Chanting Ram Naam
One has to use a Laal Chandan mala or a Red Sandalwood rosary to chant the Om Ham Hanumate mantra. He should do a minimum of 4 rounds of this Hanuman mantra on that mala that means 4 X 108 times. Then, after the chanting, the Mala should be kept down and one has to do one round of chanting the Sri Ram Jay Ram Jay Jay ram mantra on Tulsi beads.
Also remember that one should visit the Hanuman Temple in the evening time, if those days are Tuesdays or Saturdays and follow the process that I had mentioned earlier.
Thus, the Om Ham Hanumate Mantra is a powerful tool to obtain the complete mercy of Lord Hanuman.
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