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Highlights of the 5-Step Introspection Process
- Analyze recurring thought patterns and judgments.
- Identify misalignments between thoughts, words, and actions.
- Discard outdated beliefs and adopt fresh perspectives.
- Respond consciously instead of reacting impulsively.
- Cultivate positivity by controlling your mindset.
Why Introspection is Important?
Introspection is an important practice that encourages positivity. Though it is widely referred to as a modern-day psychology term, it originally branched from Indian Spirituality. It is the concept of Awareness.
So, basically, Introspection means scanning thoughts to set your experiences and the world you perceive right. The success possibilities of introspection have been highly effective for those people who practice it properly and not for those who merely feel that they are aware.
We shall now understand introspection with respect to our thoughts and situations we encounter!
Why do we encounter unpleasant situations?
In one word, the answer would be…

Yes, we are often misaligned. Our intentions form our thoughts, which do not quite align with our words. Similarly, what we speak, and what we do are two completely opposite things. So, in short, due to constant misalignment, we attract negative energies.
For example: We attend an interview..
Now, while the interview is going on, at the back of the mind, we already set too many expectations.

The intention of giving the interview is to qualify for the job. But, at the same time, there remains a fair possibility of rejection. However, our untrained mind begins to colour our imagination with rich colours.
We go on a mind-ride. Probably we even conclude the end of the interview, before it even starts.
Now, the interview might have both positive and negative outcomes. Expecting positive results from an activity is pretty common. But, the folly is when we expect only success and there we miss out on a lot of other possibilities.
Success and Failure though opposites, are experienced simultaneously in life.
Never, has a person only experienced success, throughout his/her life. Hence, Success and failure form an intrinsic part of life. Now, we are prone to encounter failure, many times when we are not ready to face it. In short, there are many misses and hits.
But, to get control over the situation, it is our quest to understand what went wrong. To understand the root cause of our failure or negative outcomes, we must introspect.
Introspection- The Best practice for Mind control
Introspection is the best practice to audit our thoughts. It comes to our aid when we heavily feel the need for change.

When we become aware of the cyclical nature of events, repeating itself, introspection is what you need. Like a magnet, negative stuff attracts our attention and thoughts. This might be a common experience for most of us. But, through introspection, we can set all our negative thoughts in the right track.
All energy drain can be massively avoided through this practice.
To begin with…
Try to read your own thought patterns, judgments about people. Delve deeper to know what drives you to arrive at certain conclusions. The more you perform this practice, the better you become at it. The better you become at it, the better the situation.
You experiment with many situations but you tend to miss the essence. So, this is when you must engage in self-introspection. Something within you is miscalculating things. When you accept the mistakes that you have committed, I believe that it is the first step towards improving your situations.
To help you with the introspection, I must add that…
Our judgment about people, places, circumstances, etc are based on our own wrong notions, incorrect understanding, and overconfidence about omething/someone.
This mindset shall always bring us incorrect results.
Learn to discard old stuff and start afresh. Remember, our own coloring of a situation, poses obstacles for us to achieve the desired result. Looking deep into the results you achieve after introspection, will show that the fault lies within “you”
Nothing is wrong outside of us. So, it is time to change our mindset.
Test your Alignment with the Spiritual Subject Matter (only 7 Questions)
The scores generated in this Quiz are relative. There are no right or wrong answers. A percentage towards 100 indicates that you are more aligned to the overall subject matter.
Time to get Control on your Mind
Our mind is a conglomeration of thoughts. It is thoughts that trigger words and actions. The result of thought is seen in the tangible world as words and actions.
Briefly, it is thoughts that convert into words and actions. Every action has a reaction or a response. However, when we see that our words are not producing the right response or reaction, when interacting with others, naturally there is an anomaly.

For example, if somebody makes a statement about the weather. The intention of a person could be to strike a conversation. But we do not correctly understand the innocent intention of this individual.

We are at the bus station and you reply “ There are better things to do, why bother about the weather?”. Obviously, there seems to be nothing wrong with the reply per say. The reply may also be appropriate, at first glance.
However, we are amiss here.
We have overlooked the innocent intention of the co-passenger and rather blurted out a crass reply. Hence, we become insensitive, shutting up the possibility of an engaging conversation. Moreover, we do not consider the mood of the questioner and only are concerned by our own mood.
Are you Reacting or Responding?
So, what is the difference between a reaction and a response? Let us take the weather example we discussed earlier. When we unconsciously reply, it becomes a reaction. A reaction usually yields a negative response.
You say: “ There are better things to do, why bother about the weather?”.

This could be an unfortunate response. It would be appropriate to call this a reaction. A reaction is impulsive. It involves no conscious thought and mostly driven by our preconceived notions. On the other hand, a response is well-directed and sane. It is apt, taking into consideration the person, tone, intention, place, and circumstance.
So what are we eventually getting at?
We must become conscious of every moment we live..

Instead of allowing our impulses and unconscious mind to take over a conversation, it is better to apply our conscious mind. If we do not, we block the possibility of a pleasant conversation and hidden opportunities. Instead, we throttled the conversation, quite abruptly.
Who knows, we may have to meet this stranger at the bus station in connection with a certain business deal? What would you expect then?
The Art of Attracting Positive Situations
Not every situation or conversation might favour us. Here is where wisdom comes to play. Rather than trying to extract profits from the other individual, we must be genuine.
One thing I must say from experience, that neither selfishness nor genuineness can make circumstances always accommodative. Making things suitable, at most times is beyond our control. But, what lies within our control is to set things right, in our own mind and thought world.

As Vedanta says “What you See Outside is a Mere Reflection of the vast, unconscious world that lies inside you.” This statement is cent percent true.
The conversation may or may not strike a business deal. But, we do get an opportunity to scan our thoughts, feelings, and emotions.
We get to exercise our conscious will. In other words, nature provides us an opportunity to clean our thought world. Once, through introspection we clean our mind, nothing other than conducive situations in life remains.
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