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Hare Krishna Maha Mantra
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Ram Hare Ram Ram Ram Hare Hare. The Hare Krishna Maha Mantra is one of the most popular mantras of current times. It is a mantra which has many benefits.
The mantra can bring about many changes on regular chanting. The entire mantra has 16 names of the Lord. In Kaliyuga, it is said that chanting the names of the Lord is the highest form of Sadhana or spiritual discipline. The mantra has three names of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. They are Hare, Krishna, and Rama.
Meaning of Hare, Krishna, and Rama
Hare represents the inner potency of the Supreme Lord Krishna. Hare is also the name of Lord Krishna’s love and service potency, namely Shrimati Radharani. Chanting Hare regulates the heart chakra and cleanses the muck within the heart.
The Heart chakra is the meeting point of the higher chakras, namely the Sahasra, Ajna, and Vishuddhi, and the lower chakras, namely the Muladhara, Swadhisthana, and Manipuraka chakras respectively. Hence chanting the Hare Krishna Mahamantra refers to the balancing and harmonizing of the higher and lower chakras.
Benefits of Chanting Hare, Rama, and Krishna
Chanting the Lord’s name Rama especially balances the fire, sun, and moon elements. Chanting the name Krishna evokes great power through the Vishuddhi chakra and the name Hare, which represents Srimati Radha Rani, cleanses the lower tendencies of the heart and makes it pure by regular chanting of the 16 names. Of the Hare Krishna Maha Mantra, one becomes composed and peaceful.
Importance of 16 Rounds and Tulsi Beads
It is necessary that one should take up 16 rounds of chanting on a 108 bead mala or rosary made of tulsi or basil plant stem. Chanting the Maha Mantra on tulsi beads is highly beneficial because the toxins of the body-mind are absorbed and grounded by the tulsi beads as one chants the mantra.
Regular repetition of sixteen rounds of Mahamantra every day for a period of six months will ensure that all blockages of emotions that normally happen in the heart are removed. If the chanting is sincere and well-intentioned, one can never develop heart disease.
One shall start getting good sleep and energy to work and perform gets enhanced dramatically. It shall also draw the immense grace of Lord Krishna and the greatest advantage of chanting the Maha mantra is that one shall develop clarity of thought and the decision-making capability of the individual is increased by over 100 times.
Spiritual and Physical Benefits
By regular chanting of the mantra, one will slowly move to the spiritual domain and give up materialistic views about life. One should also develop great, convincing and logical capabilities as one regularly chants the mantra.
If one takes to the spiritual path by choice, as one keeps chanting the mantra, the mantra has the capability to draw one’s spiritual master through sustained repetitions of the mantra.
The Hare Krishna Maha Mantra is like pure undiluted nectar which can grant immortality to the chanter and one will soon realize the purpose of life and shall be given a vision of what lies beyond death through regular chanting.
The Power of the Mantra According to Acharyas
The Acharyas in Sanatana Dharma, especially the teachers of Bhakti, have revealed that the Hare Krishna Maha Mantra is the ultimate mantra that can dissolve all material problems and raise the consciousness of the chanter.
In the spiritual plane, the mantra has the capacity to cleanse the heart of the Sadhaka completely, just as acid burns and cleans filth that is trapped inside a ditch. Over many lifetimes, our hearts have become full of muck and dirty thoughts that have clouded our consciousness.
When one chants this mantra, Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna, Krishna, Hare, Hare, Hare Ram, Hare Ram, Ram, Ram, Hare, Hare. Our heart starts responding to the vibrations of the mantra.
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The Mantra’s Cleansing Process
With enough practice, the mantra starts vibrating by itself in our hearts and silently carries on with its work of cleaning our hearts. The great teacher of the Gaudiya Sampradaya, Sridhar Dev Goswami Maharaj, reveals that this mantra is transcendental.
He says that the mantra can be only heard perfectly through spiritual ears and can be truly chanted by a tongue that is spiritual. Ordinary souls who are steeped in sin find it difficult to chant the simple names of the Lord, such as Hare, Rama, and Krishna included in the mantra.
However, if a person commits himself into chanting this mantra by the blessings of Nama Prabhu or the deity representing the holy names, slowly the senses and the mind of the chanter get cleansed and refined.
Development of Higher Taste Through Chanting
The person chanting this mantra continuously but slowly but surely, loses interest in lower tendencies and shall develop a higher taste. He shall lose the tendency to get attracted to sensual objects and instead finds solace in associating with Saints and pastimes of the Lord.
Such a process will automatically manifest in the chanter’s life by increasing bhakti in their heart and love for the Lord. Sridhar Dev Goswami reveals the exalted position of the Hare Krishna Mahamantra as compared to other mantras which are useful to attract certain advantages within the material sphere.
The Mantra as a Wish-Fulfilling Tree
The Vaishnavas consider the Hare Krishna Mahamantra as a Kalpa Vriksha, or the wish-fulfilling tree, which can attract both material things as well as the spiritual realm of Vaikuntha.
The glories of the Mahamantra were first revealed in great detail by the incarnation of Sri Krishna in Kali Yuga, namely Sriman Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. He revealed that a person armed with the Hare Krishna Mahamantra on the tongue has all the riches as well as arms and ammunition in his hands.
Such a Sadhaka of the Mahamantra shall not worry for his food, shelter, and clothing. The Mahamantra has the ability to manifest anything that the chanter needs and deserves.
The Universality of the Mantra
Since the Mahamantra is wish-fulfilling and has no specific rules for eligibility, anyone can chant the mantra at any time or place, irrespective of whether one is in a clean or unclean condition. Women can chant this mantra without restriction.
The Mahamantra is dear to the Lord. It consists of the divine names of the Lord, such as Hare, Rama, and Krishna. Hare represents the vocative case of the name Hara, which is another name for the power of the Lord. This name also represents Shrimati Radharani, the pleasure or bliss of the Lord.
Ideal Chanting Routine
The names Rama and Krishna represent the two incarnations of Lord Narayana. Some Saints have also described the name Rama as the name of Balarama, the elder brother of Sri Krishna.
Some also say that Hara is the vocative case for a name of Lord Narayana, Hari. There are 16 names of the Lord in the Mahamantra. It is ideal to chant 64 rounds of the Mahamantra on a rosary or mala of 108 tulsi beads. Such chanting can yield spectacular and unbelievable results if the sadhaka chants 64 rounds every day for a period of 41 days.
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