7 Benefits of Sri Hanumate Namah

sri hanumate namah

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Immediate Benefits of the Sri Hanumate Namah Mantra

  • Enhances strength and courage
  • Removes obstacles and negativity
  • Boosts focus and wisdom
  • Increases devotion and spiritual growth
  • Protects against evil forces
  • Improves physical health and vitality
  • Brings success and prosperity

What is the Sri Hanumate Namah Mantra

Sri Hanumate Namah is a Nama Mantra. It is one of the most effective nama Mantras and can be chanted at any time by any one. The advantage with Nama Mantras is that it is directly addressing the Name or nama of Bhagawan or His eternal servants and does not require initiation.

sri hanumanji maharaj

The Sri Hanumate Namah Nama mantra is one of the most effective mantras which can be chanted by anyone in Kaliyuga and directly connects us to the Sri Rama Parivar or the eternal family line of Lord Rama. Nama Mantras such as the Sri Hanumate Namah does not have special processes and one can either chant it in the mind, through murmuring or even chanting aloud.

Variations of the Shri Hanumate Namah Mantra

The Shri Hanumate Namah Mantra has 2 major variations. One of them is the Om Sri Hanumate Namah mantra. But this mantra requires Initiation by an authentic Guru who has chanted this mantra himself and on behalf of his Parampara initiates a dedicated sadhaka after the sadhaka has satisfied all the conditions set by the Guru to accept the initiation of the Om Sri Hanumate Namah mantra.

One other variation of this Mantra is the Om Hum Hanumate Namah also chanted as Om Han Hanumate Namah. Even this mantra requires proper initiation from an authentic Guru. I have already covered details of the Om Ham Hanumate Namah Mantra in an earlier Blog and a Youtube Video.

What is the Significance of the Sri Hanumate Namah Mantra

The Shri Hanumate Namah Mantra is a Powerful Hanuman Mantra which has a special connotation. Let’s analyze the Mantra in detail. The Mantra Starts with an opening address as Sri. Sri can be interpreted in 2 ways.

One is that it is a word that connotes respect for Hanumanji. But when one looks closely at the word Sri and connects it with the rest of the mantra which is Hanumate Namah, Sri denotes Srimati Seeta Devi, the Aspect of Pure Bhakti. Hanumate Namah represents the vocative form of the word Hanuman where we jointly summon Mother and Son who are Srimati Seeta Devi and Lord Hanuman.

hanuman meets seeta devi

The mantra takes us to the event when Lord Hanuman meets Srimati Seeta Devi in Ashoka Vatika, the celestial garden of Ravana’s Lanka. Here Seeta Devi addresses Hanumanji Maharaj as “My Son”. Moreover Sri Rama is available in a hidden way in the Ashoka Garden of Lanka because he is the central point of discussion between Mother and Son. Sri Rama is our Eternal Father while Sri Hanuman is the eternal son and servitor of Seeta Rama.

A direct reminder of this mantra is the temple of Hanuman Garhi in Ayodhya where Hanumanji Maharaj is installed on the throne and given the position of the eternal son of the Divine Couple. It is best to meditate on this form of Hanumanji Maharaj as one chants the Sri Hanumate Namah Mantra.

Who can Chant the Shri Hanumate Namah Mantra

Anyone can chant the Sri Hanumate Namah Mantra without considering the Varna, Ashrama, Caste, Creed, Race or Gender of the Chanter. The only condition for chanting this mantra is utter selflessness and a sense of surrender at the feet of Srimati Seeta Devi and Hanumanji Maharaj.

seetaji ram hanuman

Srimati Seeta Devi is Bhakti Devi Incarnate while Sri Hanuman is the epitome of selfless surrender. Remembering both Srimati Seeta Devi and Hanumanji Maharaj is the most effective way to energize ourselves through the mantra. The Mantra effortlessly can raise the consciousness of the chanter and take one to the position of selfless love towards Sri Seeta Rama and Hanumanji Maharaj. 

Bhakti Revelation of the Shri Hanumate Namah Mantra

The Sri Hanumate Namah when seen with the total Realization of Bhakti is non-different from the mantra Seeta Ram Hanuman Mantra only that in the mantra Sri Hanumate Namah the Nama Hanuman is direct and evident, the Name of Srimati Seeta Devi is hidden in the form of “Sri”.

The Hanumat Nama uses the Nama of Srimati Seeta Devi and Name of Hanumanji which reminds one of the event of Hanumanji meeting Seeta Devi which was about discussing Rama Nama. Thus the Seeta Ram Hanuman Mantra is the revealed aspect of Shri Hanumate Namah Mantra.


The “Shri” part of the mantra is the Upanshu aspect of the mantra which is the subtle body of the mantra. The “Hanumate Namah” Part of the mantra is the Baikhari aspect of the Mantra, the Physical Aspect of the Mantra while “Rama” is the spiritual aspect of the mantra or also known as Ajapa Aspect of the mantra, the attainment of the mantra itself. Sri Hanumanji Maharaj is the universal Guru Agent who enables the meeting of Srimati Seeta Devi and Sri Rama, where Bhakti meets Jnana and Spiritual Realization manifests.

Benefits of the Sri Hanumate Namah Mantra

Following are the immediate Benefits of chanting the Shri Hanumate namah Mantra.

Enhances Strength & Courage

On chanting the Sri Hanumate Namah Mantra everyday 4 X 108 times, one shall start overcoming all types of fears in about 3 months. One shall become automatically conscious about one’s weaknesses and shall get the strength to work on them. One’s body shall also start responding to positive vibes around and shall automatically start rejecting anything that is not in alignment with spiritual laws.

Removes Obstacles & Negativity

Hanuman ji Maharaj  is known as “Sankat Mochan,” the remover of difficulties and troubles. Hence chanting this mantra automatically rejects negativity and always pulls the sadhaka to positive forces that are essential for material and spiritual growth of the chanter.

Boosts Focus & Wisdom 


Hanumanji Maharaj, as the greatest devotee of Lord Rama, grants great concentration to the chanter and sharpens the intellectual capacity of the chanter. Hence chanting this mantra automatically improves the intelligence and emotional quotient of the chanter.

Increases Devotion & Spiritual Growth

hanumanji blessings

Chanting this mantra strengthens one’s connection with the divine. The individual automatically gravitates towards Sri Seeta Rama Hanuman and gets attracted to divine works like Sri Ram Charit Manas, the elixir of Kaliyuga that automatically elevates any sincere chanter of the Sri Hanumate Namah Mantra to the highest spiritual Platform of Sri Rama Bhakti.

Sri Rama alone, is the Lord of Lords, as per the revealed scriptures, bearing in mind that all forms of Sri Vishnu and Bhagawan Shiva are two forms and represent the single Bhagawat tattva or the God Principle.

Protects Against Evil Forces 

Shri Hanumanji Maharaj is the ultimate resort against all forms of Tantra and Black energies. So he shields the devotee from black magic, evil eye, and negative energies.

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Improves Physical Health & Vitality

Hanumanji Maharaj  represents ultimate Power and is said to grant healing to anyone who surrenders to the Sri Hanumate Namah Mantra, provided one follows all food rules and maintains the required celibacy for the mantra to start manifesting its dormant potencies.

Brings Success & Prosperity 

crossing hurdles

Unfortunately the world today is moving only towards career, growth, material affluence which is very miniscule or a negligible part of the entire creation so that stuck in these pursuits, man learns his lessons and prays for Grace to escape the powerful forces of Maya and attain the Lotus feet of Bhagawan Sri Rama or serve Sri Hanumanji, the Lord’s eternal servitor. Yet one cannot discount the mantra’s support in furthering career, studies, and one’s personal endeavors by removing hurdles.

7/8 Questions from Sanatana Dharma

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Rules for Chanting the Shri Hanumate Namah Mantra

Following are the Rules for Chanting the Shri Hanumate Namah mantra:

  1. Avoid non-veg/smoking/alcohol/onion/garlic/mushrooms and red lentils without any leeway if one is seriously interested in deriving benefits out of the Sri Hanumate Namah. There can be no exceptions.
  2. Unmarried people should avoid any form of sexual audio/video content and also maintain 100% celibacy and keep all their senses under control. Married People should only meet physically for giving rise to God conscious children and not interact for satisfying their sensual desires.

    For this being under spiritual guidance is absolutely compulsory, for this mantra to bear any sort of result. Chanting the mantra without following these 2 most important rules shall be like parroting some syllables which will be like a rant and nothing more. The rest of the rules apply or hold validity if one first totally qualifies for these 2 rules, never otherwise.
  3. When Rule 1 and 2 hold good, then looking at this rule and beyond shall make sense. Choose a suitable time everyday to chant the mantra on a counter or a neem mala 4 X 108 times daily.
  4. One should have the same time everyday at the same place to sit and chant the mantra after taking sankalpa. You can chant mantra after taking sankalpa. Watching the video How to Take Mantra Sankalpa? | Importance of Taking Mantra Sankalpa before Mantra Sadhana can be helpful.

Need for Sri Guru For Chanting Mantras

Last, but not the least. You shall find this in most of my posts and videos. Without a qualified Guru, none can make telling progress on the path of spirituality. Whether be it a mantra with Beeja or be it a normal mantra without Beeja, having a Guru is non-negotiable .


In the Bhagavad Gita Krishna , in Kshetra Kshetrajna vibhaga yoga :

आचार्योपासनं शौचं स्थैर्यमात्मविनिग्रहः।।13.8।। Where the loaded word “आचार्योपासनं” represents serving the Guru, Listening to his instructions, Obedience and humility to the Guru is indispensable.

Bhagavatpada Sri Adi Shankaracharya in his commentary on the loaded word आचार्योपासनं says मोक्षसाधनोपदेष्टुः आचार्यस्य शुश्रूषादिप्रयोगेण सेवनम् which means One must serve the Acharya (spiritual teacher) through acts of reverence, obedience, and dedicated service, as he is the one who imparts the means to liberation (Moksha).

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