7 Benefits of the Ganesh Mantra for Prosperity

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Introduction to Lord Ganesha: Symbol of Knowledge and Wisdom

Lord Ganesha symbolizes knowledge and wisdom. He is the son of our universal parents, Mother Parvati and Lord Shiva. Parvati Devi is power personified; she is the goddess of material energy, hence she is also called Shakti.

shiva parvati and ganapati

If we want material success, know that our chakras should be in balance to attract the energy currents that support our goal. Many times, the moving energy within our bodies is deactivated or sleeping; hence we are not able to execute tasks or achieve our goals. To fix this, we have the Ganesh mantra.

Lord Ganesha is the lord of the root chakra, which is at the base of the spine, also known as Muladhara chakra. Now, Lord Ganesha is the presiding deity of the Muladhara chakra. Without unlocking the Muladhara, we shall not get access to the higher chakras. The higher we travel along the chakras, the more the possibilities. A person with an awakened chakra has got immense potential; hence we should aim at activating our Muladhara chakra’s energy through this Ganesh Mantra.


If we please Lord Ganesha, he opens our internal gateways that were once preventing the flow of energy. He allows Shakti or Parvati Devi to manifest, who resides with Sadashiva in the higher chakras. With this potent charged energy unlocked through the Ganesh mantra, we can fulfill our goals, become powerful, materially successful, and do much more.

The combined energies of Lord Shiva and Parvati Devi are found in Lord Ganesha. If we worship Lord Ganesha, we attract the grace of both Lord Shiva and Devi Parvati. It is an ideal mantra for spiritual practitioners, students, general adults, and people across all age groups. It has wondrous material benefits as well as spiritual benefits. The secret Ganesh mantra is “Om Gam Ganapathi Namaha.”

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The Importance of Chakra Balance for Material Success

There are eight extraordinary benefits of the Ganesh mantra. Lord Ganesha is the lord of the Ganas; he is the lord of ghostly beings or goblins. The symbolic meaning is that he controls our unstable minds, which is no less than a ghost. By chanting this mantra, we gain control of our mind and mind-related activities.

mind and consciousness

All mental imbalance shall at once stop; instead, you shall think in a harmonious manner, attracting positivity in your life. Chanting “Om Gum Ganapate Namaha” aligns the energies of the root chakra, namely Muladhara. This means that the tendency to laze around stops; your low energy currents get substituted with higher energy currents that enable you to pursue your goals.

If you simply chant “Gam” 10 times a day, you will get instant relief from different urinary problems. By closing your eyes and chanting “Gam” 10 times a day, you can prevent bad dreams. But “Gam” is also a Beeja Mantra and Initiation into this Beeja is mandatory. The mantra affects the intellect to the maximum; it fixes deranged thought patterns.

ganesha mantra gam

It promotes smooth energy flow through the Sushumna Nadi at the center of the spine. This means that your actions shall be correct at all times; your planning ability improves. Lord Ganesha is also the lord of prosperity.

Only pure intelligence can initiate true prosperity in our lives; hence chanting the mantra shall attract intelligence. You will get access to many unseen avenues of earning wealth; it is a special blessing of Lord Ganesha. By chanting this mantra, you will eradicate “In” from your life. Chant this mantra as many times as you can during auspicious occasions, days, and events.

You can chant it aloud or in your mind, but ensure that you chant the syllables clearly. If you are an artist, musician, or a creator in any artistic field, there is good news for you: chanting this mantra opens the gateways to creativity. You will see your creative skills improving day by day as you chant this mantra with sincerity.

If you are a researcher in the field of science, philosophy, or linguistics, there is good news for you as well. After chanting this mantra, you shall see many profitable opportunities in your field of research. You will get newer offers that shall improve your abilities and overall quality of life.


These opportunities will fetch you abundance both at the mental platform as well as financially. Your lifestyle will improve, and you will see more circulation of money. If you are a student, please chant this mantra as many times as possible. Chanting this mantra at a young age has stronger effects. It will help you concentrate in studies, perform well in examinations, and overall improve your thinking abilities.

Benefits of Chanting the Ganesh Mantra

Here are some special ways to do the Ganapathi mantra sadhana. It is a good practice to write the mantra carefully in a preserved notebook. Use a red ink pen to write the mantra “Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha.”

Continue writing this mantra at least 108 times every day for a span of six months. After doing so, you shall enable Siddhis, but do not miss a single day of this powerful sadhana. The Siddhi does not mean that you will be able to manifest everything and anything you think; your mind shall develop energy to attract future events early in your life.

So it does not mean that you change your future events with the help of this Siddhi. You can replace the events the way you want; you can experience future events now and delay your present events for the future. But still, life starts rapidly smoothing if one writes this mantra with full concentration every day.

The Ganesh Mantra and Mental Clarity

durva grass

Another good practice is to chant the mantra in front of a small deity of Lord Ganesha made of turmeric. Offer Durva grass; however, you can follow the same process for any Ganesha deity and replace the Durva grass with red or saffron-colored flowers. Now chant “Om Gum Ganapathy Namaha” and offer one Durva grass. Repeat this process 108 times every day. This can be a life-changing practice and remove all obstacles from your life.

Enhancing Creativity and Prosperity Through the Mantra

Chanting the mantra affects the intellect to the maximum; it fixes deranged thought patterns. It promotes smooth energy flow through the Sushumna Nadi at the center of the spine. This means that your actions shall be correct at all times; your planning ability improves. Lord Ganesha is also the lord of prosperity.

Only pure intelligence can initiate true prosperity in our lives; hence chanting the mantra shall attract intelligence. You will get access to many unseen avenues of earning wealth; it is a special blessing of Lord Ganesha.

Practices for Effective Ganapathi Mantra Sadhana

It is a good practice to write the mantra carefully in a preserved notebook. Use a red ink pen to write the mantra “Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha.” Continue writing this mantra at least 108 times every day for a span of six months. After doing so, you shall enable Siddhis, but do not miss a single day of this powerful sadhana.

The Siddhi does not mean that you will be able to manifest everything and anything you think; your mind shall develop energy to attract future events early in your life. So it does not mean that you change your future events with the help of this Siddhi.

You can replace the events the way you want; you can experience future events now and delay your present events for the future. But still, life starts rapidly smoothing if one writes this mantra with full concentration every day.

There is another powerful Ganapathy sadhana of Ucchishta Ganapathy, one of the 32 forms og Lord Ganesha. However his sadhana is purely tantrik and needs the handholding of a siddha tantra guru. Generally, sadhakas employ Vamachara practices to please Ucchishta Ganapathy.

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