7 Key Benefits of Swasthya Yantra

7 key benefits of swasthya yantra

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What are Number Yantras?

When we hear the word Yantra or try to visualize the looks of it, we imagine a complex and detailed geometric structure. Arranged symmetric patterns with the science of astronomy and algebra these Yantras are known as Mandalas.

However, Yantras are just not restricted to shapes and diagrams. Numeric Yantras which are closely related to numerology have also been an integral part of Sanatana Dharma since Vedic times.Our Vedic  Rishis have designed different number-yantras for different purposes.

For example, the Swasthya Yantra or the yantra for good health has numbers aligned in a way that attracts vibrations that rejuvenates our body. Now one may wonder about the relation between numbers and good health. Does it not sound illogical?. Well if we look closely medical science and medicine follow the guidelines of numeric data.

When we check our diabetes, blood pressure, weight or any other body parameter we receive the result in numeric form. To keep ourselves healthy, doctor’s advise us to maintain our body within a certain numeric range.

Not only medicine but also fields like architecture, business, science etc, are nothing without the existence of numbers.To put it plainly we would not have evolved if not for numbers. 

How does the Swasthya Yantra works

Swasthya means Health, and as its name suggests the Swasthya Yantra is designed for the betterment of health. There are various yantras for health that offer protection with some extra benefits.

However this specific Numeric Swasthya Yantra contains the energies of Lord Shiva and Lord Dhanvantari. For those who don’t know, Lord Dhanavantari is the deity of Medicine and Ayurveda.

swasthya yantra dhanvantri

Lord Vishnu in the form of Lord Dhanavantari emerged from the churning of the milky ocean with nectar in his hands. Symbolizing Life and Hope. Let us see the significance of lord Shiva in relation to the Swasthya Yantra.

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Rishi Markandeya was predestined to live  a short life of 16 years. Being an ardent Shiva devotee he spent his entire day in serving the Shiva Lingam. Pleased by such devotion Mahadeva defeated Yamaraja and blessed Markandeya with immortality. Symbolizing rebirth and victory over Death.

markandeya shiva

With the combined energies of Lord Shiva and Dahnavatri the Swasthya Yantra acts like a talisman, that wards away negativity.

Our environment consists of sound Vibration or dhvanis (cosmic sounds) that generate vibrations around us. These vibrations are responsible for our mental and physical health. This is a proven fact. Homes that contain contaminated energies are prone to create problems upon the individual and his family, both in the subtle and gross form. A Yantra is very similar to an aircraft. How?

Just like how reciting a mantra energizes the inner soul, making it capable for Sadhana. The Yantra carries the Mantra Ucharan (Mantra Pronounciation) done by the reciter and successfully conveys it to its specific deity.

sound vibrations

The numbers engraved on the Swasthya yantra act like a computer code that react to the entry of Dhvani or sound vibration around it. After purifying the vibrations by the help of its deity, the yantra reflects them back to the environment. Resulting in a happy and healthy environment.

Does the Swasthya Yantra guarantee 100% Health Insurance.

Now let us take a look at the efficiency of the Swasthya Yantra.

When purchasing the Yantra people ask questions like “will this yantra work 100%” or “will Guarantee complete health insurance”. Well the answer to all these questions may seem a little complicated.

To put it in a simpler world a yantra is like a medicine combined with various salts and minerals to cure a disease. But, it cannot meddle with the supreme will of Bhagavan and his divine arrangements. One has to go through his or her Karma. However, with the power of the yatra one can surely subdue the effects of a deadly outcome.

For Example, if one is destined to experience a serious head or hand injury, the effect of the yantra may reduce the intensity of the injury but it cannot avoid the situation. Similarly, while buying the Yantra one has to make personal efforts to maintain his/her body.

Maintaining the Body

There are 3 types of food: Satvika, Rajasika and Tamasika. Meat and stale food fall under the category of Tamsika food. These types of food make an individual lethargic and lazy, which in the longer run can even lead to depression. Spicy and oily foods fall under the category of Rajsika food.


Such food can make an individual’s body prone to reproductive and urinary dysfunctions. Fresh vegetables and fruits fall under the category of Sattvic food. Consuming Sattvic food daily not only makes the individual healthy, but also makes him mentally and physically strong.

In order for the Swasthya Yantra to unfold its glory it is necessary for the buyer to make certain changes from his own part. Make sure to avoid the intake Alcohol, cigarates or any such substance. Such stuff are posion for an individual not only spiritually but also from the material point of view.

Yantras will gradually loose their effciancey if one ignores these guidelines. Quitting Non-vegetarian food including onion garlic and meditating daily are some practices one must follow.

Product Description

Our Swasthya Yantra consists of numbers in the Devanagari Script. Written in a traditional style, Damodar Dasji prepares the Yantra by using the paste of Ashtagandha, Haldi, Chandan and other Natural Elements as per the Guru Parampara.

Using the sacred pomegranate stick he invokes the numericals on the Bhoja Patra, with specific Mantras that can infuse the required power into the Yantra.. The Yantra is normally made on the Trayodashi day which is very dear to Lord Shiva.

lord vaidyanatha

Having the blessings of Bhagawan Vaidyanatha the Yantra is suitably framed and worshiped with Divine Mantras and Aarati/Pooja is performed to invoke the powers of Bhagawan Vaidyanatha and Dhanavantari. The Yantra should be kept by the user beside Lord Shiva’s altar or house temple, daily energized and worshiped.

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Energizing the Yantra at Home.

As mentioned earlier Yantras absorb the negative vibrations surrounding it. Hence, it is important for one to keep the Yantra energized by worshiping it everyday.One can do that by reciting a mantra of a deity related to the Yantra. With respect to the Swasthya Yantra. One can recite the Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra or the Dhanvantri Mantra before the Yantra.

The steps to energize the Yantra at home are as follows:

  1. Make sure to install the Yantra inside the temple altar or at your work desk at the office.
  2. Everyday light a incense stick or dhoop and show it in front of the yantra.
  3. It is best to chant the Maha Mrityunjaya mantra 108 times on a Lotus bead or Rudraksha Mala. Prohibit using the Tulsi mala while chanting Lord Shiva’s Names.
  4. If you chant the Dhanvantri Mantra you can continue the chant with a 108 Tulsi mala. As Lord Dhanvantari is the incarnation of Vishnu.
  5. Chant using the right hand while using a mala bag.
  6. After finishing the recitation take the mala in your palms and touch it to your forehead. Think about the Swasthya Yantra and pray to it for health and wellness.
  7. Remember to keep the Mala in a safe place after chanting next to the altar.
  8. Follow this routine on a daily basis, and you will find improvements not only in your and your family’s health but also your environment in a matter of 6 months.

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