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7 Highlights of Srimati Seeta evi’s Mercy and Grace
- Sita Devi’s Divine Mercy – She intercedes for fallen souls, influencing Bhagawan to forgive sins.
- Universal Mother Role – She nurtures and protects all beings, including animals and devotees.
- Path to Liberation – Her blessings lead Jivas toward Moksha, ensuring their salvation.
- Sanctification of Lands – Seeta Devi transforms sinful lands into sacred spaces through her blessings.
- Divine Partnership – Her role complements Sri Rama’s justice, balancing forgiveness and discipline.
- Symbol of Compassion – As the embodiment of mercy, she shields devotees from suffering.
- Guiding Devotees – She exemplifies the ideal approach for seeking God through faith and repentance.
Srimati Seeta Devi is Free of All Faults
Sita Devi is devoid of defects which show up in the Supreme Lord Himself and the Jiva. The defect of the Jiva lies in his tendency to neglect God as a due result of his sins. The Lord is however not free from the defect of anger (although it is spiritual in nature), born out of concern. The Lord estranges from the Jiva due to the fallible Jiva’s growing sinful actions. But, it is mother Seeta who bridges the gap between the Jiva and Paramatma.
Seeta Devi: The Universal Mother Who Connects the Jiva with the Lord
The stepping stone towards attaining God is to attract the grace of Mother Sita. Just like a child approaches his mother before contacting his father for his requirements, the jiva must have the consent of Seeta Devi before he approaches Bhagawan.

A scriptural reference is seen in, Daya Shatakam of Vedanta Desika, where he expresses his gratitude to Niladevi (an incarnation of Lakshmi Devi, consort of Lord Vishnu).
Vedanta Desika’s Devotion to Niladevi: A Testament to Divine Compassion
Vedanta Desika says: “I offer my respects to that Niladevi who bewilders the all-knower Bhagawan in such a way that He forgets all crimes and sees only the good deeds of the jiva. I pray to that Goddess due to whose Grace and Affection for the fallen souls, the Lord Himself sanctions Jivas for Moksha.”
In a Divine conversation between the eternal couple, the Goddess asks: “If the Shastras always delineate sins for sinners, then when do You (Bhagawan) get an opportunity to display your ever-forgiving nature?” The Lord counter questions the Goddess: “If I keep displaying my forgiving nature, then when do I get an opportunity to follow my own words, the Shastras?” Both pondered over the concerns raised by one another.
Seeta Devi: Protector and Advocate for All Creatures
The universal mother proposed an idea to which the Lord gave his full acceptance. She said: “Oh Lord, please relieve devotees who have sinned in the past. Relieve those devotees who promise You that they will follow the Shastras and not commit crimes any further. In this way you will fulfil My desire. You’ll get an opportunity to display Your kind-hearted nature.
On the other hand, fulfil Your desire by punishing the truly sinful beings who have forgotten You. Forgetting You is the greatest of all crimes and therefore keep the Shastric penalties for those who do not realize that they have sinned and who do not seek the shelter of your Lotus feet.”
The Lord accepted the witty proposal of his consort who in turn addressed her children (the jivatmas) by saying: “I will introduce every Jiva as a surrendered and an ardent devotee of Bhagawan. Hence, none of you will undergo suffering.”
A mother is most concerned about the well-being of her children. Hence, Devi is called Jagat Mata or Universal Mother.
In the Ramayana, it is established that Srimati Seeta Devi is the most concerned mother. She does not allow any violence against her children, be it monkeys, crows, demons or any other creature. When Bhagawan was alone, Sri Rama slew demons. All the punished souls, be it the 14,000 demon army, Ravana, Vali, Taraka, Subahu, Maricha, etc were slain when Sita Devi was elsewhere.
In temples, Sri Vishnu is accompanied by Mother Lakshmi and Sri Rama is accompanied by Seeta Devi, so that the Jiva easily qualifies for Moksha the moment he prays to His mother who stands beside Bhagawan. The Lord grants Moksha to such ardent devotees.
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Sri Rama glorifies Seeta Devi
Sri Rama grew pensive, pondering over the possible consequences if he didn’t reach Ayodhya at the earliest. He requested his friend Vibheeshana: “Oh friend, I left Ayodhya with my wife and brother for 14 years to fulfil the vow of my father. Today, the promise has been fulfilled. But, I am extremely worried for Bharath.
The day is about to end and we must reach Ayodhya as soon as possible for if I don’t, my dear Bharat will abandon His body. He is extremely attached to Me. If He doesn’t find Me at the end of the 14 years of exile, He will not live for a moment. So, can you arrange for some means by which I can reach Ayodhya on time?”
Vibheeshana was delighted to offer his services as he said: “Oh Lord, please sit on this Pushpaka Vimana and honor me by granting your service. This vehicle travels at a rampant pace and is the most suitable for your service. My brother used this very vehicle for heinous activities. But, if You use this it will get sanctified.” The Lord accepted Vibheeshana’s humble token of love and along with Sita Devi and brother Lakshmana he boarded the Pushpaka Vimana.
They flew across various places. Sri Rama simultaneously engaged Seeta Devi by narrating stories associated with the places.
Sita Devi’s Divine Blessings During the Journey to Ayodhya
Sri Rama said: “Seeta, shower your blessings on this land and look carefully at each and everything so that people can benefit from this place.” Seeta Devi immediately replied: “I have been looking at the trees, mountains, and greenery of this place for the past 10 months. But, you haven’t spent much time here and therefore you ask me to look around.”
“No, you haven’t looked around with love but with eyes full of anger. Ravana was atrocious and this land was polluted as a result of his crimes. But, you must be aware that the present king, my friend Vibheeshana, is a rightful heir to this kingdom and he is my ardent devotee. Hence I insist that you look at this place with much benevolence for this land has been rid of its sins and with your blessings, fortune and prosperity shall be manifold. ”
The Role of Sita Devi in Sanctifying Ravana’s Kingdom
After travelling for some time, Sri Rama reached the Setu He built over the sea. He said: “See, I have built this bridge along the sea which will in future become a place of worship. Whoever comes to this pilgrimage and worships Me will have his sins reduced to ashes. Therefore Seeta, you must look at this site carefully and shower your blessings, so that devotees receive maximum benefits from it.”
On their journey on the magical flight, they halted at Kishkindha, (the residence of Sugriva) and Rishi Bharadwaja’s hermitage. The monkey residents of Kishkindha were blessed to travel along with the divine couple on the flight.
These instances are being discussed here to glorify the couple Seeta-Ram, who incarnated to rid man of all his sins and protect the most fallen souls on Earth.
Without the blessings of Srimati Seeta Devi, Sri Rama will be as far as the Sun from Earth. Sita Devi is an ocean of causeless mercy as she blesses the cursed land of Ravana with fortune.
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