7 Profound Benefits of Mother Kali’s Ashtakam


Mother Kali’s Kalika Ashtakam

Kali Ashtakam also known as Kalika Ashtakam is dedicated to Mother Kali. Kali also known as Kalika is the consort of Lord Shiva. Though there are strange elements associated with Kali Devi, something mysterious about Her attracts people from all walks of life. Her complexion is black and her eyes are wide open glaring sharply at the sinful.


Laughing in intoxication, she has large protruding teeth. She wears a garland of heads and a waist belt of severed hands. In one hand, she holds the head of a giant and a bloody sword in the other. This human head symbolizes the ego. The form of Kali Devi may appear gore. Only a selected few qualify as her devotees.

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What does Mother Kali Symbolize?

She symbolizes the destructive power and is referred to as the Dark Mother. Her form as Mahakali represents the supreme Brahman and is venerated to attain Moksha. To know about the mantra for Moksha in Kaliyuga, watch our video on Hare Krishna Mahamantra. Kali Devi is the first and most important Mahavidya.


Adi Shankaracharya has written the Kali Ashtakam for common use, so anybody can chant this Ashtakam. The deity is mostly famous in Bengal. Kali Devi has three eyes which signify the past, present, and future. It also denotes the three life stages: birth, maintenance, and death.


She kills the Asuras of lust, anger, pride, greed, attachment, and envy thus purifying the individual. Chant the Kali Ashtakam for devotion’s sake leaving aside lower tendencies of profit and gain. Mother Kali appreciates Bhakti more than anything else.

Sri Ramakrishna’s Relationship with Mother Kali

A live example of selfless devotion towards Mother Kali is Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa. He considered the goddess as his own mother. There are several instances where the goddess has fed him with Her own hands. However, Siddhas or the spiritually enlightened only attain such an exalted state.Watch our video on Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa to know his top 5 best teachings.

The Story of Jada Bharata

Mother Kali has great respect for the devotees of the Supreme Lord. Jada Bharata was a top-class Jnani. In order to obtain a son by the blessing of Kali, some thieves and dacoits captured him and brought him as a human sacrifice. Offense against a devotee is unpardonable.

Mother Kali immediately appeared from the idol and cut the heads of the assaulters with the sword. She looked very fearsome and the personification of anger. She along with her female attendants then drank the blood oozing from their heads as if it was not blood but was liquor. Thus, this pastime displays the affection of Mother Kali for those who pursue devotion.


There are many who ask from the goddess, but there are very few who genuinely love Her. She is the only goddess who has the power to completely remove traces of leftover Karma. There are three Dhyanam verses which describe the form and personality of Kali Ma. The purpose of Dhyanam is to visualize the deity by calling out her various qualities so that she manifests in our hearts.

Thereafter starts the Ashtakam. Each shloka consists of four lines ending with the refrain स्वरूपं त्वदीयं न विन्दन्ति देवाः

which means even the Devas cannot know Your mystical divine nature.

Benefits of the Kali Ashtakam

Now I shall state the benefits of chanting the Kali Ashtakam. Reciting the Kali Ashtakam fulfills desires and protects you from evil forces. The Kali Ashtakam burns undesirable Karma. Negativity decreases.

Mother Kali is the reservoir of Aatma Shakti or the power of the soul. This enhances your personality and you speak boldly in situations you were scared to face on earlier occasions. Mother Kali destroys the inauspicious elements from our life increasing happiness and contentment. Another benefit is freedom from nightmares.

Mother Kali looks after your emotional health. You are able to handle your feelings better and outbursts of anger and guilt are reduced. You may also consider watching our on Kali Sahasranama where I present interesting facts about Kali Ma. You do not need initiation to chant this Ashtakam, but following a few rules is mandatory.


No non-vegetarian food, No consumption of alcohol and cigarettes. Also, avoid onion and garlic as they are Tamasik and a roadblock in spiritual attainment. People might argue that Kali Devi drinks blood.

Why Refrain From Non-Vegetarian?

Why individuals like us cannot eat non-veg? The Goddess is all capable. But we are not. We are Her devotees. So we should follow the Satvik lifestyle while worshipping devi, as ordained by the highest Sanatani Scriptures, which talk about the Satvik diet. The Upasana process is the Satvik way and the correct way to please Sri Kali Devi.

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