7 Steps to Invoke Hanumanji’s Blessings

7 steps to invoke hanumanji’s blessings

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The Greatness of Hanumanji

Hanumanji is one of the most loved deities of Sanatana Dharma- Why not? As Anjaneya he is the apple of Mother Anjana’s eyes, an abode of child-like innocence and joy. All said, he is devoid of pride and totally surrendered to Sri Rama. Being the fragment of Ashutosh Shiva, Hanumanji is very easy to please.

anjana and hanuman

He empathizes with less fortunate beings and hence remains on this planet  to guide spiritual seekers. Even in Dwapara yuga he served as a bridge between Sugriva, the unfortunate brother of Vali and Sri Rama, the scion of Ayodhya.

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Hence, Hanumanji is the guru who feels mercy and compassion for the world. Those who approach Him with sincere devotion, never return empty handed. Being a devotee of the Lord, he has a soft heart which melts on seeing his devotees in distress. 

Hanumanji Maharaj is the master of all powers- अष्ट सिद्धि नव निधि के दाता, aṣṭa siddhi nava nidhi ke dātā, yet he prefers to serve the powerful one, Sri Rama- राम काज करिबे को आतुर,rāma kāja karibe ko ātura.

A Scientific Approach to Pleasing Hanumanji

There are four steps to pleasing Hanumanji.

1) Faith (Shraddha) in Sri Hanuman and willingness to change for His pleasure. (This is the most vital step).

2) Making changes in lifestyle, food habits and daily conduct.

3) Keeping a Hanuman Bhakti Yantra at Home and worshipping it daily. (You shall find the link of purchase in this blog)

4) Devoting 15 mins daily for Mantra Sadhana.

In this blog article, we combine both Mantra and Yantra to boost results in both material and spiritual walks of life. So stay with us as we explore each point briefly.


Assuming, we qualify in the first step, (i.e) faith and readiness to change for Sri Hanuman, we shall now explore the lifestyle and food restrictions.

When we love someone dearly, we try to understand their mental construct, likes-dislikes and preferences. This initiative from our side, increases compatibility and bonding in the relationship. Same applies for our Vedic Deities.

They are living personalities each vibrating at a distinct energy level, differing in complexion, characteristics and purpose. We need to conduct ourselves in a certain manner, invoke their essence through certain mantras, Yantras, and take the first step in making ourselves agreeable to suit our Ishta Devata’s nature.

Here, I draw a comparison between Sri Hanuman’s nature and the qualification he expects from his devotees.

The Quality of Niswartha Seva (Lifestyle Restriction)

The very purpose of Sri Hanuman’s advent was Niswartha Seva, to teach the true mood of service. This quality of Selfless service makes him very dear to Sri Rama. 


Through his divine Leelas, he not only assisted Lord Rama in His pastimes, but also taught us the actual meaning of Seva- How to think beyond the ‘I’- How to renounce ownership, How to serve?

Hence, the practitioner must undoubtedly inculcate seva bhav, and serve Guru-Bhagawan without expectation. This is the first transformation that Hanumanji demands.

Brahmacharya (Lifestyle restriction)

Being completely celibate (Brahmachari), in thought, word and deed, Hanumanji has immense Ojas Shakti (masculine power), a valuable asset in God Realization. The power of Brahmacharya makes him agile, wellbuilt, and intelligent. 

The virtue of Brahmacharya can never be compromised, especially in Hanuman Sadhana. But how can married men and women follow Brahmacharya and yet be true to Hanumanji?


There is work around for that as well. Hanumanji too is considerate for Grihastha. The married couple should engage in sexual activity only on specific days of the week. Other days, they should observe sexual restraint.

If the devotee is sincere in His prayers, the tendency to indulge in sex slowly dies away leading to complete celibacy. This should be the ultimate aim of Sadhana. Unmarried individuals however should observe complete celibacy and avoid lustful thoughts at all costs.

No Non-Veg and Onion/Garlic (Food restriction)

Food makes up our thoughts. They form our Annamaya Kosha, hence a Sadhaka must be very selective about his diet.

Eating Non-vegetarian is suicidal during Hanuman Sadhana. Sri Hanumanji Maharaj is a Vaishnava, having pure Satvik food habits. He subsists on wild roots, fruits and leaves and also expects his devotees to follow a vegetarian diet. It can be anything vegetarian- pulses, cereals, vegetables or fruits (except onion-garlic).

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However, non-veg is a No while approaching Hanumanji. He cannot abide in a place where one cooks and eats non-veg. Our body is the Lord’s temple. One must always keep it pure.

Vaishnavas even exclude Onion/garlic regarding them as Rajasic foods. The reason being- Onion-garlic increases lust and distracts one from the spiritual path. Hence, if one is serious in winning the heart of Sri Hanuman, one must renounce non-veg and onion-garlic for good.

7/8 Questions from Sanatana Dharma

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Product Description

The Hanuman Bhakti Yantra is a 4×4 grid composed of Beejaksharas which invoke the essence and being of Sri Hanuman. The Syllables are designed and arranged in a way to draw Sri Hanuman’s attention towards us.

The Beejas are written in Devanagari Script. Damodar Dasji personally prepared the Hanuman Bhakti Yantra on Bhoj Patra using natural pomegranate sticks and Ashtagandha. To preserve it, we stuck the Bhoj Patra on cardboard and covered it with plastic, giving it a sturdy front. This Hanuman Bhakti Yantra should be respectfully placed in the temple altar and worshipped everyday.

How the Hanuman Bhakti Yantra Works?

Hanuman Bhakti Yantra serves as a catalyst in your journey of Hanuman Bhakti. However, the Yantra demands a certain level of faith in Hanuman ji and the Yantra for the desired results. Faith is the electricity that burns the torch of Bhakti.

Keeping Hanuman Bhakti Yantra at Home, creates an environment favourable for Hanuman Sadhana. The Hanuman Bhakti Yantra is like waving a red flag to a passing helicopter when stuck on a desolate island.

The desolate island can be compared to your present problem, be it financial, professional or domestic while the Helicopter relates to Hanumanji. The Yantra is the red flag that serves as a signal to BajrangBali requesting him to favour us.

Benefits of Keeping the Hanuman Bhatki Yantra?

You may accidentally receive Hanuman or Sri Ram Prasad, Gulkand from your neighbor/acquaintance. Hanumanji shall frequently present himself at various instances. It can even be a mundane occurrence. Such as behind the poster of an autorickshaw, or car, on the banner of a restaurant, an invitation card etc.

Such daily occurrences show that He is reciprocating or responding to your devotion. For some people, it may work subtly. One may develop sudden interest in reading the scriptures, visiting temples, praying, and chanting.

When these practices deepen, Hanumanji manifests in the devotee’s heart as bouts of realization. He may even resolve a complex situation at home or office only to deepen your faith and devotion towards Him.

Hence, the changes can be dramatic or subtle depending on individual faith. Well, we also sell Sankat Mochachan Hanuman Yantra designed to offer relief from life problems. You may consider purchasing that too.

How to Energize the Hanuman Yantra and Hanuman Mantra Secret

Now, I shall mention the method of the nergizing the yantra everyday. The method is simple and can be followed everyday.

1) Place the Hanuman Bhakti Yantra in your temple altar.

2) Show dhoop to it and whisper the mantra- “Shree Hanumate Namah”

3) Thereafter infront of your temple altar, sit on a woolen asana, and concentrate on the yantra for 2 minutes. Let the beejas seep into our subconscious.

4) Using a Lalchandan mala, chant one round of Shree Hanumate Namaha Mantra. The mala should have 108 beads with the 109th bead being meru from which you start chanting. Do not expose the mala. Instead keep it covered, inside a chanting bag.

red chandan mala

5) After chanting, keep the mala on your palm and touch it to your forehead, bowing your head. Think of Hanumanji, and the Hanuman Bhakti Yantra seeking their care and protection.

Do this process everyday, and you shall witness positive transformations within 2-3 months.

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