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Bhairava Sadhana or Meditation on Vedic and Tantric deities represent powerful ways of invoking the huge reservoir of Nature into our very being. Kala Bhairava Sadhana is a specific form of Bhairava Sadhana.
Seekers perform a Sadhana with either of the 2 intentions:
1) To gain some material benefits
2) For the Love of the deity
I find it necessary to mention that invoking Tantric deities with the intention of gaining something in return can prove detrimental. It must be compulsorily done under the guidance of a Siddha Guru. Beeja mantras and puja vidhis of Tantrik deities must not be practiced by yourself.
This article is for informational purposes. It does not encourage self-practice.
Commencement of a Kaala-Bhairava Sadhana
A certain devotee by the name Pramila (Name changed to maintain anonymity and confidentiality) invoked Kala Bhairava and Kala Bhairavi into her being.
She did that without too much conscious effort. Over time, she attained Siddhi of the deities and accepted them as her Masters.
The deities remained ever-present with her for her assistance and protection. People can invoke Tantric Devis and Devatas easily, provided one remains extremely sincere and devoted to them and the Tantric Guru.

Invoking Sri Bhairava – A Powerful Form of Lord Shiva
Normally, people have two paths namely:
1) Vama Marga: The left-handed path that does not pertain to the Vedic methodologies.
2) Dakshina Marga: The right handed path that pertains to the Vedic methodologies.

The deities stay invoked through the medium of love alone, provided one does not seek any material benefit from the Sadhana process. This is one form of invocation.
In many cases, people invoke the Grace of Lord Bhairava at the time of marriage. Kala Bhairava Sadhana though is not recommended.
There are many Forms of Lord Shiva out of which Sri Bhairava is extremely powerful. He protects and blesses the devoted married couple.
In the mode of Sattva, devotees who invoke the grace of Sri Bhairava consider performing a small sadhana routine to help energize the powers of the deity.
Through this method, Pramila could invoke various deities in her being along with Kala Bhairava.
Bhairava Sadhana: Offerings to Bhairava
Lord Bhairava becomes extremely happy with some sweetmeat, jaggery, and two pieces of clove. If one offers these materials with Love inside a Havan Kund (Sacrificial fire altar), one can obtain the grace of Bhairava.

A sadhaka should ensure that he offers sweetmeat mixed with clarified butter to Agni Deva on the Altar. One should also ensure that the sacrificial fire is lit along with the help of oil cakes made out of the dung of Indian cows.
Bhairava Sadhana: Significance of Black Dogs
On Earth, Lord Bhairava assumes the form of a black dog to assist his devotees. Many times, black dogs automatically arrive at the doorsteps of the devotees who have successfully attracted the Grace of Sri Bhairavanath and His consort Bhairavi Devi. This is a fact!. Especially if one performs Kala Bhairava Sadhana dogs will be at your door step for your protection. Offer food to such dogs. You will be certainly protected by the great Lord.
If one feeds a black dog, remembering Him, Lord Bhairava accepts the offering through the black dog, with Love.

You can also feed sweet milk to the black dog. Lord Bhairava enjoys such an offering. Once we integrate such a routine into our lives, we can be more than certain that Lord Bhairava shall remain with us. He shall be there with us at all times ensuring our total protection from the evil forces surrounding us.
Performing Fire Sacrifice for Lord Bhairava
Pramila, kept herself busy performing fire sacrifices of different kinds. Subsequently, she won the grace of the many deities within the Tantric ambit.
She developed a sudden interest to serve Lord Bhairava. She offered two cloves as “Bali” or offering to Bhairava, considering Agni Deva as a form of Lord Bhairava.
Pramila kept a plate of cow dung cake next to the sacrificial Altar. By taking the name of Lord Bhairava, in her heart, offered two pieces of clove on the cake.
Soaking the cloves with clarified butter she kept a piece of jaggery on it. She offered a milk sweet along with the piece of jaggery.
This process of offering to Bhairava, continued, intermittently during her several sadhana routines throughout the month.
Kala Bhairava Sadhana: Intiation into a Mantra from a Guru
Performing a few rounds of the Shiva mantra “Om Namah Shivaya” while undertaking such Kala Bhairava sadhana will be beneficial. One should perform the Panchakshari Shiva mantra along with the Kala Bhairava Mantra.
A person adept in the use and practice of the mantra should take the position of an initiating Guru so that one can safely take up the sadhana.
Taking the mantra, from an experienced sadhaka shall yield immediate results. What do I mean by an experienced Sadhaka? An experienced sadhaka is a person who has has already mastered the nitty-gritty of concentration and who carries the aura of the deity along with him.
In this case, the Guru carries the Aura of Sri Bhairava Nath. Hence, if we accept the mantra from such a sadhaka, we shall be able to attract the attention of Lord Bhairava, through a process of recommendation.
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Importance of Guru in the sadhana process
The person granting the mantra, shall, in a way, be recommending you to the deity. Such a person is a Guru. Only an experienced sadhaka, convinced about your commitment and sincerity agree to give you the mantra, following the Tantric Vidhi (Process).
Many deities appear in the body of Pramila
The case of Pramila presents an interesting study for aspirants interested in Bhairava Sadhana.

Pramila used to do a daily Havan (Fire Sacrifice) for her Kula Devi (Family deity, a form of Devi Shakti).
On one such occasion, Devi appeared in her body (Sawari or vehicle).
When Devi makes a person the vehicle, the Powers and Mood of that Deity immediately take over the individual. On that occasion, the first deity to use her as a vehicle was her Kula Devi (or family deity).
Next, all the Tantric deities appeared in her person one by one and suffused her with their individual powers. People surrounding her at that moment stood dumb-founded and aghast as the deities took over Pramila.
Complete protection for the Devotee
The deities revealed the sincerity of Pramila and what powers she gained, on account of the many sadhana practices she undertook over many years.
Kala Bhairava and Kala Bhairavi assured the assembled crowd that Pramila now came under the dominion of Tantric gods headed by Sri Bhairava and Bhairavi.
The deities further revealed, that Pramila’s house and family members now stood protected with an invisible powerful fence and that no force on earth could pierce through this fence.
The Two Forms
Two types of sadhana are:
1) Done with an intent to fulfil desires.
2) Done in the mood of Love or Bhakti.
- When a person focuses on manifesting a certain result in his life, such as putting an end to his enemies, or gaining profits in business, etc the goal is far different.
At that time, no love or Bhakti can be manifested. The Sadhana will primarily focus only on stringent rules and regulations. Such a person should follow specific practices, with precision, in order the invoke the special Grace of the deity. Only then can there be a possibility of the fulfilment of desires. - In the case of having a special type of liking for the deity, it is for the love of the Ishta Devata, that one undertakes sadhana. Such a Sadhana is based only on the pure emotion of love, without any expectation.
Here love qualifies as the predominant driving element of the sadhana and the process of sadhana has secondary importance.
So, for the people carrying out specialized sadhana to attain specific results, (where Love for the deity does not have much significance), mistakes are not pardoned.

The sadhana process has to be carried out in an exact manner, as mentioned in the Tantric text, taking into account the time, place, and circumstance.
Thus these two types of approaches have far-reaching significance and experts consider these two as distinct forms of sadhana, with extremely diverse objectives.
Siddhi- An outcome of Grace
Siddhi in sadhana does not mandate any specific qualification in the sadhaka. The word Siddhi means Grace that one attains only through Love for the deity. This Love for the deity takes the form of sadhana and Havan or Homa. One should stand firm with this understanding before beginning their sadhana journey.
In today’s age, people do not have the time or resources to perform extensive mantra chanting and fire sacrifice that spans over days involving sacrificial materials that costs too much.
The only ingredient required for sadhana is love and love alone. With love, every sadhana shall be successful.
Are Extraordinary experiences mandatory for Successful Sadhana?
Many times, people worry as they aren’t able to witness any miracle. Many Sadhakas may complain that they did not experience the deity, during the course of sadhana.
Well, that does not matter. What matters is Faith and Love born out of that immense trust in sadhana. Faith and Love become the sole channels that attract Grace, with minimum effort.
Only great quality sadhana can draw grace. Neither a perceived great process, nor money, nor resources decide the outcome of a particular sadhana. Only sincerity of purpose and faith drive the outcome of such Sadhana.
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