Concentration: The 5 Way Boost through Yantra


Importance of Concentration

Concentration guarantees success in any field, be it studies, sports, relationships or worklife. It brings confidence, a fulfillment, and a wholehearted approach towards handling the pressing problems of life.


Today, the mind is fragmented, as one tries to fit half-heartedly into various roles and responsibilities, ultimately not succeeding in any. Attention and Money are synonymous. Money buys the comforts of the outer world, while attention lights up our inner world, promising something great to manifest in the future. Hence, we say “pay”, for both attention and money.

Concentration Issues in Students- A worry for Parents

Concentration Lapses are a growing concern for students today. The whole world’s getting digital. The most extensive study books are now found online free of cost. So, every student owns a mobile phone as a norm of the day. While mobile and internet open avenues of learning, they also pose a threat to weak minded students, unlocking countless outlets of distractions.


During Covid, education had become online, yet many students scored poorly despite getting personal attention from their teachers. Many students were found wasting time on their phones, playing games, and chatting. Ironically, parents felt that their children studied hard as they stayed glued to their gadgets.

Today, the lockdown has ended and schools have reopened, yet concentration remains an issue that bothers both children and their parents alike.

Whom does the Ekagrata Vriddhi Yantra benefit?

Some children can study effortlessly, as their minds are programmed to excel in their academics. These students are naturally curious, probe deep into matters and want to learn and improve their school/college grades.


They tend to stay focussed and cut the unnecessary distractions by isolating themselves from their friend circle to achieve their desired goals. It is rare to find such dedicated students, but yes they do thrive in highly competitive environments. While they do not need any external motivation to continue, the Ekagrata Vriddhi does help such students hone their intellectual faculties and stay focussed despite odds.

While we discuss the rare class of students, the Ekagrata Vriddhi Yantra aims at helping the majority of students who struggle to sit down and open their books. Even if forced by their parents and teachers to attend classes, studies simply goes over their head due to short attention spans.

The little ones are simply waiting for time to fly and play outside. The college students are often seen texting on social media handles during sessions while others are found whispering about house-school matters with their friends.

While some of these students consciously bunk classes, there are others who try hard to resist external temptations but cannot due to bad association and friend circle. They try hard but do not succeed. The Ekagrata Vriddhi Yantra works best for such aspiring students who cannot set up their academic regime despite their efforts. Such students face trouble sticking to goals and setting priorities.

They may have decided to revise notes on a Sunday night but may end up in a theater at a friend’s insistence. They do want to score flying colors, but lack the guidance and initiative. Well, unless the student wills for self-improvement, no external tool or yantra can help.

Ekagrata Vriddhi Yantra to Improve Concentration

The Yantra works differently for different children. If the student needs hand holding and direct guidance, it may bring an able teacher to your neighbourhood or school. If your child likes self-study, one may magically come across a study material that answers pressing doubts instantly. Well, these are the external changes. Now, let us look at how it helps your child grow as an individual.

The wonderful Ekagrata Vriddhi Yantra channels energies helping one achieve goals. It improves retention, the ability to memorize long answers reducing flights of disintegrated thoughts in children. A student gets the grit to say No and stick to one’s decision, when a friend interferes in his/her study routine. To feel the power, the student must energize the Ekagrata Vriddhi Yantra Daily- a simple process before going to school/college.


When the Student worships the Yantra, recites the Saraswati Mantra and prays intently, the Yantra works in miraculous ways to provide the favourable environment for your child’s academic future.

The Speciality of Our Ekagrata Vriddhi Yantra

Ekagrata means Concentration while Vriddhi means increase or abundance. Hence, the Ekagrata Vriddhi Yantra is made to increase/boost concentration in aspiring students, or work professional who are cannot focus on their tasks The Ekagrata Vriddhi Yantra is special, ritually made on Bhoj Yantra using natural ingredients, Ashtagandha and pomegranate branch pencil.

This sacred Yantra is not machine printed. Rules of inner and external Purity were carefully observed during the preparation of this Handmade Yantra, making it incredibly powerful. The Yantra is already energized using vedic methods, available to help students/professionals in dire need.

Along with this potent numeric Yantra, you shall receive a pamphlet entailing the process of daily worship and a Siddha Saraswati mantra to maintain its sacred energy. You will receive the Ekagrata Vriddhi Yantra in a frame, ready to be directly placed in your sacred space.

Saraswati Devi Worship for Concentration

Saraswati Devi is the goddess of concentration, knowledge and learning. Her grace can make the dumb talk, the lame dance and a fool scholarly. Without her blessings, one cannot comprehend a single word of grammar.


Yantra aided by Saraswati Mantra, is certain to strike the brick. This approach shall dissolve various granthis or blocks that prevent the absorption of knowledge. Everyday, the student should humbly bow at the feet of Ma Saraswati and seek her blessings.

That is why successful schools have an idol of Saraswati Devi at the congregation hall. The mere vision of Sri Saraswati Devi illumines the mind, triggers insight, eliminates lower vibrations and promotes academic growth.

How to Energize the Ekagrata Vriddhi Yantra?

1) Installation: Install the Ekagrata Vriddhi Yantra in the home temple or in any neat spot, in the East direction.

2) Show Dhoop and Diya: Every morning, the Child should daily light a dhoop and ghee diya in front of the Yantra (with parental supervision, if young) and pray to Saraswati Ji, asking her to remove obstacles in learning, grant humility and trigger interest in studies.

3) Mantra: Sri Mahasaraswate Namah

Meaning: I bow to Sri Saraswati Devi, the goddess of knowledge and wisdom.

The Child should chant the above mentioned Siddha Mantra, 7 times aloud with folded palms and closed eyes.

Teach your child that knowledge comes only where there is humility. If possible, recite a short Saraswati Vandana with your child, highlighting the inter-connection between devotion and education.

4) Pooja Viddhi: He/She should apply a dot of Red Kumkum, Chandan and Rice Grains at the centre of Yantra. Do Namaskar at the end.

Be consistent with this process. Every morning Wipe the Yantra with a clean cloth and repeat the same steps.

It shall at least take six months for the Yantra to manifest its full power.

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