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The Aditya Hrudayam Highlights
In this video, we shall analyze the following aspects of the famous hymn Aditya Hrudaya Stotram also known as The Aditya Hrudayam.
1. The deity known as Suryanarayana
2. The Pancha Devatas of Santana Dharma
3. Basis of the Aditya Hrudayam
4. Chakras that are invoked with the Aditya Hrudayam
5. Benefits of the Aditya Hrudayam
6. Process of chanting the Aditya Hrudayam
Position of Lord Surya Deva
The Stotram is dedicated to Surya Deva or Lord Surya. Surya Devata is not an ordinary Devata like Indra or Chandra.

The Shastras mention Surya Devata as the Supreme Personality or Supreme Being, an Incarnation of Lord Vishnu. Lord Surya is essentially Suryanarayana. He is the Supreme Being known in visible form. He is mentioned in the Shastras as one of the Pancha Devatas.
6 Main Deities of the Vedic Pantheon
The 5 Devatas are Supreme Beings, the sole of the multiverse, and not ordinary Devatas. These 5 deities are Lord Vishnu, Lord Shiva, Devi Shakti, Lord Mahaganapathy, and Lord Suryanarayana. In many Scriptures, a sixth Devata is included. That deity is Lord Karthikeya or Lord Murugan.

What is the Aditya Hrudayam
If one invokes Surya Devata in the mood of the Supreme Being, one will witness miracles.
The Aditya Hrudayam is the greatest hymn that invokes the power of Lord Suryanarayana. These sacred verses of the Aditya Hrudayam appear in the Yuddha Kanda of Valmiki Ramayana.
The Stotram was a blessing that Sage Agastya bestowed on Lord Rama. Lord Rama was to undergo sleepless nights to defeat the mighty demon Ravana. The Stotram was given to Sri Rama by Agastya Muni as a trigger arrow, which saw the end of the ruthless Ravana.

The Efficacy of the Aditya Hrudayam
The Aditya Hrudayam encompasses within its body the radiance and splendor of Surya Devata in full. One can derive the full radiance of the Sun by repeating the Aditya Hrudayam. This, I cannot doubt. I have personally tested the efficacy of the Stotram.
It is auspicious to chant the Stotram daily. A person who does not find time to chant the stotram enough should at least recite it once on Sundays during the daytime. Before I describe the many benefits of the Aditya Hrudayam and the methodology of chanting the Stotram, let me tell you the power of Stotrams.
What are Stotrams and how they are different from Mantras
Stotrams are recited to save the sadhaka from the monotony of reciting mantras. Mantras may sometimes become boring if we are to chant for hours together.
Stotrams are equally powerful and shall also put an end to the monotony. Strotrams, use many syllables that have been put together scientifically by their creator that will invoke the inner chakras. Personally, I find Stotrams work better than mantras.
I say this from a very personal standpoint.
A Warning while reciting the Aditya Hrudayam
The Aditya Hrudayam uses syllable formations that shall awaken the dormant chakras. They activate the Muladhara, Swadhishthana, and Manipuraka all at once. You should watch our video Benefits of Activating Muladhara Chakra | How to Activate your Root Chakra?
Do not chant this stotram many times during the day. Try to avoid chanting it after nightfall. If you chant it too many times, you may not be able to handle the energy release that will take place. Such chanting also increases heat within the body and sometimes makes boils erupt all over the body if recited in excess.

Too many chantings of this stotram can also increase urinary infection because of excess heat release. People who are mentally weak or depressed should chant this Stotram under guidance. Otherwise, this Stotram can sometimes cause hallucinations or mental disturbances. So we should be careful in chanting these verses.
Benefits of the Aditya Hridayam
Now we shall cover the many benefits of Chanting the Aditya Hrudayam. This Stotram is the number one antidote to stop enemies. If anybody is envious or plotting against you, they shall be, at once, removed from your life. Enemies may also expose themselves without their awareness. This will help you distance yourself from such people.
My Experience with the Aditya Hrudayam
I have been saved from a great deal of office politics during my working years. I had been reciting the Aditya Hrudayam for several years when I served under an organization. Aditya Hrudayam can also provide good health.
Take some time to watch our video Remedies to Cure Diseases | Health Problems during Spiritual Practice
A Tip while Chanting Aditya Hridayam
There is a boost in body immunity because of the syllables of the shlokas. The recitation transmits positive vibrations to the nerve centers, calming our system. It is advised to chant the Shlokas not more than 3 times during the entire day. Trying to chant more than three times per day is strictly not recommended.
A List of Certain Benefits of Aditya Hridaya Stotram
The Aditya Hrudayam naturally raises eye vision. It raises water intake because of the heat it produces and improves blood circulation.Aditya Hrudayam is known to raise the mood and spirits of the chanter. It is best to chant the Aditya Hrudayam just before undertaking an important task that has to be delivered.

The success rate of anything taken up after reciting the Aditya Hrudayam becomes phenomenally high. I have personally verified this fact. Aditya Hrudayam ensures that confidence is always maintained. It disallows its chanter to become over-confident. It also helps maintain confidence.
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You shall be able to verify this fact after 41 days of daily recitation. The Aditya Hrudayam is also seen to increase appetite. Take care that you should avoid onions, garlic, and non-vegetarian food as you take up any form of Surya Sadhana which includes the recitation of Aditya Hrudayam. The Aditya Hrudayam can push you to a Satvik lifestyle because the brilliance of Surya Devata shall keep away all forms of darkness in food and lifestyle.
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Basic Aditya Hridayam Chanting Rules and Process
Maintaining celibacy is a must. This cannot be compromised under any circumstances.Now let us consider the process of taking up the recitation of the Aditya Hrudayam. It is advisable to wake up between 4:00 and 6:30 AM. Have a bath and wear clean white clothes.
It is necessary to keep the stomach empty. You should have a few glasses of warm water as you take up recitation. Avoid any other food. Place yourself towards the North-East or East Direction. Light a lamp with a wick facing East direction. The lamp should ideally be made out of the mud.

It should contain pure clarified butter from the milk obtained from a cow of pure Indian origins. Sit on a woolen mat or wooden asana. Ideal to choose a clean verandah for the procedure. Sit on the mat and begin your recitation. If you have time, you can have three complete recitations of the 31 verses of the Stotram.
Even a single recitation is good. Before you begin the recitation on the first day, take some water in the mid of your palm and make a Sankalpa or solemn promise that you continue recitation for 7, 21, or 41 days, based on your convenience and will.
After taking up the promise, ensure that you keep up your Sankalpa to Surya Devata. Missing a promise is like cheating yourself. After you finish the daily recitation for one of the three options mentioned earlier, it is advisable to feed the needy.
This solemn action will give additional strength to your chanting and shall transmute your prayers to the higher planes. If you take up such a sadhana, it will have a completely transformational effect on you.
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