Argala Stotram: 7 Keys to Inner Peace


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What does Argala Mean?

Argala literally means obstacles or stoppages, which means that the Argala Stotram is a hymn that will remove obstacles from our life. The Argala Stotram not only focuses on praising Devi Durga but also gives us hints towards leading a happy and prosperous life. There is a little confusion about the number of verses of the Stotram.

devi argala

At some places we see that this Stotram has 23 verses and in certain other places we see that the Stotram has 26 verses. This is because our Scriptures are ancient and we may have lost certain verses during translation or oral communication, with passage of time.

That is why one may see a lack of consistency not only in this Stotram but many such Stotrams that have been composed during ancient times. Goddess Chandika is the Adhishthatri Devi or that form of Durga Devi who finds first mention at the start of the Stotram.

Dual Role of Devi Durga

Goddess Durga plays a dual role in one’s life. She represents Victory and Auspiciousness for Her devotees. She assumes the form of Kali to end doom and darkness in the life of the chanter of this Stotram. She is praised as the better half of Lord Shiva and even feeds the Lord.

Her form as Annapurna Devi in Kashi is a reminder of the fact that anyone who praises Devi Durga will never go without food and drink. She is the mother of the universe and so, the regular reciter of the Stotram will never go unfed. Devi’s form as Swaha and Swadha finds mention in the verses.

annapoorna  devi

As Swaha she is fiery and as Swadha she represents Laxmi Devi, an essential aspect of Prakriti, with beautiful teeth. Thus a person who respects women as Devi Durga, as Swadha, is always protected by the mother. Nature always cares for such a person who respects girls and women as one’s own mother and sister.
This is the special mercy of Devi Durga.

Chant the Argala Stotram before the Durga Saptashati

Many times the Argala Stotram is read before the chanting of the Durga Saptashati. Please watch our video Benefits of Reading Durga Saptashati | How to Read Durga Saptashati? Chanting the Argala Stotram regularly can make you victorious in all your engagements.

Benefits of Chanting the Argala Stotram

It also has the ability to remove bad thoughts from the mind. Continued chanting of Argala Stotram also has the ability to turn your attention towards spirituality and raises the level of thoughts, making you spiritual over a period of time. The shlokas of the Argala Stotram puts an end to the dark nights of our lives be it grief or sorrow. It has the ability to diffuse Agami and Sanchita Karma and reduces the intensity of Prarabdha Karma to a very great extent.

man attacked by karma

It helps us fight our internal enemies such as lust, anger, greed, envy, illusion and self-pride. It makes us more aware and conscious of our moral standards.
It keeps us away from diseases and repels people who have the tendency to back-bite.

The Argala Stotram hammers the chanter sometimes so that he is rid of his false ego and becomes humble. Some may see this as a misfortune.
But such misfortunes transpire for our own higher good by which humility is enhanced.

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Increasing to Higher Limits

Sometimes we set our own limits out of fear and avoid confronting situations.
These limitations and boundaries get dissolved through regular chanting of the Argala Stotram. Our negative thoughts have the ability to breed viruses and harmful bacteria within our own body.

The Stotram arrests the multiplication of such organisms within the body, by first eliminating our negativity and then relieving us of the diseases caused by such organisms.

This is not to say that the mantra does this work without external intervention.
What the Stotram does is that it introduces the best doctors and medication to us, keeping the expenditure low. The Stotram is particularly effective in curing blood related illnesses. An interesting video on our channel in this regard is this one How do Diseases develop? | Curing Diseases through Meditation

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Protection from Shame and Criticism

Naturally chanting this Stotram for about 6 months will help us discover great inner calm and peace. The chanting of the Argala Stotram will also shield us from blame, dishonor, shame, criticism and clever people who are out there to topple us. By regularly chanting this Stotram one will attain qualities of pure clean speech and leadership qualities.

confident man

Goddess Durga also grants victory, fame, and money. When one learns to meditate deeply on the Stotram, it gives the chanter special benefits. It destroys the poison that life brings with it, during every lifetime. When this poison is destroyed, liberation is available to the chanter. Such is the potency of the Argala Stotram.

An interesting video to watch in this context is this one How to be Liberated or attain Moksha? | How to attain Liberation? The Stotram also helps activating the Ajna and Crown Chakra. Thus the Stotram is an important tool towards awakening the Kundalini Shakti.


For some people reciting the Stotram have seen their creativity levels go up.
Prolonged chanting of the Argala Stotram can take you to a state of thoughtlessness. Thus the Argala Stotram is like a Kalpa Vriksha or a wish fulfilling tree.

One should chant the Stotram under the guidance of a Guru for maximum results. Yet this Stotram does not mandate an initiation process.

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