Bajrang Baan Benefits: 9 Powerful Practices

bajrang baan

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Introduction to Bajrang Baan Benefits

In this video, we shall cover the following aspects of reciting the Bajrang Baan.When should the chaupais of the Bajrang Baan be chanted for the best results. Under what situations should the chaupais be chanted.

Who should and who should not chant the chaupais. A Simple process for Bajrang Baan recitation. Supporting Mantras and Stotrams for the chaupais.

Like the Hanuman Chalisa, the Bajrang Baan is another useful Mantra tool with miraculous powers. People infected with too many material problems should read the chaupais every day without fail.

powerful hanuman mantras bajrang baan

Astrological fixes for Chanting the Baan

Chanting the Bajrang Baan on Tuesdays and Saturdays is auspicious. The malefic effects of the Mars and Saturn planets are immediately nullified if one chants the the chaupais on Tuesdays and Saturdays. People who have Mars in an inappropriate house in their astrological charts should, without fail, chant the chaupais daily.

The chaupais literally mean the arrow called Bajrang or Hanuman.

The Bajrang Baan Meaning

The Bajrang Baan Means the Tantrik Arrow of Sri Hanumanji Maharaj. It means the “Arrow that never misses its mark”. It also means that one should use an arrow very very carefully and judiciously. One should never chant the Bajran Baan mindlessly without caring for its deep meaning and purpose. It has to be used only when the reciter is in deep trouble. It is also necessary that one should not summon Hanumanji just for “utility purpose”, as if the Bajrang Baan is one’s servant and can be used anytime.

The arrow can also misfire and hit you back if you use it without guidance under a qualified Guru. This is the actual meaning and philosophy of the Bajrang Baan. Whatever Problems that I describe in this post should be under extreme circumstances and should be used by people who are fundamentally having deep faith in Sri Hanumanj Maharaj’s infinite Power. It is definitely not for anyone and everyone.

How should one chant Bajrang Baan

The reading of the chaupais with faith is compared to an arrow, which never misses its mark. Irrespective of the type of problem, The chaupais serve as a universal solution. Generally, the chaupais are chanted as an auxiliary to the Hanuman Chalisa.

hanuman chalisa

People who chant the chaupais regularly are known to have good health and long life. Job-related problems, relationship-related problems, Health problems, and financial problems are immediately arrested.To see the effect of the Bajrang Baan, one needs to chant this twice every day, for 21 days, at a stretch.

Results that follow the Bajrang Baan

When a person undertakes even this minimum period of the chaupais recitation, one shall receive astounding results in one’s life. People harassed by enemies or inimical relatives find immediate relief when they chant the Bajrang Baan. There is one caution that one needs to take while chanting the chaupais.

bajrang baan benefits- tantrika hanuman

If a person is not a devotee of Hanumanji Maharaj and is surrounded by problems, he can chant the chaupais. This is because the Bajrang Baan is a Tantrik Mantra. The mantra has verses where the reciter reminds Hanumanji Maharaj about His devotion to Sri Rama and Srimati Seeta Devi.

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Why should we not make Bajrang Baan a Habit Mantra

The reciter is urging Hanumanji that if he is a true devotee of Sri Ram Sitaji, He should help the reciter. Such a statement should only be made by a person stuck in a great mess because we are inciting the devotion and power of Hanumanji Maharaj. There is no need for anyone to remind the greatest devotee about his devotion to His Lord unless the reciter is in dire straits.

One should avoid unnecessarily invoking Hanumanji Maharaj through the chaupais Instead, one can chant the Hanuman Chalisa or Hanuman Sankatmochan Ashtaka. The chaupais should only be used under very severe conditions.

Who Should Avoid Chanting Bajrang Baan

Thus, non-devotees of Hanumanji Maharaj should avoid reciting the chaupais without reason. However, a person with faith in Hanumanji Maharaj, surrounded by multiple problems, can request Hanumanji to solve his problems through the chaupais. Once the problem is overcome, he can stop the regular chanting of the Bajrang Baan.

You can watch our video Fraum Beej Mantra Benefits | How to Chant Hanuman Mantra. On the other hand, if a person is a big devotee of Hanumanji Maharaj, he can chant the chaupais out of love without an ulterior motive.

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Who can chant the Bajrang Baan without break

The only motive of such a devotee of Hanumanji is to attain the love and attention of Hanumanji. Only in such a case can a devotee chant the Hanuman Baan without breaks. The chaupais is thus believed to be a powerful mantra that is undertaken to cure dangerous life problems. Once the life problems are neutralized, one should stop chanting the chaupais.

life problems and solutions

But an ardent devotee of Hanumanji Maharaj has no restrictions since such a devotee only yearns for Hanumanji’s love. Now I shall reveal a powerful method of recitation of the chaupais, especially for people troubled by enemies, relatives, or who have relationships or severe financial problems.

Our video How to Overcome Financial Fear? | How to Overcome Money Anxiety?; will be interesting to watch. It is ideal if you chant the chaupais after 9:00 PM. Chanting the chaupais on Tuesdays and Saturdays is very beneficial. One should take a bath and wear red clothes.

Process of chanting Bajrang Baan

They should light a lamp in a mud container filled with clarified butter. The wick of the lamp should face the west direction. Use a sitting asana made of wool and face the west direction. Chanting the Hanuman Chalisa before reciting the chaupais are auspicious. Please watch our video Benefits of Chanting Hanuman Chalisa | Why Read Hanuman Chalisa? to know more.

Chant the Bajrang Baan 11 or 21 times at a stretch every evening after 9:00 PM. As you chant the chaupais, pray to Hanumanji Maharaj to relieve you from the current problems. One should observe celibacy as you take up the sadhana of chanting the chaupais.

Auxiliary mantras for Chanting the Hanuman Mantra

Women should chant the Khadgamala Stotram or Lalitha Sahasranamam and pray to Devi before invoking the power of Hanumanji Maharaj. This is mandatory. Hanumanji’s power is tremendously masculine, and invoking it, can affect the female body if the female force is not invoked simultaneously. Hence it becomes vital to invoke Devi Shakti before one invokes Hanumanji Maharaj.

powerful devi mantras

Hanumanji is also considered the ardent servant of Devi. She shall regulate his powers if Devi Shakti is invoked before chanting the chaupais. Generally, it is necessary to compliment a masculine mantra with a feminine Stotram or mantra.

The chaupais should be considered a temporary yet powerful practice to overcome life-threatening problems. It works best on such problems. The chaupais can be considered similar to the life-saving drug, rendered to a patient fighting for life in the intensive care unit of life situations.

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