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Who is a Shiksha Guru
In spirituality, a person who shows you the path towards Bhagawan or the Supreme Being is the Guru.
The Guru who gives you the methodology of such sadhana whereby one is able to enhance one’s meditation or mantra practice is a Shiksha Guru. The Shiksha Guru is a guide who addresses one or many sadhakas, but does not necessarily take total responsibility of any sadhaka directly, during the course of their practice.
This individual responsibility for an advanced sadhaka is the work of the Deeksha Guru.
Main Qualities of a Shiksha Guru
A Shiksha Guru essentially gives direct or indirect methods to perform spiritual practices.
The Shiksha Guru may be associated with a certain Sampradaya or sect and hence may render the teachings of that sect as his primary responsibility.

But time and again he may even propagate fundamental spiritual teachings which elucidate the 5 Yamas and Niyamas of Sanatana Dharma which are indispensable for a devotee who follows any of the paths be it Karma, Jnana or Bhakti.
A Shiksha Guru may have many followers especially when he is promoting or echoeing the universal aspects of sadhana, but may not individually find himself responsible for the overall growth of any sadhaka in particular.
That is the reason why he is a Shiksha Guru and not a Deeksha Guru.
Shiksha Guru contributes to the growth of Spiritual Values
The Shiksha Guru fundamentally promotes the basic value system of Sanatana Dharma.
An example of how a Shiksha Guru sets high examples is seen through the life of a great sage from the Gaudiya Parampara, by the name Sanatana Goswami.
The sage was well-known for his surrender to Krishna Bhakti and was always seen in divine communion with Lord Krishna as he would chant the holy names of Sri Krishna.

Once a villager approached him. The villager said “Guruji, I have heard that you possess a touchstone that could transform any base metal into gold. But now, you have disposed it off. If you do not mind I would like to have it.”
Sanatana Goswami smiled and said “Certainly you can have it. It is burried somehwhere in the muck at a distance. Go take it.”
The villager happily rushed to the spot and strangely, was able to locate the touchstone without much difficulty. The villager then made his way homeward after thanking the great sage. As the villager walked towards his home, he had a strange thought.
He thought ” If Sri Sanatana Goswami has thrown such an invaluable tool into the rubble, definitely he would have possessed something greater than the tool that I currently hold in my hand. If the great sage has handed over me, this touchstone, the sage would also part with that invaluable thing that he possesses now.”
So thinking, the villager walked back to Sanatana Goswami. The villager made his point to the sage. Sanatana Goswami smiled and answered ” Yes I do have something more valuable and I can give it to you.
The great thing is that, if I give that to you, it shall automatically multiply and I would possess more of it. I am glad you are intelligent enough to come to this conclusion.”
After attaining the knowledge of Krishna Bhakti, the great treasure that Sanatana Goswami was talking off, the villager went back to the dumpyard and hurled the touch stone back into the rubble with all his might, now that he had received the most invaluable jewel of Krishna Bhakti.
The touchstone of Krishna Nama, was only going to multiply with every chant. He offered his obeisance to the great sage and romped back home happily.
Essential Do’s and Don’ts for a Shiksha Guru
The Shiksha Guru should pray to his Ishta Devata and urge to the Lord that he should never be surrounded by name, fame, renown or material wealth.
It is said that a sincere sadhaka is always attacked by Maya, the indomitable exterior potency of the Supreme Lord, that tests the committment of the sadhaka. The Shiksha Guru is first a sadhaka.
He has only attained the position of a Guru by the blessings of his Gurudeva and the Ishta Devata. So it is important that the Shiksha Guru is rooted in this knowledge about his fundamental position. He should not go on the lookout of disciples. This is vital.

A Guru who is on the lookout for disciples, has already spelt doom for his own spiritual welfare.
There may be times, when the Lord tests the Shiksha Guru by drying up the students who apprach him for spiritual consultation. This is the time when the Guru has to spend time in Swadhyaya, spiritual contemplation and self-introspection.
He should spend time understanding the import of Scriptures with rigor. Many times, the Lord stops sending students to the Shiksha Guru as a prepratory stage for the Guru; so that he prepares himself for higher responsibilities. So, this is the time for the Shiksha Guru to further strengthen himself, spiritually.
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Main mannerisms of a Shiksha Guru
The Shiksha Guru has to be extremely humble and forthright. Truth and adherence to the word of the Shastra are his embellishments.
He has to be a personality of extreme abandon and grit. He has to be genuinely concerned towards whoever approaches him for genuine spiritual advice.
He has to give immediate preference to the spiritual seeker, but should avoid pseudo seekers who waste his time trying to get something of this world that is transient and temporary.

It should be his first duty to warn anybody that comes to him about the temporal and redirect such ignorant beings towards the Absolute.
He should encourage them to take up practices that will enhance the mood of sadhana, not for material benefit but for illumination. This is his primary responsibility. He should take the privilege to reprimand or reproach any being who is insistent towards the material way of life, but should not go after them.
This mannerism should be reserved for only those who specifically come to him and he is not expected to chase them in any manner.
Can a Shiksha Guru be a Deeksha Guru?
Yes, a Shiksha Guru can be a Deeksha Guru. But such a Guru who may have many students may opt for extremely limited disciples, as his Deeksha students.
Deeksha is an extremely sacred and confidential ritual which can admit within its fold, only highly advanced sadhakas, who by themselves have become a beacon of light. almost at an illumined stage.
Deeksha is not for everyone.
Out of several millions of sadhakas, only a few tens, can qualify for Deeksha, and that too after many years of rigorous sadhana under qualified Shiksha Gurus. A sadhaka may have many Shiksha Gurus but only one Deeksha Guru who makes a divine pact to incarnate every life time for a sadhaka who has taken Deeksha, till the time that sadhaka has attained Liberation or Moksha.

Not all Shiksha Gurus can qualify as Deeksha Gurus. This qualification can either be granted by one’s eternal Deeksha Guru or Bhagavan Himself who has qualified the Shiksha Guru to take up the responsibility of Deeksha.
The entire program of Shiksha and Deeksha is based on the higher domain and mortals not experienced in the field of pure spiritual science cannot see the Truth of such statements. It is to be lived, experienced and lived by.
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