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Highlights of Hanuman Bhakti
- Significance of Hanuman Bhakti in Sanatana Dharma.
- Hanumanji as the Samasthi Guru (Universal Guru Principle)
- Connection between Hanumanji and Sri Rama.
- Power of chanting Hanuman Nama in dissolving fears.
- Awakening love for Sri Rama, Sita, and Lakshmana.
- The role of Hanuman Nama in confronting Maya.
- Vibheeshana’s transformation through Hanumanji’s Satsanga.
- Hanuman Nama as a path to discovering one’s Vyeshthi Guru.
- Influence of Hanuman Bhakti on self-esteem and life purpose.
- Importance of Brahmacharya in Hanuman Sadhana
- Dietary and lifestyle rules for Hanuman devotees.
- Spiritual courage gained through Hanumat Nama.
- The link between Guru Tattva and cracking the false ego.
- Hanumanji as the protector against negativity and harm.
- Divine intelligence attained through chanting Hanumat Nama.
- Impact of Hanuman Bhakti on spiritual readiness.
- The significance of Hanuman Sadhana for material and spiritual growth.
- The principle of Dharma and Truth inspired by Hanumat Nama.
- Role of the Guru in amplifying the power of Hanumat Nama.
- Preparing for Guru’s grace through Hanuman Bhakti.
- Hanuman Bhakti’s influence on fostering unwavering devotion to Sri Rama
Exploring the Essence of Hanuman Bhakti
Sadhana has a direct connection with the quality of life. The higher the sadhana and surrender of an individual, especially applying a selfless mode of worship, the greater is one’s contentment, satisfaction, and happiness index. Today we shall discuss Hanuman Bhakti.

Most times, people primarily concentrate on Bhakti devoted to Devi, Shiva, and Lord Vishnu. But these are indeed higher forms of the Divine. Having said that, Scriptures regard being a devotee of a Pure Devotee as one of the highest forms of Prema Bhakti. This also includes Guru Bhakti.
The Spiritual Significance of Sri Hanuman Ji Maharaj
There is no greater Bhakta in the multiverse than Sri Hanuman ji Maharaj. This, the Supreme Lord Sri Rama proclaims. Even Sri Krishna proclaims to Sri Sudarshana and Arjuna that Hanumanji is one of His favorite devotees. Sri Krishna, Devi Rukmani, and Sri Balarama gave darshan to Hanumanji as Sri Ram, Sita, and Laxman ji.

Thus, chanting the name or nama of Sri Hanumanji has an extremely purifying effect on our consciousness. It releases all the muck of material life and gives us a taste of spiritual freedom.
Seeking Hanumanji’s Love Over Worldly Desires
We must pray to Hanumanji Maharaj to be with us, just to feel His love and not demand any favors from Him. Isn’t it logical that with Hanumanji by our side, the fever of Maya cannot possibly affect us?

Then why are we fearful of Maya Devi, and why are we deranged with the lust for money, power, and fame? When the greatest power of Hanuman ji is with us, why worry about measly worldly issues? This has been my personal experience with Hanumanji’s presence.
The Power of Hanumat Nama and Safe Practices for Chanting
Sri Hanuman is the highest epitome of strength and vigor. So simply by chanting Hanumat Nama, like Jai Bajrang Bali or Jai Jai Hanuman, is enough to protect us from all issues in the material world. This is an experiential fact of my life. I say this with utmost responsibility and authority.
Chanting Hanumanji’s name naturally awakens love for Sri Ram, Sita, and Lakshmana.
It also fosters a deep affection for the divine work, Sri Ramcharit Manas. Those who have not received formal initiation into a mantra can still safely chant the sacred Nama Mantra of Sri Hanumanji Maharaj: “Sri Hanumate Namah.”
Uninitiated individuals must avoid chanting Beejaksharas like Om, Kleem, Hreem, Ham, Hoom, Kroom, Kraum, Glaum, Hraum, etc. This thumb rule applies to anyone who has not taken complete shelter under an authentic guru.

Sri Hanumanji as Guru Tattva and the Path to Spiritual Fulfillment
Sri Hanumanji Maharaj represents the Guru Tattva. The goal of life is to reach Bhagawan in his eternal abode of Vaikuntha, beyond the ocean of pure consciousness, far away from the reach of the material world. When we chant Sri Hanuman’s Nama, he draws the attention of Vishnu Tattva, like Sri Rama, Sri Vishnu, Sri Krishna, or Sri Narasimha, depending on the inner mood of the sadhaka.

The sadhaka, in the initial stages, is not conscious of his inner hankering. Many sadhakas have begun chanting but have yet to seek refuge under an authentic guru for proper guidance. Know that one attains the ultimate purpose of life only by taking shelter of a guru, following his instructions, and serving him through thought, word, and deed. This is because one cannot achieve it on their own. . Because our true self lies within the hardest nut of individual existence called the false ego.
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Sri Hanumanji Maharaj: The Universal Guru and Guide to the Living Guru
Other than a living guru, no one else can take up this spiritual task of cracking open this nut called the False Ego. This is because within this hard nut of ego lies the soft diamond of love for Godhead, which is attained by a sadhaka in the Guru’s association. Sri Hanumanji Maharaj embodies the dominant aspect of the Guru. Therefore, people also call Him Samasthi Guru, the universal Guru principle. This is step one.
When someone chants Hanumat Nama by asking him to lead the way, Sri Hanumanji Maharaj takes you to the Vyeshthi Guru, or the Guru in flesh and blood, the universal Guru principle in flesh and blood. Such an individual who takes the position of Guru as ordained by Sri Hanumanji Maharaj takes full responsibility for the sadhaka.
The Role of Hanumanji Maharaj in Guiding Sadhakas to the Guru
The Sadhaka must diligently follow the Guru’s guidance, ensuring their spiritual welfare, and with Sadhana, gains the privilege of serving and caring for the Guru’s needs and emotions. Hanumanji is Guru Tattva, and hence it is important for the sadhaka to develop a mood of service and surrender to Guru.
The Guru can painlessly crack open the beginningless false ego shell of the sadhaka only when the sadhaka develops this mood. Through service and sadhana towards the Vyeshthi Guru, Sri Hanumanji, the Samasthi Guru, opens the refreshing floodgates of Divine Love in the heart of the Disciple or Bhakta who has been starving for pure love and yet serving the individual Vyeshthi Guru with one-pointed dedication.
This is the authentic process of serving the Guru and getting rid of our ageless false ego. Sri Hanumanji Maharaj speeds up one’s union towards the Vyeshthi Guru. So Hanumat Nama is one of the most effective ways of stirring the heart of one’s eternal Guru wherever he might be and manifesting him right in front of the sadhaka.
The Transformative Power of Hanumat Nama in Bhakti Yoga
The most important aspect of repeating Hanumat Nama is to prepare the sadhaka for higher lessons and make him humble and responsible. This is in line with the core principles of Bhakti Yoga. When a chanter takes the Hanuman Mantra from an authentic guru, one’s spiritual attainments progress by leaps and bounds and within a brief span.
Following this, one can clearly see the play of Maya and recognize how her illusion has trapped them through lifetimes.
The Courage and Divine Protection Bestowed by Hanumat Nama
Hanumanji’s tryst with the demoness Singhika and the agent of the Devatas by the name of Surasa tested the courage and the intelligence of Sri Hanuman ji, but Sri Hanuman ji killed Singhika and respectfully tricked Surasa and got her blessings as he flew over the ocean to have darshan of Srimati Seeta Devi held captive in Lanka. The Hanumat Nama grants the chanter freedom from all fears, immense courage, and divine intelligence. This depends on the commitment of the Sadhaka to the Hanumat Nama.
A person who chants Hanumat Nama should ideally do so under the guidance of a Guru, as the Guru’s intention and His own sadhana can enhance the potency of the Hanumat Nama by over a million times. This is because the ideal Guru has dedicated his entire lifetime towards practicing Hanumat nama under his Guru and Guru Parampara.

So if one is sincerely chanting Hanumat Nama, he shall see that no amount of negativity, black magic, or even physical harm can come anywhere close to him. This is the singular power of Guru Tattva, also known as Hanumat Tattva.
Sri Hanumanji Maharaj as the Universal Guru: Vibheeshana’s Transformation
Now why do we say that Hanumanji Maharaj is a universal or samasthi guru? We know Vibheeshana lived amongst demons. Yet he worshiped Sri Tulsi Devi and also chanted millions of Rama Nama daily. Yet, he could not save himself from the daily insult of his demoniac brother Ravana.
But during Sri Hanuman ji’s first visit to Lanka during his course of looking for Seeta Devi, he first visited Vibheeshana. This was Vibheeshana’s meeting with the ultimate principle of Guru, Sri Hanumanji Maharaj. Their first meeting triggered the highest levels of humility from both sides.

Sri Rama was the central theme of their loving exchanges.As soon as Hanumanji left after burning Lanka, sparing only Vibheeshana’s abode, Vibheeshana, inspired by Hanumanji’s Satsanga, gathered the courage to confront Ravana for the first time.
Though Ravana initially silenced him, forcing him to withdraw out of fear of being expelled from Lanka, Vibheeshana, now emboldened by Hanumanji’s influence, mustered the strength to appeal to Ravana, urging him to return Seeta Devi, the mother of the universe, to Sri Rama.
Vibheeshana’s Defiance and Courage
This time Vibheeshana stood his ground, but Ravana kicked him on his chest, where Sri Rama lived. This gave courage to Vibheeshana, and he forsook Ravana and took shelter at the feet of Sri Rama. How did this magic happen?
The only reason this transpired was the influence of the Samasthi Guru, Sri Hanumanji Maharaj. Chanting Hanumanji’s Nama is also useful when one is low in confidence, and one can gain immensely in improving one’s self-esteem and realization of life.
Hanumat Nama: The Path to Sri Rama’s Grace
One who chants Hanumat Nama automatically becomes Sri Rama’s favorite, and one’s service of Sri Rama shall automatically increase. The principle of Dharma and Truth, the backbone of Sanatana Dharma, inspires one to live righteously, when Sri Rama comes to us through Hanumat Nama.
There are some fundamental rules that are extremely important if one is to take shelter of Hanumanji Maharaj, even before we get our personal or Vyeshthi Guru, which shall happen by the divine will of Hanumanji. This happens if we are sincere and have the clarity of intention.
One should be only interested in pursuing spiritual goals, in attaining Bhagawan’s love and nothing else. One should strictly avoid pungent vegetables like onion and garlic, red lentils, and non-veg/eggs and also avoid all forms of intoxication, during the course of Hanuman Sadhana.
Brahmacharya: The Foundation of Hanuman Sadhana
The backbone of Hanuman Sadhana is indeed Brahmacharya, or continence. This, one has to do under the benign care of Guru. One should avoid any form of Hanuman Sadhana without adhering to the principles of Brahmacharya.
If one tries to perform Hanuman Sadhana without paying heed to refraining from sexual urges, one is duly punished by Hanumanji for certain. It shall also lead to madness, mental derangement, insomnia or a range of diseases that may throw the mind off balance. So it is a must to maintain Brahmacharya at all costs, if we take up any form of Hanunuman sadhana.
For this one must willfully and consciously avoid all audio-visual content that excites one’s senses, and one must unnecessarily avoid interactions with the other sex. If one does so with utter dedication and sincerity, Sri Hanumanji shall assist an individual towards his material and spiritual growth. This is a guarantee.
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