Have A Powerful Spiritual Discipline

spiritual discipline

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What is the need for Spiritual Discipline?

Man undergoes Transformation every second of life. It depends on the human species as to how it makes good use of opportunities for its inner growth. Today, we are outward driven and so we have become bankrupt within. Destiny, Karma, Fate, whatever you call it, gives us many chances to look inward.

stressed man

But we consciously turn a deaf ear to the inward call. It’s man’s loss and neither nature or the Lord have anything to lose from it. Spiritual discipline is that process by which we take cognizance of our blatant mistakes and take action to rectify ourselves. This action comprises of taking up practices like meditation, Bhakti Yoga, Jnana Yoga, Karma Yoga, Kriya Yoga or allied practices on a regular basis. When we do this consistently, we embark on the path of Spiritual Discipline.

What does a Spiritual Practice Comprise of?

spiritual discipline

Although Spiritual Discipline catches the fancy of many people, we see that most of us do not implement the above principles in the right manner. Hence, although from the ritualistic perspective we are following some or the other form of Yoga, it is usually a flawed approach. Spiritual Discipline, along with consistency and continuity, requires spirit and love for Higher Reality. Unless this Component is present, all our endeavors shall not transform into tangible attainments for Higher joy. It shall not translate into total freedom.

How should you adopt a Spiritual Discipline?

The mood of Spiritual Discipline is primary. The action should testify our mood. If suppose I take up a discipline of serving in a temple, as part of my practice, I will not have the right to choose what I have to do in the temple for service. I will have to find out the “need” of the temple and contribute bodily, or monetarily as the case maybe.

man distributing bread

“Choosing” one’s service is not true service. In the world of matter, the doer or contributor has an upper-hand as compared to the recepient of the service. But when it comes to taking up a service for our spiritual growth, it has to be remembered that the receiver of the service has an upper-hand when compared to the giver of the service. This an example of a rule in Spiritual Discipline. The fundamentals of any Spiritual Practice are the same and they start with Yama and Niyama.

What will you gain with a Spiritual Practice?

Spiritual Practice opens up the Jnana Chakshu or Spiritual Insight. It has other benefits, especially at the consciousness level. One’s Kundalini Shakti is aroused, if Spiritual Discipline is followed meticulously, with all sincerity. Following a Spiritual Discipline raises one’s sensitivity. Compassion or “Daya” becomes an attainment. The world today lacks compassion. Unless Compassion is felt from the core of the heart, life is useless, baseless.


Unless we become selfless, only caring to serve and care, nothing can save us from this unyielding whirlpool of birth and death. Spiritual Discipline of any kind is meaningless, unless we adopt a stable value system, from a competent person who has walked the path of genuine sadhana.

Although rituals and other limbs of Sadhana or spiritual discipline have their place, they are directed by genuine inner will and intention. It is also possible that certain spiritual disciplines may be suitable for some type of individuals but the same practices may not yield similar results to someone else.

Can Spiritual Practices be changed?

Spiritual Practices undergo regular course change with time. Spiritual discipline as a routine should never be stalled. But as we rise in consciousness, some of the Spiritual practices may undergo change. At a younger age someone may like serving deities and dressing them up with a spirit of love. But they may not be much attracted to chanting the Lord’s Nama. But as one goes deeper into the mood of serving deities, there can occur a shift in consciousness.

serving deity

As a result of one’s spotless services to the deity, the deity shall now pull the individual to chant the Holy names of the deity. Over a period of the Spiritual course, the deity service may leave the sadhaka and he may take up chanting the names of the deity. This should be seen as a sign of progress and only a genuine Guru, shall be able to decipher whether the spiritual cause has been served or not.

Is a Guru necessary while adopting Spiritual Practices?

The Guru is the backbone of a Sadhana Process. If you are not under the compassionate care of a genuine spiritual master, no amount of self-imposed sadhana can get you far.The guidance of a genuine spiritual master is essential for successful sadhana. The Guru is the one who shall be able to guage the progress of the sadhaka. Thus it becomes mandatory for the sadhaka to be in constant touch with the Guru and discuss his challenges while employing his spiritual practice.

The Guru is an empowered incarnation of the Supreme. Without the Guru, no spiritual upgradation can be imagined. Even if one is under the gentle care of the Guru, one is safe. The Guru is like a fence that protects a sapling. He is also the soil, rain and nourishment to the plant in the form of the disciple. The sun here is the sadhana process but unless it is supported by the Guru, all spiritual endeavors shall remain incomplete, however hard you try.

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Why should you be careful when you take up a Spiritual Practice?

One has to be very careful during spirtual endeavors. There are many rules, do’s and don’ts on the path of sadhana. One can never read books and assimilate this abstract but definite subject. Only a Guru can guide the right path towards your ultimate goal and that is Bhakti or redemption from suffering.

If we try to serve or do sadhana based on our own whims and fancies, there is no reason why we should not lose our way. Chanting mantras without direction can hurt one physically, mentally and even spiritually. There are many cases that I handle where people have taken up some spiritual practices without proper directions and have undergone hallucinations.


Some of them are forced to take psychiatric medicines and still others find disturbing events manifest in their life, although according to their own estimation they have been practising spirituality correctly.

8 Questions from Sanatana Dharma

The scores generated in this Quiz are absolute. There are right or wrong answers to each Question. A percentage towards 100 indicates that you are more aligned to the overall subject matter.

Is Time of Spiritual Practice very important when you take up a Spiritual Endeavor?

Many people are obsessed with Brahma Muhurta or auspicious timings. These aspects become important only if we are trying to transact with the deity. But if your goal is all round wellness and you wish to stay healthy, then it is our duty to seek and pray to the Lord to send the right Guru into our life. Then one has to get dedicated to the Guru and follow his instructions faithfully. There is no other consideration in Spiritual Discipline.

How can we judge whether our Spiritual Practice has been successful?

Yes, there are ways to know whether life is improving. Are we rid of all inauspicious habits like smoking, drinking, gambling in share markets, and unnecessary investments for fear of the future? Are we peacful and happy? Is the stress coming down dramatically? Are we being automatically maintained in some miraculous manner? Do we get intimations about the future, through mysterious resources? Even if there is a turn of Karma and life attacks us, is our peace being harmed? Are we seeing that we are being steered to a zone of complete security? If the answer to these question is “Agree” or “Strongly Agree”, that means your spiritual discipline is working, not otherwise.

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