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The Tragic End of the Himalayan Yogi Tat Wale Baba
A stray gun bullet saw the end of Sri Tat wale Baba on December 2, 1974, at about 4:00 AM. The question arises as to why anyone would try to kill a Yogi of the stature of Tat wale Baba. Could such a Yogi have any enemies in the first place?
One could possibly know the details of this heinous crime only from Baba’s foremost disciples Shri Shankar Das ji. This was a sensitive topic and one had to approach Shri Shankar Das ji Maharaj with care and concern. But, Shankar Das Ji frankly answered the question.
When some of the city-visitors, devotees of Baba approached Shankardas ji and expressed their shock about the unfortunate event, Baba’s foremost disciple said: A man living in the mountains nearby killed Baba. He continues to live there even now.”
This statement shocked the villagers. “How was that possible? Did the police not intervene?”, was the obvious question. Sri Shankar Das ji said “ Oh yes, the man admitted the crime and has already given his statement to the police. After spending a few months in jail, he is out on parole.
Situation after Baba’s Death
Sri Shankar Das Ji continues: “This man always gets out of jail. He has committed a third crime following Babaji’s murder.

However, now he is already out. He still continues to harass the locals.” As Shankardas Ji revealed these facts, he tightly bolted the door of his hut, as all the visitors sat indoors. One may wonder as to what was the need for a yogi to be so careful.
Yogis have nothing material to give and they need not fear any personal loss. Because, what they possessed was of no use to the common, material man. Shankardas ji’s hut was in a cave in the Himalayan mountains. Situated in a jungle that overlooked a city, his ashram was below the chasm that adjoined the cave.
Shankardas Ji strictly instructed them to keep this discussion secretive otherwise e life for the localities might become difficult. Leaking this confidential news to outsiders could make things worse for the inhabitants.
It was a hush-hush situation on the otherwise peaceful calm that normally existed around the caves of Rishikesh.
Shankar Das ji Reveals the Prediction
There was a foreign disciple of Tat wale Baba in the visitors gathering at Sri Shankar Das Ji’s hut. Shankardas Ji wanted the foreigner to go back to his country. He wanted him to present the tale surrounding Tat wale Baba’s death through the medium of a book, revealing tiny bits of information.

This was a very noble gesture, indeed, considering the severity of the incident and the opportunity via this book to tell all. The foreigner disciple questioned his God-brother, Sri Shankar das Ji, “Why did this man have to kill Baba?
Pat came the reply, “ This man was crazy and jealous of Baba’s growing popularity in the mountains. He is mad to such an extent that he believes people would go to him and write about him instead of writing about Baba, once he kills Baba. He is now posing as a sage. A false one for certain.
Yet very few have gone to see this wretched man.” Shankardas Ji continues: “My Guru, Sri Tat wale Baba revealed information about His death, long before. He very well knew that this crazy man’s bullet shall put an end to his life. However, no one could save him, not even himself.
But I was too involved with the service of my Guru and turned a deaf ear to the portending.” Thinking about His Guru’s last words, Shankardas ji inconsolably wept.
Why was Tat wale Baba killed?

Shankar Dasji was a close disciple of Baba, he revealed some extraordinary predictions made by Tat wale Baba regarding his death. Shankar das Ji reveals this information to his god-brother, a foreign disciple. He says: “Guruji (Tat wale Baba) had clearly told me that a rogue, a false saint was getting too jealous of him.
Tat wale Baba was more than certain that the rogue’s (staying nearby) bullet would find its fatal mark. He made this premonition 3 years prior to the actual event, on June 22, 1971.
Just two days prior to my Guru’s Mahasamadhi, he reminded me about his predictions in 1971.”, revealing this Shankar das Ji, cried. Shankardas Ji bent his head and wept piteously remembering his preceptor Shri Tatwale Baba.
Tatwale Baba’s foreign disciple stayed along with his God-brother Sri Shankar das Ji Maharaj. Soon the sunset behind the mountains and darkness enveloped the humble hut. Cool breeze started to leak inside the hut, through crevices of the locked door and the walls, making an eerie sound. At about 8:00 PM, it was time to retire for the night.
Life in the hills begins at 3:00 AM but ends pretty soon at nightfall. The foreign disciple used to retire to bed, late at night. So, he lay on his back and remembered his Guru Sri Tat wale Baba as he gazed at the thatched roof.
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Memories of Tat wale Baba

It was 20 years from now that the visitor first met his Guru. The foreign visitor was a Yoga practitioner and part of the Transcendental program of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. Maharishi Mahesh Yogi a close associate of Tat wale Baba.
On a hill overlooking the Ganges, about a kilometer below the retreat of Tat Wale Baba lied the ashram of Maharishi. There were several other people from different countries who attended the training at the Maharishi ashram.
There was news that Maharishi Mahesh Yogi had invited “the wisest man of the mountains,” Tat Wale Baba. Following this, Tatwale Baba Gives a Lecture at the Rishikesh retreat for Maharishi Mahesh Yogi’s participants.
Each seeker was getting impatient to have a vision of this “Wise” man who was being praised so much by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi himself. At the appointed time several ochre-robed men made their way toward the lecture hall.
Along with them was Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, accompanied by Tat Wale Baba, a muscular golden-brown-skinned man. Tatwale Baba’s features were much like that of an Indo-American. He walked bare body and an ochre loincloth held around his waist with a brass chain.
Such a simple yet magnetic appearance. His black braided hair flowed down his back as it swept the ground. The unworldly spiritual beauty of this Yogi was exceptional, thought the disciple. I can best compare him with the godlike men depicted in mythology. Tatwale Baba was also called Mahavir Dash, meaning “Hanuman, servant of Rama.”
This was how the foreign devotee remembered Baba as he lay on the hard ground of Shankar das ji’s hut. Slowly the night proceeded and the foreign disciple entered deep sleep.
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