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A Warning
This is just an informational video blog. Kindly note that none of the Dasha Mahavidya Sadhana process should be carried out under the orders of a self-realized Tantric Guru who is aware of the intricate details of the sadhana process and adept in rituals and the mood of the paddhati or methodology.
Any error in Tantrik Sadhana can even cause dangers to the life of a sadhaka. So one has to be absolutely certain if one wishes to even think of venturing into this dark path of Tantrik vidhi.
The name Kali means ‘Kala’, the wheel of time. Kali Devi is the first among the Dasha Mahavidyas. She appeared to slay the demons Raktabija and Chanda-Munda at the behest of the gods. Raktabija produced his clone, the moment his blood dropped on the ground. So, the Goddess spread out her tongue on the ground like a bedsheet, not allowing a single blood drop to spill. Thus, she consumed the demon in its entirety.
However, her fury was so great that she couldn’t switch back to her calm self. In a frenzy, She massacred anyone who crossed her way. Her terrible form and rage now pose a threat to Brahma’s creation.
It was then that the gods remembered Mahadev, her eternal consort. To save the world, Mahadev lay on the battlefield amongst the corpses. Unknowingly, the Holy Mother stepped over Lord Shiva’s chest and found the touch familiar. When she looked down, she blushed in modesty to see her consort under her feet and extended her tongue in embarrassment. Her protruding tongue thus portrays her shyness as that of a wife. The Goddess immediately calmed down and regained her usual composure after this episode.

The depiction of Lord Shiva laying on the ground with a blissful smile tells us that Devi’s feet are always soothing to those who have taken shelter.
Physical Appearance of Goddess Kali
Intoxicated by her own blissful self, the Mother’s eyes are red, and her hair is open. Her black, dishevelled hair depicts her wild nature and affinity for tantric rituals. She holds a demon’s head in one hand, showing her intolerance for ego and ignorance. Her black complexion symbolises the night sky sheltering all the stars in the galaxy, represented by her countless children. The blackness of her skin also stands for being attributeless and beyond Gunas.

Interpreting her wearing a garland of severed heads is that the head as a body part symbolises logic and intelligence. Her wearing a garland of cut heads means she admires those who have given up their dependence on logic and instead invoke her in the mood of innocence.
A child does not reason or question. Hence, the goddess wants us to form a spontaneous bond with her. There are around 50 severed heads around Devi’s neck. This approximate count of 50 also symbolises the 46 letters of the Sanskrit alphabet, tracing us to the sound of Om, the origin of the cosmos.
We also observe that Kali Ma wears a waist belt with severed hands. Hands are Karmendriyas, organs of action. We perform karma with our hands. Thus, the goddess takes up the load of our sinful actions and bad karma by wearing them around her waist.
Forms of the Goddess
Kali Devi has many forms, ranging from 8, 12, and 21. Some prominent forms are Guhya Kali, Sparshamani Kali, Santati Kali, Bhadra Kali, Smashana Kali, Shyama Kali, and Mahakali.
Another popular form of Kali is that of Krishna Kali, where we get to see the brother and sister together in one fusion. As Sri Krishna and the Motherare siblings, this form holds great cultural significance.
This Form of the Goddess is an Ugra Dasa Mahavidya, or fierce manifestation, yet one can worship the Bhadrakali form at home.
However, initiation is a must for any Dashamahavidya Sadhana. There is no doubt about it.
A person can take up Dashamahavidya Sadhana only after reaching the last stage of enlightenment. Otherwise, nature will not permit the sadhaka, or the sadhaka will not feel drawn towards this sadhana. Dashamahavidya Sadhana is for a special category of sadhakas. It is not for everybody. Note that we cannot approach the ten Mahavidyas in the mood of Bhakti. They are not for devotional seekers. Well, their sadhana leans towards Tantra, so the need for a qualified guru is non-compensable.
Nature of Goddess Kali
The Mother Goddess radiates spiritual strength, removing all fear from the minds of her children. She takes on the complete burden of her devotees. In the material world, parents bring up their children to look after them in old age.
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But Devi is a mother who loves to take on the responsibilities of her children till their last breath. Such is the mercy of the divine mother. When convinced of Sadhaka’s sincerity, she only knows how to give. During one’s lifetime, Ma makes her remarkable presence and care felt through unknown people, bringing tears of gratitude. The devotee’s heart aches to see the sacrificing nature of Ma.

Also, we see a contrast in her nature while confronting the demons. While rampaging the demons, the Mother showed no mercy. Whoever crossed her way joined the dead. Being Prakriti, or Mother Nature, she shows no distinction from person to person. Time is brutal for even the most sophisticated of men. Every soul born on the planet must grow, age, and mix in the soil one day. There can be no respite from this inevitable law of nature.

The Divine Mother is bold and expects her sadhakas to be strong, principled, and simple-hearted. Sri Rama Krishna Paramahamsa is an ideal example of the qualities, the Mother likes in her devotees. She admires the childlike innocence in her sadhakas.
Experiences during Kali Sadhana
When confronted by the goddess of time, death, and destruction, there is nothing else or more to lose. Kali Mahavidya Sadhana shakes the very foundation of someone’s so-called secure and settled life. Insecurities and negative feelings may surface upon invoking her energies, as she teaches us that the purpose of life is to let go and not accumulate. If this happens, know that the cleansing process has begun.

The entire cosmos comprises space. Even in an atom, space is much more than the nucleus. The Goddess represents that void. Kali Sadhana is like a black hole that sucks away the very source of our thoughts, leading to a thoughtless state. During Sadhana, life spins at a fast pace, feeling more like a rollercoaster ride.
At an advanced stage of Sadhana, nothing remains to purge. In that nothingness, we attain self-realisation. Thus, the Goddess paves the way towards enlightenment faster than any other proven path of Dhyana or Yoga.
Benefits of Kali Sadhana
The Beeja Mantra of Kali is Om Kreem Kalikaye Namah.
Kali Mahavidya Sadhana grants protection from enemies. Devi killed the demons Chanda-Munda and Raktabija, the enemies of the gods. She can help the sadhaka too if he does sadhana with proper rules and regulations. For the sadhana to work, the sadhaka must make lifestyle changes as per his guru’s instructions.

Without personal efforts and initiative, he can make no progress. Many perform Kali Sadhana as a counterattack to black magic and tantra. It proves effective in warding off ghosts, evil spirits, diseases, accidents, and untimely death.
Kali Sadhakas are attractive and have immense vairagya, or dispassion. As representatives of their Ishta Devi, they exuberantly use her powers wherever they go. Most are adept at Tantra, as the sadhana deals with the darker energies of the universe.
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