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Highlights of the Karagre Vasate Mantra
- Wealth (Lakshmi’s Blessing)
- Knowledge (Saraswati’s Wisdom)
- Health (Durga’s Protection)
- Contentment through balanced wealth
- Material and spiritual knowledge
- Mental and physical well-being
- Chakra harmonization and fortitude
Intentions And Actions Manage Our Subtle Body
Intention empowers every activity in Sanatana Dharma. From waking up in the morning to tucking into bed at night, every single chore has a mantra. Actions carry vibrations, affecting the way we think, feel, and emote in our daily world. They form our subtle body and play a major role in personality development.
Hence, reciting mantras promotes a healthy and conscious way of life, giving meaning to human existence.
When Should We Recite The Karagre Vasate Mantra
The Karagre Vasate Lakshmi mantra is supposed to be recited in the morning as soon as we wake up.
Today, in this video post, I shall discuss the significance of the Karagre Vasate Lakshmi mantra and its associated benefits.
The Shloka is-
कराग्रे वसते लक्ष्मीः, करमध्ये सरस्वती ।
करमूले स्थिता गौरी, मंगलं करदर्शनम् ॥
Note that, in some versions, the word Govindah is uttered in place of Gauri. Both versions are correct. You can choose any of the two versions. This morning prayer is also called Karadarshana. ‘Kara’ is the Sanskrit word for hand while Darshana means ‘to see’.
The Traditional Way to Recite The Karagre Vasate Mantra
The traditional way of reciting this mantra is to look at the palm and visualize the three goddesses seated at different parts of the hand. Visualize the image of Goddess Lakshmi at the tip of the hand, the finger region. Then, at the center of the palm, visualize the serene form of Goddess Saraswati. Finally, imagine the powerful Goddess Gowri at the base of the hand which is the wrist region.
Pray to them to pardon all sins of the previous day, sanctify our actions, with an auspicious beginning for the day that lies ahead. Then rub the palms together and gently touch your eyes.
Through this refreshing practice, we start our day under the auspices of the three divine mothers. What can be more promising than getting their combined blessings?
7/8 Questions from Sanatana Dharma
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The Power of The Karagre Vasate Mantra
The prayer not only invokes the three goddesses but also their consorts, Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva. Let us understand the importance and role of each benefit discussed in this video post. The three goddesses Lakshmi, Saraswati, and Gouri signify three crucial aspects of existence- Wealth, Knowledge, and Health.
Ideally, these three gifts are supposed to go hand in hand. The absence of these aspects makes life a living hell. We can understand the importance of the three resources can be understood.
When an organ of our body causes trouble, we feel that the aching organ is the most important part of the body. From head to toe, pain in any of the body parts seems unbearable. Similarly, Health, wealth, and knowledge are three indispensable facets of life.
Laxmi Devi is More About Contentment and Less About Physical Currency
Only a poverty-stricken man, a diseased individual and an illiterate person know what life is when deprived of any of these resources. Goddess Lakshmi signifies wealth, not just gold or cash but also the inner wealth of contentment. Many times, we undermine the value of contentment for we fear a dip in our enjoyment levels.
However, this is a serious misconception. Indeed, Enjoyment (Kama) is the third Purushartha or aim of life. However, in the absence of contentment or Tripti, Kama becomes Lobha, the vice of greed.
There is Enough For Need, Not For Greed
The world has enough for human needs, but even the coffers of Kubera Lok cannot satiate human greed. Excessive greed and giving preponderance to Goddess Lakshmi disrupts the balance of Shakti, causing havoc in both our inner and outer world. The Taittiriya Upanishad says that the joy of a content person is a hundred times more than the richest man on Earth.
This emphatic statement is as true as it appeals to the ears. Recitation of the Karagre mantra gives the two types of wealth, money for survival and inner satisfaction, thus fulfilling the true purpose of wealth.
Acquisition Of Knowledge
The next benefit catered by this mantra is the acquisition of knowledge. Just as there are two types of wealth, there are two types of knowledge.
The first knowledge is material knowledge, the thick fat books explaining mathematics, science, and technology. This knowledge is Apara Vidya or inferior knowledge, limited to the material world.
We need Apara Vidya to earn a sophisticated degree, a high-paying job, and afford an expensive house, car, and so on. However, these material comforts are Karma-dependent.
You get that asset only if it is in your Karmic account, not otherwise. Thus, the external world is beyond our control, it is ever-changing.
The Aid OF Para Vidya
Situations unfold based on our good and bad deeds. We must face the brunt of our bad Karma either temporarily or even lifelong. For instance, a doctor may diagnose a serious disease and say- “You will have to live with it”. Para Vidya, or spiritual knowledge, comes to our aid at such depressing moments.
In such a choiceless situation, we need spiritual insight to come back to normalcy. We need to develop a spiritual mindset and see life in a different light. Hence, the blessings of goddess Saraswati are essential for our mental equilibrium.
Thus, reciting the Karagre Vasate Lakshmi mantra gives both material and spiritual knowledge granting success in this world and other-worldly pursuits. The last important benefit discussed is the gift of health.
The Pressures Of The Material World
Just like wealth and knowledge, there are two types of health- Physical and Mental. Health is a gift of Durga Devi, especially important as we age. If health is bad, we cannot enjoy life.
Well, today’s world operates on cut-throat competition. There is no job security, like the good old times. As a result, people change jobs like a pair of socks. One’s lifetime earnings disappear in old age as high-cost medical bills and doctors’ fees.
Today, falling sick has become an expensive affair. To top it all, the social environment and work pressure introduce a variety of mental issues speeding up the aging process.
Worn out by the tensions of the present times, a 40-year-old man looks like a 60-year-old elder. Ironically, in his youth, man compromises his health in pursuit of wealth. In his old age, he squanders all his wealth in search of health.
Leading an unhealthy lifestyle, unhealthy food habits, sleeping untimely, and working at odd hours is an offense against Durga Devi.
Attracting The Grace of Durga Devi

This is the reason for the mantra to qualify as a morning mantra.Rising early every day and reciting the Karagre Vasate Lakshmi mantra not only attracts the grace of Goddess Durga but also prevents a variety of ailments.
Durga Devi makes survival easy in this fast-moving world.Our mental health and fortitude become a source of inspiration for others.Metabolism increases and we respond to medication rapidly.Also, the mantra balances our chakras, harmonizing body and mind.
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