7 Chakras: Heal Your Energy


What is a Chakra?

The 7 chakras have always fascinated spiritual aspirants. The term Chakra originates from the Sanskrit Language. It literally means wheel. They represent the wheel of energy, the wheel of life. There are 7 Chakras in the human body system.

They are dispersed linearly along the spine, starting from the base of the spine till the top of the head. Each Chakra has a unique symbolism, color and deity associated with it.

Chakras are subtle and have an impact on our physical, mental and emotional status. So, an imbalance of Chakras might cause chronic diseases or recurring problems.

Unstable mind, periodic pains in certain situations, emotional disturbances, etc also come about as results of an imbalanced chakra system.

The 7 Chakras are 7 energy centres that determine our quality of life.

1. Mooladhara Chakra


First of the 7 Chakras: Root Chakra

Location: Base of the Spine
Color: Red
Symbol: Lum
Deity: Ganesha

The 1st Chakra is Muladhara also called Root Chakra in English. Two Sanskrit words form this word. They are Mula- Basic and Adhara-Foundation. So, it means it is the energy centre of instinctual and fundamental emotions.

Emotions-like safety, survival, security, and the tendency to remain grounded can be awakened through an activated Muladhara Chakra.

All fears are enclosed in this Chakra.

So, the next time you see an overtly insecure, anxious or fearful person, know that the muladhara chakra is weak and needs to be worked upon for a better experience.

There are many other physical, emotional and subtle symptoms of a totally balanced and an imbalanced Root Chakra.

Just like red is an alert sign, the Muladhara reminds us of our fundamental nature. It is similar to the fears of animals, who are threatened by predators in their habitats. However, progressive human beings gain control over this chakra.

The Vedic Deity of Muladhara is Lord Ganesha.


So, the Vedic Symbolism is that only by activating Ganesha (the deity of the Muladhara) can Shakti ( Mother of Ganesha) rise towards Sadhashiva. Only if Lord Ganesha is satisfied can Shakti or Kundalini energy rise upwards.

Without a strong Muladhara, a well rounded character is not possible.

7 Chakras: Swadhishtana Chakra


Second of the 7 Chakras: Sacral Chakra

Location: Roughly Below the Belly Button
Color: Orange
Symbol: Vum
Deity: Sri Vishnu

Swadhisthana is the 2nd Chakra located roughly below the belly button, towards the front. Two Sanskrit words form this word. They are Swa- Self and adisthana- to get established

So, it means that Swadisthana Chakra is the point of the human body where the infinite possibilities of human incarnation can be explored. It is the gut.

A strong Swadishtana Chakra enables humans to reach their ultimate human abilities in both material and spiritual terms.

The Science of Kundalini Yoga gains a lot of significance when the Shakti energy flows from the Swadhistana upto the Sahasrara Chakra.

Because, this chakra is a reservoir of male and female sexual energies, passions, desires, and ultimate will power, it is responsible for maintenance of the testes, ovaries, and the sexual organs.

The Swadishthana Chakra suffuses one with energy for procreation and instils a feeling of elation. Yet, it is the 2nd and so fundamental chakra and one needs to progress further to explore their core.

An imbalance Swadhistana makes one sexually manipulative, creatively impaired and emotionally weak.


The color Yellow seeks one to watch their thoughts and feelings that impact the mood. It is a sign to stay watchful and audit our thoughts through introspection, so that we don’t invite negativity into our system.

The presiding Vedic Deity of the Swadhisthana in Lord Vishnu, the master of creative energies.


This is the reason why people say that sexual energy can be converted into creative energy because, both these energies lie in the ambit of the Swadhistana Chakra.

As Lord Vishnu is the maintainer, he presides over the Swadisthana Chakra that provides one with energy to carry out procreation, maintenance and continue with the survival process.

7 Chakras: Manipura Chakra


Third of the 7 Chakras: Solar Plexus Chakra

Location: Above the Belly Button
Color: Yellow
Symbol: Rum
Deity: Lord Shiva

Manipura or Manipuraka is the 3rd Chakra located roughly above the navel, towards the front.

Two Sanskrit words form this word. They are Mani- Jewels and pura- city. It literally means City of Jewels.


It manages the liver, spleen and small intestines. The power of the Manipura Chakra is what distinguishes us from animals. So, the above two Chakras were instinctual and primitive by nature, dealing at the root levels.

It catered to fear management, sexual needs, desires and grounding. However, Manipura Chakra demarcates the line between humans and animals. It is the reservoir of human intelligence, insight, calm and confidence.

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Through Manipura Chakra we can gain insight into the true goal of human life. It helps break through the cycle of birth and death. It gives us insight as to what humans are meant for, making us progressive species on the planet.

So, it has the key towards Self-realization, giving us a scope to explore our true potential.

The Presiding Vedic Deity is Lord Shiva, the foremost of meditators.


By activating the Manipura, we unlock the precious qualities of steadfastness, concentration and perseverance.

It develops our one pointedness towards any particular task or goal.

7 Chakras: Anahata Chakra


Fourth of the 7 Chakras: Heart Chakra

Location: The centre of the heart
Color: Green
Symbol: Yum
Deity: Devi

Anahata is the 4th Chakra located at the centre of the heart. It is a sanskrit word that means the undefeatable. It is the centre of emotions and the feeling of calmness.

After progressing from the Manipura Chakra, wherein we realize our unique human abilities, the Anahata chakra reveals to us the depths of human emotions.

A person with activated Anahata Chakra feels true compassion for other living beings.

Hence, the Anahata Chakra makes a person more like a Devata, kind, generous, equanimous, and large hearted.

Forgiveness is a key quality.

In other words, Manipura is the storehouse of progressive qualities while Anahata is a storehouse of liberating ones.

The presiding Vedic deity is Devi. She is the Universal Mother and the Source of Cosmic Creation. She is ever compassionate as the ties of motherhood attach each one of us to Her.


Thus, when we tap into the Anahata Chakra, we get a drop of Her motherhood.

We become fortunate to receive a speck of Her emotions for us and the rest of the world. Hence, it makes us sensitive not only towards ourselves but also towards the world.

We become sensitive towards our spouses, and develop affection for one another. Because, we become sympathetic, empathetic and humble, our overall personality improves.

It makes us better parents and responsible children.

Also, the sound of our consciousness becomes clearer once we become capable of activating the heart chakra.

7 Chakras: Visshudha Chakra


Fifth of the 7 Chakras: Throat Chakra

Throat Chakra
Location: The centre of the throat
Color: Blue
Symbol: Hum
Deity: Saraswati Devi

Anahata is the 5th Chakra located at the centre of the throat.

It is a sanskrit word that means ‘that which is real’.

It controls the thyroid gland. An activated throat chakra is associated with increased sense of confidence and influence on others through one’s oratory skills.

An activated Visshudha chakra of a Yogi or spiritual aspirant speaks the ultimate truth.

It gives one Vak Siddhi or the ability to make words come true.

Words become actions and then reality. The presiding deity of the throat chakra is Saraswati or Vak Devi. She is the goddess of speech, wisdom, arts, knowledge and purity.

Visshudha chakra makes people good singers, speakers and world-wide influencers.

It symbolizes purity of speech and truthfulness, making one loyal towards one’s goals. Therefore, an untruthful person or a deceitful person can never have an awakened throat chakra.

So, there needs to be work done on the lower chakras before one really gets to the throat chakra.

7 Chakras: Ajna Chakra


Sixth of the 7 Chakras: Brow Chakra

Location: Centre of the Brow
Color: Indigo
Symbol: Aum
Deity: Ardhanarishwara

Ajna is the 6th Chakra located at the centre of the brow.

It is a sanskrit word that means ‘perception beyond wisdom’. An activated throat chakra is associated with increased sense of confidence and influence on others through one’s oratory skills.

Through Ajna Chakra one is able to unravel the mystery of life and grasp one’s ultimate goal of liberation.


The concepts of the world fall apart as mere concrete, unreal concepts and the truth stands revealed.

One is able to pierce through the energies of the world. It symbolizes the union of male and female energies to graduate to the ultimate truth.

Bodily identification and grossness of the body breaks as one is on their journey towards activating the Ajna Chakra.

One starts becoming spiritual.

Spiritual insight dawns upon a sincere seeker and the matters of the world starts becoming disinteresting. The presiding deity is Ardhanareshwar.


They symbolize the union of the cosmic energies.

They symbolize the union of Prakrit (Female Energy) and Purusha (Male Energy).

In practical terms it means that the practitioner starts perceiving oneness in the world, via spiritual insight.

Experiences of a being with an activated Ajna Chakra have phenomenal gravity. Their words have experiential value and following their advice can change the lives of many.

7 Chakras: Sahasrara Chakra


Last of the 7 Chakras: Crown Chakra

Location: In the Brahmarandra, Top of the head
Color: Violet
Symbol: Om
Deity: Ishta Devata or Presiding deity of the Sampradaya

Ajna is the 7th and the last Chakra located at the top of the head.

It is a sanskrit word that means ‘a new life’. Well it does mean a new life.

This is the goal of all Kundalini Awakening Experiences. All experiences shall finally culminate towards attaining the Sahasrara Chakra activation.

Persons with an activated Sahasrara Chakra have an extraordinary life.

Their skills, abilities, qualities, etc touch the roof of perfection. They need not develop insight or intuition.

Instead, they are blessed with all that they need.

However, to get to this state one must perform severe austerities, mind control, sense control and practice abstinence from all that agitate the senses or ignite passion.

This is the state of ultimate realization. An activated Sahasra Chakra opens the gateways of the other world, the true world, the spiritual world.

The presiding deity of this chakra is your Ishta Devata or the Devata of the Sampradaya you follow.

For Shaivites, it is Sadashiva, for Shaktas it is Devi, for Vaishnavas it is Narayana or Krishna and for Saura Sampradaya it is Suryanarayana Bhagawan.

All of these deities symbolize ultimate reality and the peaks of attainment.

They are embodiments of grace. Activating this Chakra is a lifelong endeavor and the goal of all spiritual practices and Yoga.

Hence, understanding and working towards Activating the 7 Chakras is the highest and the most appropriate way to invest the energies of the human body.

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