Lord Parshuram: The Lord’s Great Incarnation

lord parshuram

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How did Lord Parshuram get his name?

Lord Vishnu incarnated as the youngest son of Maharishi Jamadagni.

All know, He is the 6th empowered incarnation of the Lord. Parshuram’s childhood name was Ram. Later, his father advised him to worship Lord Shiva.

As a result, he acquired Lord Shiva glorious axe called ‘Parshu’. Thus Rama became ‘Parshuram.’

How was Lord Parshuram born?

There are many stories pertaining to his birth. In ancient India, there lived a king named Gaadhi. His beautiful daughter Satyavati married Sage Richika.

Immediately after their marriage, Bhrigu, her father-in-law asked her to express her desire.


At once, she requested glorious sons for herself and her mother.

The Mysterious Exchange of Bowls

Now, the sage cautiously submitted two mystical bowls and told the two to consume their respectable share. However, the mother exchanged the cups and consumed her daughter’s share.

Thus, both ate the inter-changed pudding. Fortunately, Sage Bhrigu realized the folly and informed his daughter-in-law.

He said- “Satyavati! Now, you shall have a brahmin son displaying warrior-like characteristics while your mother shall deliver a son of Brahmin temperament:

Satyavati pleaded- “O sage! Kindly avert this misfortune.

Let my son remain a brahmin. You can keep this destiny for my grandson”

The sage agreed. As a result, Satyavati delivered Jamadagni who stood by his brahmin hood.

Brothers of Lord Parshuram

angry lord parshuram

On growing up, Jamadagni married Prasenjit’s daughter Renuka. Renuka had five sons named Rukmavan, Sukhena, Vasu, Vishvanas and Parshuram..

Why does Parshuram behead his mother?

Once, Sage Jamadagni’s wife, Renuka, filled water from the pond. There, she sighted celestial gandharvas water-sporting with women. An upheaval arose in her mind as she stood gazing at the sight.

As a result, she reported late to the hermitage. Her husband realized her folly with his yogic powers. He at once ordered his sons- “Kill this woman!”

lord parshuram

The sons dare not obey his orders. Then, Parshuram beheaded his mother and the brothers at his father’s behest. Pleased by Parshuram’s obedience, his father insisted on him asking for a boon. Therefore, Parshuram secured the lives of his family and ensured that they forgot about the entire incident.

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Why did Parshuram kill Kshatrityas 21 times?

Once King Sahasrarjuna of the Heheya dynasty paid a visit to Sage Jamadagni’s hermitage. The sage grand welcomed his army owing to the capabilities of the miraculous Kamadhenu cow which could serve an entire kingdom.

Fascinated by the extraordinary cow, the King ordered Jamadagni to entrust the cow. On the sage’s refusal he forcibly abducted her. Parshuram who was not present then at that moment, waged a war against the king after he returned, learning what had happened. He single handedly killed the king and gifted the cow to his father.

Sahasrarjuna’s coward son fled from the battlefield. Later, in Parshuram’s absence, they beheaded his father, Jamadagni who was absorbed in meditation.

Angered by the brutal murder of his father, Parshuram vowed to eradicate the entire warrior class. Except a few handful of Kshatriyas none could escape his wrath.

Lord Parshuram attacks Ganesha

Once Lord Parshuram visited Kailasha. At that time, Lord Shiva was absorbed in meditation. Yet as he proceeded towards him, Lord Ganesha blocked his way. Enraged, Parshuram flung his axe onto Ganapati, axing off his tooth.

parshuram fights ganesh

Thus Ganesha got the name ‘Ekadanta’.

Lord Parshuram argues with Lakshmana

At the breaking of Lord Shiva’s bow, Parshuram barged into King’s Janaka’s hall.

There he entered into a heated argument with Lakshmana.

sri rama wins swayamvar

Finally, Lord Rama proved his godhood by stringing Lord Vishnu’s bow.

Thereafter He entrusted his Sudarshan Chakra to Parshuram for his future plans.

Later in Sandipani ashram, Lord Parshuram submitted the precious possession to Lord Krishna.

Lord Parshuram donates

After killing the Kshatriyas, he donated their land to the Rishis. The Rishis had nothing to do with administration. So, they gifted the kingdoms back to the Kshatriyas. Again, Parshuram would kill the kings.

Likewise, he massacred the Kshatriyas 21 times and erased their existence from the globe.

Lord Parshuram’s filial love

By performing a Yajna, Parshuram revived his departed father by bringing his chopped head close to his body. He then awarded his father Jamadagni a position in the Saptarishi constellation.

On his 21st victory, Parshuram donated the land to Kashyapa Rishi. However, Kashyapa Rishi clearly told him-

“From now on, spend the night outside my land.” So Parshuram headed towards South India on the western coast. There he acquired land given to him by the ocean god for his residence.

Parshuram- the greatest trainer


In Dvapara yuga, Parshuram taught Bhishma warfare. However when Bhishma refused to marry Amba, Parshuram became wild. The master and disciple battled for 21 non-stop days. Finally the rishis pacified Parshuram.

bhishma becomes the kaurava commander

Since then, he vowed not to teach any Kshatriya.


Karna disguised as a Brahmin to learn warfare. Once Parshuram was sleeping on his lap. A spider climbed on Karna’s lap and began to suck his blood. Karna sat motionless to ensure an undisturbed sleep for his master.

parshuram curses karna

On waking up, Parshuram questioned him- “Who are you?, seeing blood oozing from Karna’s flesh.

A Brahmin cannot tolerate such pain.” Finally, Karna revealed his true identity. Parshuram cursed him- “You shall forget all your knowledge during the time of crisis.”


Once, Parshuram was distributing his life-long possessions to brahmins. Even Dronacharya stood in the line, to receive some donation from the master. However towards the end Parshuram had nothing to give away. 

So out of mercy, Parshuram asked him to demand any of his weapons. Dronacharya said-  “I want the knowledge of all your weapons.” Parshuram granted his wish. Thus Dronacharya became an invincible warrior.

Interesting facts about lord Parshuram

1) Lord Parshuram is immortal. Thus, he is one of the 8 Chiranjeevis of Bharat Bhoomi.

2) During Kalki avatar, he shall teach Lord Kalki the art of warfare.

3) In the future Manvantara, he shall acquire the position of a Saptarishi.

lord parshuram

Famous temple of Lord Parshuram

Lord Parshuram has many temples in india  The foremost of them is the Parshuram temple in Janapav (Indore) which is also his revered birthplace.


Om Jamdagnaya vidmahe

Mahaviraya dhimahi

Tanno Parshuram Prachodayat

Benefits– Those who recite this mantra with devotion never face poverty. They are blessed with land, fame, prosperity, and valor. The mantra represents the fire element. The mantra increases your power to fulfil your vows and makes you resolute.

Thus, it ignites the masculine side of the reciter. The reciter shall stand by truth and stand against Adharma.

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