Lord’s glorious Stories from the Bhagavatham

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Lord resides in the Srimad Bhagavatham

Sri Krishna declares in the Srimad Bhagavatham that he shall continue to stay on earth through the great work of Sri Vyasadeva, the Srimad Bhagavatham, that is beyond the modes of material nature.

sri krishna, the lord

Therefore one should consider that as a work in the mode of Pure goodness or Shuddha Satvika mode. But one must understand that Sri Krishna may be attained only if one is in the proper mood and a surrendered devotee of the Lord, guided by a God Realized sage.

Under these conditions alone will the Srimad Bhagavatham make itself available as a handy tool towards attaining Moksha. Not otherwise. It is a scripture for the Paramahamsas or of people who are at a very advanced stage of Jnana, so that Bhakti takes root.

Sages ask 3 fundamental questions to Suta Goswami

There are two characters in the Introductory part of the Srimad Bhagavatham. They are the two foster brothers Dhundhukari and Gokarna. Dhundhukari was evil and died given to his evil deeds and moved around as a ghost. 

gokarna and dhundhukari

His brother Gokarna was a noble soul and had a compassionate heart.  Through the rendition of the Srimad Bhagavatham, he ended the ghostly life of his unfortunate brother, who had no option but to listen to Hari Katha through the Srimad Bhagavatham with utmost attention to attain Moksha

He listened to the pastimes of the Lord with immaculate and surrendered attention.  At the end of the seventh day of the rendition of the Bhagavatham from the mouth of his noble brother, Dhundhukari attained Moksha.

So the Bhagavatham mandates that the speaker of the Bhagavatham has to be God-realized and the listener of the Bhagavatham has to surrender to the pastimes and the speaker with the only goal of Moksha, nothing less. 

Only under these conditions, does the Srimad Bhagavatham grant Moksha to the ardent listener.

Sri Sukadeva Goswami Appears

The God-realized Sanat Kumaras again repeated this story at Anandvan.  While Sanat Kumaras finished reciting the stories of Dhundhukari and Gokarna, Sukha Acharya came to Anandvan.

On looking at His charismatic appearance, just like people’s desire for the moon, Jnana personified desired for Sukadeva Goswami. Suka is eternally 16 years old, with a calm vibrant face having absorbed the essence of the Srimad Bhagavatham.

sukadeva goswami

The Lord too assembled at this spot with His eternal consorts Rukmini, Satyabhama, and his dear devotees, Prahalada, Bali, Uddhava, with a deep desire to sit amidst them and together hear His pastimes.

After completing the entire recitation of the Srimad Bhagavatham narrated by the 4 Kumaras, Jnana and Vairagya regained consciousness and Intelligence awakened, dawning the realization that nobody handles good or bad events in our lives.

We realize it is all a result of our own past gracious actions. Hence, blaming others for losses stand rejected.

When can the Srimad Bhagavatham yield results?

The Lord says: “Whoever, reads the Srimad Bhagavatham will find Me beside Him and hence Kali Maharaj (The fallen age of Kali Yuga) can in no way cause harm.”

In Naimisharanya, Sanunaka along with other sages assembled to hear the Srimad Bhagavatham from Sri Suta who says: “All aspirants of Pure Bhakti can relish the Srimad Bhagavatham. No one else”

shaunaka rishi

In this context, just a mundane recital of the Srimad Bhagavatham as an act of Sadhana, is of no use. Only serious, surrendered souls should take up recital of the Bhagavatham under the tutelage of an enlightened Guru.

Therefore, having a desire to attain the Lord is the only eligibility criterion to hear this divine scripture.”

The sages ask: “1) What is the means of attaining Moksha for the beings of Kali Yuga who get infected with various diseases, people with a short life-span and those corroded with materialism and people with negligible intelligence? 

2) How did the son of Vasudeva and Devaki appear on earth? 

3) How did Sri Krishna grow up and kindly illuminate us with His divine pastimes.

4) What are the various incarnations of the Supreme Lord?”

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24 incarnations of the Lord


Suta Goswami:

1) The First Incarnation was Adi Purusha, from which creation emanated, from whom Sri Brahma too emanated.

2) The second incarnation out of 24 Avataras is the 4 kumaras or the Sanat Kumaras.

These 4 Brahmin boys are direct manifestations of the Supreme Being who emerged from the heart of Lord Brahma.

3) The next is Varaha Dev who liberated Bhoomi Devi (mother Earth) from the atrocities of Demon King Hiranyaksha.

4) Devarsi Narada is the Amsha-Avatar of Sri Narayana.

5) Nara-Narayana who appeared in Bhaadrika Arama who are also the propagators of the Ashtaskhara mantra or the 8 syllabled mantra.

6) Son of Devahuti and Kardama; here the Lord appeared as Kapila Mahamuni.

7) The son of Atreya Rishi, Dattatraya is the 7th incarnation of the Lord.

8) Yagna or the presiding deity of the sacrificial fire, the son of Ruchi.

9) Then the Lord incarnated as Rishabhadeva.

10) Prithu Maharaj who was the ever-first conqueror of Earth and from where the Earth got its name Prithvi, appeared as the subsequent Avatara of Bhagawan.

11) Matsya the fish incarnation saved creation from devastation.

12) Kurma Avatara or the tortoise incarnation where Sri Narayana held the Mandara mountain on His back. He supported the Samudra Manthan that was started by the Asuras and Suras.

13) The Lord then incarnated as Dhanavantri, the God of medicine.

14) Mohini the all enchanting feminine form of Vishnu served nectar to the Devatas and prevented the Asuras from attaining immortality.

15) Hayagreeva is that incarnation of the Lord who represents pure knowledge and saved the Vedas from the grip of the Danavas.

16) The saviour of His devotees, who appeared with his 4 handed form assuming the head of a lion and a body of a human Being, Narsimha Deva. The Lord protected His devotee Prahalada from his father, Demon King Hiranyakashipu.

17) The dwarf incarnation, Vamana who revealed His Trivikrama form to Bali Maharaja.

18) Parashurama who slayed the arrogant Kshatriya Kings to protect Dharma.

19) Vyasa the author of the Ithihasa, Mahabharata and the many Puranas. He divided the Vedas into 4.

20) Sri Ramachandra who was the son of Dasharatha, the King of Ayodhya.

21) Balarama the elder brother of Krishna

22) Born in the clan of the Vrsnis to rid the Earth of all Adharmic-Unrighteous men, the Lord incarnated as Sri Krishna.

23) Buddha the propagator of Peace and the one who stopped violence against animals.

24) Kalki, the destroyer of the immoral and unrighteous.

There are uncountable avataras of the Lord but 10 Avataras are set as standards for us to perceive the Lord easily in His most pristine form.

Who was King Parikshit?

Parikshit Maharaja was a descendant of the Kuru dynasty and was the son of Abhimanyu and Uttara. His grandfather was Arjuna, the great archer.

When Parikshit was unborn, housed in the womb of Uttara, the fallen Brahmana Ashwatthama released the detrimental Brahamastra intended to uproot the offspring of the Pandavas. On learning about the malicious intentions of Ashwatthama, the devoted women, (Draupadi, Kunti and Uttara) call out to Sri Krishna and prayed intensely.

krishna and uttara

They offered their respected obeisances to Sri Krishna, Vaasudeva and pleaded to save the unborn child of Uttara.

They prayed: “We don’t find any way to avoid this calamity and therefore we surrender unto You as only You are all capable of protecting your devotees.” The cries of His dear devotees drew Bhagawan to enter the womb of Uttara as He dispatched His Sudarshan Chakra to render the Brahmastra ineffective.

But, a lifeless child was born to which the women reciprocated by praying again to the Supreme Lord, Sri Krishna. Bhagawan revives the lifeless body by saying: “If I have followed Brahmacharya throughout my life, then Oh child wake up.”

May life dawn on you.” The child was instantly came back to life and with passing time, he grew up to be the emperor of the Kuru dynasty, King Parikshit.

7/8 Questions from Sanatana Dharma

The scores generated in this Quiz may or may not be absolute. There may be right or wrong answers to each Question. A percentage towards 100 indicates that you are more aligned to the overall subject matter.

Parikshit grants places for Kali to stay

Once, Parikshit Maharaj encountered Kali, the presiding deity of the current yuga and trapped him in an argument.

pareekshit and kali maharaj

In Krita (Satya-Yuga), Dharma stood on 4 legs namely Tapas (Austerity), Saucha (Cleanliness), Daya (Compassion), and Satya (Truth). But with Dwapara and Treta Yugas, the number of feet successively reduced. Therefore, in Kali Yuga, Dharma stands with the aid of a single leg, Satya or truthfulness.

On witnessing this tragedy in front of his eyes, Parikshit tried to slay Kali to which latter replied: “What harm have I done to you, oh king. I, like the other Yugas am pre-destined, bound to come when the time is right. Therefore, Oh king not by my personal will but as time demands, I have am dispatched to earth to rule.

Before slaying me, please approach Bhagawan as a snake does not possess poison by its own will, but by the will of the Supreme Lord alone. Similarly, my advent on Earth is a mere will of the Supreme Lord”

Hearing this witty reply from Kali, the king said: “As long as I live you cannot affect my subjects in any manner.” So, now you must tell me a way by which my subjects are saved of your atrocities.” Kali said “I am under your shelter and so provide me suitable places to live and release me from your wrath.”

I will not come to your subjects and torture them, provided they successfully abstain themselves from approaching me.” Parikshit: “Alright, now that you have requested, I must grant you places to live.”

1) You have the permission to stay in gambling hubs, where people stake money and stoke their greed.


2) You can stay in localities where people sell liquor or where people consume alcoholic-substances for sense-gratification as it pushes one into a state of ignorance.

3) Stay in places where people torture women.

4) Stay in slaughterhouses where people care no more for the freedom of animals and usurp their right for life inviting disharmony in their own lives.”

 Kali: “Please grant me some more places to stay.” to which Parikshit said: “Live in gold and stay in places where people stay attached to gold and wealth.” You shall always be present in places devoid of truth and among people who are egoistic and arrogant.

Stay among people who engage in illicit sex and overpowered by lust. Also, stay with people who get angry for no reason and people who oppose each other and create conflicts.

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