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The need to redeem Sanity
We all want solutions to problems. Today, our own thoughts have created turmoil in our lives. So, what is the possible solution? How can we get rid of our thoughts?
Sanity is the answer! Let us understand how.
It’s important to be sane. When you audit our thoughts, they reduce. When they end we become free from the miseries of the world. Ending thoughts is the goal of all religions. Spirituality is aimed at getting this sanity. The world is getting insane because it is the mind that runs the world. Once we have clarity in our thoughts, it means that we get ready to reduce the clutter of thoughts.
Reversal of Misery through Controlled Actions
It is behind the thought screen that Supreme intelligence resides in the form of the undying spirit which we also know as the life force. Hence, the first step towards sanity is to end the thoughts that give rise to unnecessary action, causing misery.

When we are sorted enough alone we can get hold of ourselves. Meditation is a great way to get tarried thoughts under control. Sanity is the end of all thoughts, in other words, it is the gateway to bliss and knowledge. It is devoid of misery. This is the goal of life.
Spirituality through Guidance can mitigate misery
Getting to this state of maturity is difficult without guidance. Spirituality is the key. Following disciplined spiritual practice itself contributes towards cleaning the mind. This promotes healthy living as we are now governed by our sane minds. Control of thoughts is attained through the purification of thoughts and then emptying them through vigorous and sincere spiritual practice.

To attain such a state, we need a perfect Guru or spiritual master who can formulate a disciplined process for us and guide us through the challenges of our otherwise muddled minds.
How are we becoming Negative these days?
Negativity is a common world phenomenon. With the advent of the pandemic, many people have been pushed indoors and now they have to spend hours with family members (who they usually avoid) or, are forced to spend time with themselves which is even more challenging.
The pandemic is over now, but people are still trying to come to terms with themselves and their inner realm. People are unable to maintain silence or are even seen to be incapable of handling themselves, all on their own.
Negativity: Unstable External conditions
People are losing jobs and the market is volatile. Moreover, the world is also inflicted with the wars happening in parts of Asia and the Middle East. Over and above that people are investing in shares, which is a type of gambling. Since their minds are robbed by the worry of money, they constantly tread on the borders of possible insanity. The business front is very volatile and unpredictable.

Securing new jobs has become very difficult. The hiring of the older workforce is on the rapid decline and people are worrying about their financial position, while continuing to invest in shares, only to lose more money, driven by undesirable greed.
Most of the population does not have the luxury of living without a job. So there is a lot of wasted activity, whereby people are driven into wrong moves, whereby they are pushed against the wall. No wonder there is so much negativity in the air.
There is this question of survival that seems to be getting the better of us and is adding to our disturbance. We cannot but feel negative and lost. If we are troubled by negativity or negative thoughts, it is important to understand that something within us is misaligned.
Some Common Negative Thoughts
Negativity: No one likes me
This problem comes from feeling inferior or getting jealous or envious of others. This is the root cause. We try to compete with someone and then when the other man sees our actions, he shall automatically detest us.

We may be doing these activities even without recognizing consciously, that we are doing it. The first thing one needs to understand is that one cannot expect anything out of the external world. Everyone is sailing in the same boat and each one of us is expecting to be loved or liked by someone else. This is a thankless emotion and one will only meet with failure. It is also useless trying to please the other.
The other will always want to show that he or she is better than us in some way rather than trying to understand that we are seeking his attention or love. We should never try to seek attention. The best thing to do is never expect anything from anyone.

We must build ourselves in such a way that our skills and work speak for us. Also, we must not expect anything from our skills or work. With time, even these skills shall leave us. That is a guarantee. It is better that we take up work or skill to keep ourselves positively engaged.
Do not give too much importance to the attention that you may get as a matter of fact. Today you may be liked and tomorrow you may be shunned.
Negativity: I am unable to pursue anything
Many times we are filled with apprehensions and a lack of confidence. We get overtly affected, thinking about the result of what we are about to do or perform. Due to this tendency, one is anxious and not able to focus on things. This also takes the person into a negative loop.
To transcend such a position, the person has to learn to detach oneself from the gains that work shall deliver to him or her. One should spend more time sharpening one’s axe. One should train oneself in the nitty-gritty of work.
If one is not certain as to whether one shall be able to perform work satisfactorily or not, it becomes essential to break down the work into smaller units and understand the nitty-gritty of the work without worrying much about the end result.
Usually, it is knowledge and understanding of things that put an end to fear, anxiety, and negativity. As one learns to engage with the work from the angle of knowledge and sharpening skills, one shall never face challenges with regard to pursuing things.
It is also important that one should have a natural drive towards things or work and that it should be born out of one’s own interests and not forced upon the individual. Only then shall the individual be able to involve himself in the act of pursuing that, which one cherishes in the heart.
Negativity: I get disturbed easily
One can get disturbed easily only when there is a lack of focus. This can be a great cause of negativity or concern. It is important that one should try to weed out all those things from the mind that are not intended for one’s progress or fundamental interests.
It is important that one is cognizant of what is desirable and what is undesirable towards one’s goals. Then one should focus on eliminating the diversions that do not allow one to focus. It is also important that one should keep away from distractions that hold the mind in fancied imagination.

One of the greatest ways of keeping the mind from distractions is by learning to meditate. The mind has to be cleansed and clarified through meditative practices such that it does not hold anything that is detrimental to one’s goals.
For example, if one is addicted to watching movies, one can introduce meditation as a compulsory 20-minute process. As one meditates correctly the mind shall lose the ability to draw enjoyment from such distractions and shall prefer to be calm.
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Some practical Solutions that can eliminate Negativity
The solution to this problem is to first collect oneself through some practice. It is important that instead of trying to express and let down that rush of emotion, one should direct that energy into something that will transmute or convert that energy. Taking up jogging or a light exercise daily is a good way to begin. If we are not inspired, we should find sources that inspire us.

We should watch videos of our favorite sportsmen and get inspired to begin some form of practice. If we are creatively inclined, we should continue reading this article to keep it consistent with a spiritual backbone supporting our interest!
It is better that we spend time building our character. Getting motivated towards building our skills and getting seriously engaged with work will automatically build a lot of positivity around us.
We can take up any skill or learning activity. This shall direct the negativity of the mind into some fruitful direction. It is also important that we do this just as a hobby to divert our minds rather than to expect any spectacular output. This will go a long way in releasing the negativity of the mind.
Once we get busy with some of these activities, we shall not have much to discuss with others because all our negativity shall have been gone by then. But the most important point is, to accept in our hearts that, even this too shall pass.
Where does the problem of Negativity lie?
It is important to identify these flaws and attend to them with one-pointed attention so that we can work our way out of negativity and lead a better or more meaningful life. The most common complaints we have are; Nobody seems to understand us. People always want to speak and be heard. They do not want to hear others.
There is always something brewing within and most people are interested in throwing that out on others without caring too much as to what they are actually doing. When there is no auditing of thoughts and the mind is in an unkempt condition, negative people generally prefer others to hear them rather than looking deep into what they are doing.

If we do not feel okay and comfortable, we realize that whatever we speak is usually of little value or even toxic. However, people are more concerned about themselves and want to be heard without realizing that they themselves are dumping out toxic emotions and ideas into the listener. How then can anyone try to even hear them, let alone understand them?
Looking for Solutions in a Negative World
One should stop expecting others to understand them, in the first place. Just like one is being troubled by one’s own distorted mind, others are dabbling with the same problem. Easier said than done. But that is the plain fact. It is futile to expect that someone will understand us. There is nobody, no messiah out there. Everybody is on the lookout for some savior.
Negativity: Role of Spirituality to Gain Sanity
It is behind the thought screen that Supreme intelligence resides in the form of the undying spirit which you know as the life force. Hence, the first step towards sanity is to end the thoughts that give rise to unnecessary action, causing misery.
When we are sorted enough, we get a hang of ourselves, and our actions. Meditation is a great way to get tarried thoughts under control. Meditation starts with the slowing down of the mind process.

It involves either concentrated focus on one thought or another way to relieve the mind by watching its content without getting attached to it or interfering with the thought patterns. A regular habit of watching the mind in an unattached way will eventually reduce the thoughts per minute, surfacing in the mind. Taking the guidance of a perfect Guru is indispensable.
Sanity is the end of all thoughts, in other words, it is the gateway to bliss and knowledge. It is devoid of misery. This is the goal of life. Getting to this state of maturity is very difficult without guidance. Spirituality is the key. Follow a disciplined spiritual practice, this shall contribute towards cleaning the mind. It promotes healthy living as well as honing a sane mind.
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