Nirvana Shatakam: 12 Transformative Benefits

nirvana shatakam 12 transformative benefits

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12 Highlights of the Nirvana Shatakam

  • Self-Realization: Guides in understanding the “I am not” principle.
  • Emotional Stability: Reduces anxiety, envy, and depression.
  • Enhanced Meditation: Leads to higher states of meditative consciousness.
  • Spiritual Growth: Helps cultivate compassion, gratitude, and self-acceptance.
  • Mind-Body Connection: Influences brain chemicals for ecstatic moods.
  • Higher Consciousness: Supports connection with the ultimate reality.
  • Increased Memory & Talents: Awakens latent talents and memory.
  • Mind Reading Abilities: Facilitates empathic understanding of others.
  • Improved Relationships: Encourages a positive view of life.
  • Dopamine Boost: Releases “feel-good” hormones in the brain.
  • Attainment of Nirvana: Ultimate spiritual liberation for sincere practitioners.
  • Exaltation and Bliss: Results in a profound sense of peace and fulfillment.

The Great Author of the Nirvana Shatakam

In this video post, I have covered the significance of the Shatakam and the benefits that come in the later part of the video. Nirvana Shatakam also known as Atma Shatakam was composed by Bhagavatpaad Adi Shankaracharya.

The truths mentioned in the Nirvana Shatakam are so boldly stated that they may raise controversies among many schools of thought.

The Interpretation of Nirvana

The word Nirvana can be split into two parts. ‘Vaana’ means sound. It also means form. Nirvana means no form- no sound. Another connotation of Nirvana, according to some Bhakti schools is “Infinite forms” and Infinite sounds. When we say Formless, it also means so many countless forms, hence beyond form.

infinite forms as revealed in the nirvana shatakam

Impressed by Shankara’s personality, Govinda Pada asked him to introduce himself. Shankara then sang the Nirvana Shatakam in response to the question. The master was so pleased that he accepted him as his disciple.

Sri Adi Shankara: Stalwart among Stalwarts

Adi Shankaracharya has blessed mankind with his enlightening works. His works can be categorized into three broad categories. They are Bhashya, Prakarana, and Devotional hymns.

Bhashyas are meant for the intellectuals who study the truths of the Upanishads, Brahma Sutras, and Bhagavad Gita. Prakarana are monologues explaining the Upanishads in simple language.

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The Shatakam and the Principle of Negation

They can be half a verse long or even contain one thousand verses. The Nirvana Shatakam is a Prakarana Grantha consisting of six verses. Shatakam (शटकम्) means six. It is Shatakam as in “shattered” and not shatakam as in “moth”.

The refrain is चिदानन्दरूपः शिवोऽहम् शिवोऽहम् ॥॥ (cidānandarūpaḥ śivo’ham śivo’ham). Which means I am the very form of bliss. I am Shiva, I am the limitless consciousness.

Does Shiva mean Lord Shiva, the Lord of Kailasha? No, in this context Shiva refers to the formless Brahma, which is all auspicious. The sincere sadhakas may find our video titled What is the meaning of ‘I am Brahman’? | The Soham Mantra explained! interesting.

the nirvana shatakam takes a man towards bliss

Those who have some knowledge of the Sanskrit language can understand the meaning of the Nirvana Shatakam with ease. The entire Nirvana Shatakam is based on the principle of negation.

Usually, the Sanskrit hymns that we see are glorifications, prayers, and invocations. However, the Nirvana Shatakam is of a different class.

True Mood of ‘Neti Neti’ (नेति नेति)

It uses a form of self-inquiry known as ‘Neti Neti’ which means finding out what we are not. To be precise, we have the general tendency to identifying ourselves with the mind, our thoughts, and emotions.

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Whenever a thought of a sense object pops up in the mind, a Jnani should assert the experience as ‘Not this’ and move on to negate the next set of thoughts. When this process deepens, the practitioner negates all worldly experiences including the mind and all that remains is the Self.

The Nirvana Shatakam Reveals the Framework of the Universe

Adi Shankaracharya was a leading proponent of the Neti Neti approach. A reflection of his liking for this process is seen in the Nirvana Shatakam. There are only six verses but technically it is very lengthy.

The Upanishadic terms such as Mann, Buddhi, Ahankara, Chitta, Jnanendriyas, Karmendriyas, Prana, Panch Vayu, Sapta Dhatu, and the Pancha Koshas are all mentioned only within 2 verses of the stotram reflecting deep thought into the framework of the universe.

mann, buddhi, ahankara representation

In the subsequent verse, the subtle feelings of attachment, aversion, greed, pride, and envy are dealt with. The truths in the Nirvana Shatakam cannot be practiced by auto-suggestion because even the mind is a product of Maya.

To learn more about Maya, interested seekers can watch our video titled Maya according to Shankaracharya | Advaita Vedanta and Teachings of Gaudapada. This video is given below

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You can here these esoteric chants here

The Benefits of Chanting the Shatakam

The words of the Nirvana Shatakam have emanated from a higher state of consciousness. At least by reciting the verses we can hope to attain such an exalted state as described in the stotram by reinstating to ourselves that there exists an exalted state to strive for.

Thus the Nirvana Shatakam is relevant in every sadhaka’s life. Recitation of the Nirvana Shatakam has many exhilarating benefits for one’s spiritual growth. It increases a hormone called Dopamine in the brain resulting in ecstatic moods.

a reader of nirvana shatakam has high dopamine levels

It helps us connect with higher consciousness by inducing higher states of meditation granting rare spiritual benedictions. The recital is very soothing to the mind.

We develop Compassion for All

One feels compassion for the world as one begins to see the self in everything – the sentient and the non-sentient. Anxiety and depression reduce.

It is normal human tendency to envy others when they are doing well in their social and personal life. Chanting Nirvana Shatakam alleviates the base moods of envy and jealousy encouraging one to see the good side of one’s own life.

envy distorts our view

Thus Gratitude sets it. Vedas and Upanishads are synonymous to Brahman.

Hence, all of a sudden some sadhakas may develop the ability to interpret the Vedic scriptures because of the invocation of Grace into one’s life, through constant recitation of the Shatakam.

Increase in Memory Power

One’s memory and latent talents flower as a result of the recitation. This can bring temporary fame and prominence. When one’s mind is empty, and is situated in Brahman one can hear the thoughts of others. This ability comes unasked.

ability to read other's mind

Hence, those who chant Nirvana Shatakam on a daily basis can read other people’s minds. Standing true to its name, a sincere chanter of the Nirvana Shatakam attains Nirvana and shall at least once in his/her lifetime have an astounding spiritual experience.

This shall happen for certain.

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