Power of Devi Saraswati Mantra: 7 Key Insights

devi saraswati

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Highlights of Devi Saraswati Mantra Video Post

In this video post , I will describe the following aspects of uttering the Saraswati mantra.

  1. Who is Devi Saraswati
  2. Why is worshipping Devi Saraswati important
  3. Importance of Beeja Akshara
  4. Power of Words
  5. Story of Kumbhakarna and Devi Saraswati
  6. Benefits of the Devi Saraswati Mantra
  7. Process of Chanting Devi Saraswati Mantra

Creative Aspects of Saraswati Devi

Devi Saraswati, also known as Brahmani is the eternal consort of Lord Brahma. She is the goddess of the seven musical notes Sa, Re, Ga, Ma, Pa, Dha, Ni. Holding a veena, she wears a white Saree symbolizing purity. Creativity is an outcome of purity.

classical music

Without purity, creativity can never blossom. Musicians worship Devi Saraswati before commencing Swara Sadhana. Even in the artistic field, painters venerate her before painting as she is the goddess of creativity. Without her blessings, it is impossible to attain perfection in any field.

In academics, Students venerate her for success in their career. Also classical dancers benefit from Devi Saraswati mantra. Let me inform my readers, that this mantra should not be chanted, without the blessings of the Guru. Chanting this mantra without a Guru, goes against the principles of Beejakshara Mantra Sadhana and may have repurcussions

The Principle Devi Sarawati Mantra

The Mantra is Om Aing Namaha. According to some versions, Aim is uttered instead of Aing. Both the versions are correct. You should take this mantra from a Shiksha Guru, who is also able to educate you on the science of Mantras.

Aing is the beejakshara of Devi Saraswati. It is the personification of the goddess. Know that every beeja mantra is linked to a specific deity of Sanatana Dharma. Simply chanting the beeja mantra invokes the deity directly into one’s life. Of course it imples that you have taken this mantra from the Guru. Otherwise kindly avoid this mantra.

The Saraswati Mantra is suitable for Children

While other Beejaksharas are unsafe for children, the beeja mantra of Devi Saraswati is conducive for kids, but with due initiation. Many times children study well, but in the examination hall, they become blank. The Devi Saraswati mantra helps such children face their fears and pass with flying colours.

saraswati sadhana

Our video titled How to Raise Confident Children? | How Should Parents Discipline their Child? will be interesting to watch. Words are a very important part of existence. According to Atharva Veda Words can grant strength. Words can gain friends. They can also turn them into enemies. Words can elevate or Lower the individual. One must learn the habit of making one’s words sweet, soft and pleasant.

Saraswati Devi represents Vak Shakti

Know that Devi Saraswati controls the tongue. She grants Vak Shakti or the power of speech. If Devi Saraswati is pleased, whatever one utters shall manifest. She controls the Vishuddhi chakra due to which one gets the power to influence others. This power is attained through Nishkama Sadhana of Saraswati Devi or also given to you as an award for your previous good Karmas.

To know about the Vishuddhi chakra, you can the video below.

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The Story of Saraswati Devi and Kumbhakarna

Let me share an interesting anecdote in this regard. When Ravana, Kumbhakarna and Vibhisana were meditating, the devas were very disturbed. Kumbhakarna was a voracious eater. If he were granted a boon, he would eat up all the creatures of the world at once.


So, they approached Devi Saraswati for help. When it was Kumbhakarna’s turn to ask for a boon, she sat on his tongue and spoke through him. Kumbhakarna wanted to eat for six months and sleep for one day. Instead, he ended up asking, sleeping for six months and eating for one day.

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Immediate Benefits of Chanting the Saraswati Mantra

Students suffering from Dyslexia and memory related issues see massive improvement in their academics. Chanting the mantra gives clarity of mind and enables students to choose their career effectively. People having stage fear and are unable to convince others develop a magnetic persona.


Saraswati mantra improves learning and cognitive abilities. One attains a completely different vision towards life. Many times writers face a block and are unable to write further. The Saraswati mantra helps overcome the writer’s block and aids in writing effectively.

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Symbolic Representation of Mother Saraswati

Now, I shall present a symbolic representation of the goddess.

Devi Saraswati is four handed. In one hand, she holds a japa mala indicating higher states of meditation. The japa mala also symbolises devotion and piety. On her other hand she holds the Vedas namely Rig, Sama, Yajur and Atharva Veda.

saraswati devi

The Vedas indicate both spiritual and material well-being. Devi Saraswati is very knowledgeable. There is nothing that remains unknown to her. Artists and those who are in the creative field, come up with innovative ideas as a result of her blessings. Chanting Devi Saraswati mantra completely changes the personality, making one more friendly and loving.

Know that Devi Saraswati is pleased with humility. That is the premise to success in any endeavour. She is also very merciful. Touched by Kalidas’s plight, she blessed him with poetic and scholastic abilities. A peacock stands by her side and sometimes she is shown wearing a peacock feather on her crown.


In this aspect she is very similar to Lord Krishna. Peacocks symbolize the power of attraction. It is a very attractive bird with colourful feathers. Hence, Devi Saraswati mantra makes our life colourful and exciting.

Saraswati Mantra Chanting Benefits

Now, I shall share the process of chanting the mantra.

Wear white clothes while chanting this mantra as white is the predominant colour in Saraswati Sadhana. Like the white colour, your conduct and thoughts should also be pure. Maintain celibacy and consume vegetarian food cooked without onion and garlic.

Place an idol of the goddess or a photo on the altar covered with a white cloth. Decorate the altar with white flowers as white is the hallmark of the goddess. Chant the mantra in your mind. Do not chant loudly as the mantra contains the beejakshara.


Chanting this mantra continuously will increase confidence and create positive energy around you. You shall feel it in the first 10 days of the sadhana. Also, you can make this mantra as an integral part of your life or chant the mantra for a stipulated period say 7, 11, 21 or 41 days.

Take sankalpa before you start chanting. To know how to take Sankalpa, watch our video How to Take Mantra Sankalpa? | Importance of Taking Mantra Sankalpa before Mantra Sadhana.

Apply Shweta Chandan as tilak. Use Rudraksha beads for chanting. Rudraksha Mala can only be used under the instructions of the Guru. Always take the advice of the Guru before taking up such sadhana. While chanting imagine Devi Saraswati in the slate of your mind. With every chant, offer colourful flowers at her lotus feet. Use the VIBGYOR mnemonic. First offer her a violet colour flower, then offer an indigo coloured flower, then blue and so on.

Repeat this cycle until you complete 5 rounds of the mantra. The mantra is very short and is not time consuming. You can easily complete five rounds on a daily basis. With time try to increase Sadhana time for faster results. This is a very powerful technique to win the grace of the goddess at the earliest. You shall not find this technique anywhere on the internet.

I have personally tried this process and it works wonders, with the blessings of My Gurudeva.

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