Powers of the Seeta Ram Hanuman Mantra

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Siddha Peethas Promote the Seeta Ram Hanuman Mantra

In this video post, we shall explore the powers and benefits of chanting the Seeta Ram Hanuman mantra.

We shall cover the following points

  1. Significance of the Seeta Ram Hanuman Mantra
  2. Powers of the Seeta Ram Hanuman Mantra
  3. Benefits of the Seeta Ram Hanuman Nama
  4. How to chant the Seeta Ram Hanuman Mantra

It is beneficial to fully understand the unparalleled power of chanting the Namas Seeta, Ram, and Hanuman together. In fact, the mantra of many Siddha Peethas such as Salasar Balaji and Bageshwar Dham Balaji is Seeta Ram Hanuman Mantra.

What do the Deities Seeta Ram and Hanumanji Represent?

Personally, I am very much attracted to this mantra. The powers, miracles, and benefits are obtained through the combination of the Sita Rama Hanuman deities in the mantra. The Seeta mantra represents the earth element.


The Rama mantra represents the fire element combined with the brilliance of the Sun. The Hanuman Nama represents the wind and the space element. Thus the Seeta Ram element combines the elements of nature and thus addresses all the chakras in the human body.

Chanting the Seeta Ram Hanuman mantra shall automatically harmonize the Ida and Pingala currents along the spine. It activates all the chakras. At the same time, it evokes the Bhakti mood of Ayodhya Dhama. The Seeta Ram Hanuman mantra is just a combination of the names of the three deities.

Immediate Benefits of the Nama Seeta Ram Hanuman

Hence it is safe for anyone to chant this mantra without taking initiation of any kind. The Rama nama itself is considered as Beeja by many of the knowers of Mantra Shastra.

But this does not require initiation.

Combining the Rama Nama with Seeta Nama and Hanuman Nama first grounds the chanter with Seeta Nama. Then it raises the consciousness of the chanter through the Nama of Sri Hanuman, who represents the ether and Air element. When Seeta Nama is chanted, all the material elements come together and fulfill all the needs of the practitioner of the Nama.

What does the Seeta Nama give us?

Seeta Nama can make the chanter wealthy and also helps the chanter develop good health. It prevents the chanter from developing an ego, keeping him humble. The learning abilities of the chanter of Seeta Nama increases 10 fold.

seeta ram hanuman

Seeta Nama solves all complications on the home and the work front. It reduces tension and creates favorable situations in the life of the chanter. It is safe and the most ideal for married couples increasing respect and love.

With Seeta Nama, one attains Bhakti Devi with ease. Seeta is another name for simplicity and Bhakti. Patience level increases manifold when a person takes the Seeta Nama.

One shall develop the resilience of an elephant. Such a person shall develop the ability to withstand any calamity with poise and grace. Seeta Nama shall give tremendous strength to act and carry out work without any expectations, just as Srimati Seeta Devi served the Lord without any expectation.

When Seeta Nama is combined with Rama Nama, all sins are immediately burnt to ashes within a few rounds of chanting. The intention of chanting the Nama should be to cleanse the heart. This point is vital when one takes up the chanting of the Seeta Rama Hanuman Mantra.

What does the Rama Nama give us?

The Rama Mantra is a Taraka Mantra. The Seeta Nama makes you fit to receive the blessings of the Rama Nama. The Seeta Rama Syllables can fill you with brilliance. Life’s goals will become very clear. People chanting the Rama Nama in combination with the Seeta Nama are known to become social reformers.

sri rama

Their name spreads far and wide, especially if chosen by the deity. The Seeta Rama Syllables creates many job opportunities and helps talents to be discovered in the chanter.

What does Hanumanji’s Nama give us?

When the Nama Hanuman is added to Seeta Rama, it further increases the potency of the Seeta Ram mantra. It makes the chanter powerful, infusing the ability to perform and succeed in the most daunting tasks.

The Seeta Ram Hanuman Mantra develops the mood of a high-class devotee within the chanter. The chanter starts developing intense feelings of love towards the three deities. As one continues to chant this Nama, one develops a growing affinity for the chanting process.

powerful mantra chanting

The chanter will automatically get addicted to chanting the three deity mantra. Also, the mantra may attract other mantras related to Lord Shiva and Devi Shakti. So, one may also develop the attraction to chant the Lalitha Sahasranama and the Panchakshari mantra of Lord Shiva.

You can watch our video Benefits of Lalitha Sahasranamam | Miracles of Lalitha Sahasranamam to know more. When this happens, know that you are fortunate and reaching great heights in your sadhana process.

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Some more Benefits of the Seeta Ram Hanuman Mantra

The tendency to chant the various Stotrams of the deities indicates that the mantra Shakti is opening up higher passages within the body and the mind. As you further chant the Seeta Ram and Hanuman Mantra, you will also become focused on your eating habits.

The tendency to eat more will slowly die down. The Three deity mantra will automatically compensate for energy within the human system. Chanters who have done intense sadhana of chanting this powerful mantra will be able to sustain a long time without food.

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However, one should drink a lot of water if you are chanting heavily. One’s awareness gets raised to high levels even if one chants this mantra 108X4 times or 41 days. One shall certainly, be able to see the power of the mantras manifesting.

A Small Caution for Intense Chanters

coconut water

One shall be able to see life situations alter. Sometimes, chanting this mantra can cause body pain or make heat boils appear on the body. So it is advised to drink coconut water and have fruits as you take up the sadhana of this mantra.

How to increase one’s connection with the Deities

The Seeta Rama Hanuman Mantra increases the aura of the chanter. Enemies will be powerless before the practitioner of this mantra.

Lord Shiva becomes particularly happy with the one who chants the Seeta Ram Hanuman Mantra. You can complement the chanting of the mantra by reading 1 page of the great Ramcharita Manas Grantha each day.

self sufficient man

This gives the chanter extra courage and strength. The highlight of the mantra is that it will always keep the chanter and his family in surplus and self-sufficiency. Dependency on society is eliminated. One shall be satisfied with such a life. The chanter of this mantra will prefer life in aloneness where there are no ghosts of loneliness.

Hanumanji Maharaj is always by the side of such a devotee. Another powerful mantra is the Fraum Beeja Mantra. Watch our video Fraum Beej Mantra Benefits | How to Chant Hanuman Mantra to know more

Simple Process to Chant the Seeta Ram Hanuman Mantra

Now I shall detail a simple process to chant the Sita Ram Hanuman Mantra. It is ideal if one chants the mantra using a mala of Lotus Beads for maximum benefits. Alternatively, you can use a Chandan Mala or Rosary made of Sandalwood beads.

Ensure that you are clean before you start the regular chanting process. You can choose the morning time for chanting. Brahma Muhurta is preferred but not mandatory. Times have changed and so there can be adjustments in timing. But the mood has to be the mood of surrender and Bhakti. Intentions have to be genuine and clean.

It is also alright to wash your mouth, hands, and feet and sit for the chanting. Wear bright color clothes. Red clothes are preferred because they attract the vibrations of all the three deities.

mantra chanting

Sit facing the Northeast direction on an asana made of wool. Use a chanting bag. Hold the Lotus bead inside the chanting bag and try to cover 64 rounds. You can either do 64 rounds of chanting at one stretch or break it into two or three sessions; in the morning, afternoon and evening.

For best results, ensure you chant these rounds for at least 21 days at a stretch. You can keep a deity of the Rama Darbar or a deity of Hanumanji Maharaj in front of you for the sadhana. Men are advised to chant the Aditya Hridaya Stotram. But one should consult an authorized and bona fide master to take up chanting the Aditya Hrudayam

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Ladies can chant Lalitha Sahsranamam before they take up Sankalpa of chanting the Seeta Ram Hanuman Mantra. I have found these combinations of Stotrams work miracles. Chanting the Seeta Rama Mantra is thus one of the most auspicious sadhanas you can ever undertake.

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