Ravana’s Powerful Shiva Tandava Stotram


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Why, the Shiva Tandava Stotram falls short of Pure Bhakti?

Let me begin by saying that I am not a great admirer of this Stotram. I have a strange relationship with this Stotram, because of two fundamental reasons.

shiva tandava stotram

Ravana, the enemy of Godhead, recited this. That is one reason I do not enjoy chanting this Stotram. What is bad in it anyway, because it extols the Supreme Personality as Sri Bholenath, Mahadeva, the Lord of Lords. I am telling you about this Stotram because, who will not like the names and Glories of the Supreme Personality, even though the composition belonged to Lord Sri Rama’s transgressor?

In Bhakti we should use all Mantra tools that help us grow.

That being said, I advise the serious sadhaka to avoid Stotrams composed by anyone who is inimical towards any form of Godhead. One cannot be a True devotee of Lord Shiva without being a staunch devotee of Sriman Narayana and vice versa. 

shiva narayana

People love the Bhagavad Geeta because Sri Krishna, the Supreme Personality spoke it. People love the Shiva Tandava Stotram for its poetry and its glorification of Lord Shiva, the Supreme God. One cannot be a True devotee of Lord Shiva without being a staunch devotee of Sriman Narayana and vice versa. 

People love the Bhagavad Geeta because Sri Krishna, the Supreme Personality and people love the Shiva Tandava Stotram for its poetry and its glorification of Lord Shiva, the Supreme God.

One cannot be a True devotee of Lord Shiva without being a staunch devotee of Sriman Narayana and vice versa.  People love the Bhagavad Geeta because it was spoken by Sri Krishna, the Supreme Personality and people love the Shiva Tandava Stotram for its poetry and its glorification of Lord Shiva, the Supreme God.

That is fine. But one should not choose this Stotram for pursuance of Satvik Sadhana. This is my view. Out of the many Stotrams, Chalisas and Sahasranamas, the Shiva Tandava Stotram stands out because of its rhythm and beats. But one should not choose this Stotram for pursuance of Satvik Sadhana.

The Many Qualities of Lord Shiva

Out of the many Stotrams, chalisas and Sahasranamas, the Shiva Tandava Stotram stands out due to its rhythm and beats. Lord Shiva is very kind. His calmness and innocence attracts devotees coming from all walks of life.

He is the master of dance, art, poetry, yoga, meditation and Samadhi. So, chanting the Shiva Tandava Stotram helps one succeed in all these fields. The Stotram reduces the frequency of domestic quarrel resulting in a happy marital life.

It also manifests one’s desire. However, it is my personal request, chant Stotrams to please the Lord and win His Love and not for receiving something from this mortal world.

Know that another name of Lord Shiva is Baidyanath, the greatest of doctors. Persons suffering from chronic disease will get respite.

Also watch our video on Lord Dhanvantari titled Benefits of Chanting Dhanvantari Mantra | About Dhanvantari God | Dhanvantari Mantra Benefits.

Blessings of Lord Shiva

Lord Shiva blesses one with peace, prosperity and a charismatic personality. He also lowers the ill effects of black magic, Shani dosha, Sarpa dosha and Pitra dosha. Our face becomes radiant with soul power.

Daily recital grants control over the tongue. Most importantly, one should chant the Stotram to win Lord Shiva’s heart forsaking all mundane desires. Chanting this Stotram purifies the mind granting devotion towards Mahadeva. One attains Moksha after leaving the body. The Shiva Tandava Stotram works best when chanted on Pradosham. Pradosham falls on the day of Trayodashi and is an auspicious hour for Karma cleansing.

You can watch our video titled What are the 3 Types of Karma? | What is Karma? | How to Clear Past Life Karma? to know the science of Karma.

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Some Other Benefits and History of the Shiva Tandava Stotram

Chanting the Shiva Tandava Stotram on an eclipse nullifies the adverse effects of planets and is hundred times more powerful.

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However, it is also good to chant it every day. This mesmerizing Stotram is difficult to memorise. However, I believe that there are some Shaivites who will take the pains for Bholenath.

Now, I shall narrate the history of the Shiva Tandava Stotram. Once, Ravana requested Lord Shiva to dwell in Lanka permanently. On being refused many times, Ravana took things into his hands. Proud of his strength, he uprooted the Kailash mountain with his twenty arms. To teach Ravana a lesson, Lord Shiva pressed the mountain with his toe, crushing his hands.

ravana lifts kailasa

Wreathing in pain, Ravana composed the Shiva Tandava Stotram spontaneously. Finally, Lord Shiva spared his life and granted him the invincible Chandrahasa weapon. Such is the kindness of the Lord. He even accepts the proud, as his devotees very much unlike Sri Narayana.

Earlier known as Dashanan, Ravana got his name as his cries shook the world. There is an interesting story of Lord Shiva and Ravana.

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The Shiva Tandava Stotram is a beautiful description of Lord Shiva performing Tandava.

Descriptions Within The Shiva Tandava Stotram

Tandava is the cosmic dance of Lord Shiva symbolizing the cycle of creation and destruction, birth and death. The two main types of Tandava are Rudra Tandava and Ananda Tandava.

Rudra Tandava is aggressive while Ananda Tandava is blissful. Devotion towards Lord Shankara is clear in every verse of the poetic master-piece called Shiva Tandava Stotram.

shiva tandava

Ravana tirelessly praises the beauty of Lord Shiva without missing a single feature, his hair bound by the red snake, the sounds of his drum, the fire on his forehead, the flowing Ganga, and the crescent moon adorning his forehead. He also recalls the pastimes of Lord Shiva, as the slayer of Kamadeva, as Tripurari, the destroyer of Daksha Yagya, the killer of the demon Andhaka, and the Saviour, who protected Markandeya from death.

For that moment, Lord Shiva empowered Ravana to sing this Stotram setting an example of devotion. Ravana says ‘When will I be happy?’

He pines to dwell in a cave, near Ganga, thinking of Lord Shiva always immersed in his devotion. Also, he prays for the vision of a Samadarshi, which means seeing no difference between a blade of grass and a lotus, a friend and enemy, dirt and gemstone, snake and garland.

Lust and Haughtiness cannot qualify a Pure Devotee

As Sanatanis, we appreciate some of the pleasant aspects of Ravana. But as a powerful and genuine Sanatani one has to live and die for Truth and take pains to relieve ourselves from Lust.

Both these aspects were missing in Ravana. Yet the kind Lord, Shiva, accepted this unfortunate devotee. We praise Ravana. Undoubtedly he was an outstanding scholar and knower of the Vedas. However, in his personal life he had enmity towards Lord Rama, the Ishta dev of Lord Shiva himself.

Abducting the wife of the Lord is condemnable. So, we should evaluate facts without bias. This is my opinion.

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