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A Brief Introduction
The Rig Veda is an ancient document of the ancient mystics of Bharath. It is the secrets of the Himalayan region, with its many secrets.
To uncover these Truths, one, not only requires patience but needs subtlety and sensitivity of mind and a finesse of language, which can only be fashioned through purity in the heart. The RigVeda is perhaps the oldest available scripture of Bharath. The teachings of the Bhagavad Gita and the Upanishads with all their profundity are a late appendix to the RigVeda.
The RigVeda is without doubt, the oldest book (scripture) of the world and the source book of the entire human civilization. Many of the modern teachers and the yogis of Bharath, great Self-Realized and God-realized beings, have confirmed the profundity of the RigVeda document.

These include world teachers like Paramahamsa Yogananda, Sri Yukteshwar Giri, Swami Vivekananda, Swami Rama Tirtha, Sri Aurobindo and Ganapathi Muni, just to name a few.
Mystery of Rig Veda
The Mystery of Human Life and its Sacred Connection with the Vedic Deities becomes the fundamental teachings of the Rig Veda. The Rig Veda consists hymns glorigying Devatas of various realms, their powers, significance and stories.
Moreove, the RigVeda is a conglomeration of poetry, legend, ritual, ancient science and culture.
They cannot be compared to the ordinary, human devised sciences, that are mere distortions of the mind. Instead, Rig veda is incomparable as it is the surce of truth, the breath of God. Above all it is a great treatise on yoga and spirituality.
The Rig Veda upholds within itself the beauty and simple joy of life, perfectly in unison with nature. Today, life has becoming a living hell, owing to our distorted mind.
But, the Rig Veda simply brings forth the fomula of a satisfying life.
In short, the hymns of the RigVeda are a reminder of the beauty of dawn. It holds within itself the mysterious, enigmatic and strange aspects of the mind, deep and primal. Man has lost touch with the realm of the sacred, thoroughly disturbed by the mind and its idiosyncrasies, low in energy and chaotic by nature.
Contents of Rig Veda

The RigVeda presents us with an opportunity; it offers a doorway, to an aspect of our nature with which we may find it worthwhile to establish contact, in order to fully comprehend the full scope of who we are.
The Gayatri Mantra is found in the third Mandala of the Rig Veda and who does not know the efficacy of the Gayatri Mantra. Find out more in this video.
It takes us back to our origin, drifting away by which we today we stand entrapped in the mesh of the illusory world. The RigVeda is an exposition of archetypes, full-fledged blue-prints, the images of man and nature.
It reveals to us that secret knowledge that many of us are struggling to understand through the modern day sciences. People came up with psychology, anthropology, medicine and other allied fields to answer questions.
However, in this mesh we have more questions and less answers. Many of these fields’ so-called answers have also turned into questions.
In other words, all that we are seeking from our current day sciences stands revealed in the esteemed Rig Veda.
The basis and purpose of human life, the origin of the world, the constitution of the mind and many other unanswered complicated questions find answers in the Rig Veda.
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Yoga And Rig Veda
The practices of Yoga and Tantra, described in the Rig Veda along with a deep exposition of other spiritual practices intend towards decoding the deepest psyche behind the creative process within man. The understanding of RigVeda shall open up pathways that shall connect us, at the deepest level, to our origins.
It is a handbook that guides us back to our source.
Understand that it is our inability to ignite interest in the science of RigVeda that has lead us to our present crisis.
Bharat’s Greatest Gift
If Egypt has left the pyramids for the world, Bharath (India) has left the Vedas, which is verily the pyramid structure of human mind.
Much of the symbolism of the Rig Veda appears to be similar to the Pyramids of Egypt. Yet the RigVeda in many ways far supersedes the knowledge encoded within the pyramids.
This is because, it talks of dimensions that far exceed the astral and causal worlds, which is not necessarily the topic of the pyramids. Though we are different, our ultimate goal is one.
Fascinating Topics of the Rig Veda

The Rig Veda aims at tracing our origin. Our field of consciousness in the current freequency crings earth and the current scenario to existence.
When we fall asleep, our consciosuness alters. As a result we enter the dream world.
Similarly, with altering state of consciousness, there comes to existence different worlds. A detailed description of thes worlds appear int he Rig Veda. So, the Rig Veda talks about the dimensions where the gods and the demons reside.
God and demons depict the good and evil forces. Along with descrbing the beautiful heavens, it decribes the world of snakes, demons and other unheard species, that brach off from the field of consciousness. All that is, finds mention in the Rig Veda.

To be honest, it is an ultimate Science book. Not only Psychology which talks about the beahviour of man, it also covers physics, biology, creationsim, evolution, Nuclear science… etc!
In fact, it covers sublte science, which human beings haven’t yet dicovered.
It explores the many dimensions as existing within man, forces of cosmic energy much beyond the comprehension of an untrained mind. However, all this valuable knowledge is within the reach of one’s inner being.
The Rig veda explains all that which is beyond the mind’s wildest imagination, yet explicable to the soul! In this great sacred ambit, nothing is, as it appears on the surface.
Aim of Rig Veda
The teachings of the RigVeda appears to be veiled from the outer mind. Its teachings are under a clout and inaccessible to the non-devoted, as if locked by some sacred formulae. The Purusha Suktam is a powerful hymn taken from the Rig Veda.
The RigVeda is not an invitation towards converting people to it’s recommendations or teachings. Rather, the Veda exhorts that, truth has to be earned by merit, attained by our own individual experience and direct perception.
Truth, is not, the Veda emphasizes, as something to be proved or established. It is simply to be beheld, realized, when the curtains of ignorance are shred to tatters by the sword of knowledge.
Truth stands by itself, all else requires support and props.
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