Rudrashtakam: A Poignant tale of Kakabhushundi


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What is the Rudrashtakam?

the rudrashtakam

The Rudrashtakam is composed by Sri Goswami Tulsidas, a renowned Rama Bhakta of the 16th century. It is a Sanskrit chant that praises the form and deeds of Lord Shiva. It finds a mention in the Uttar Kaand of the Ramacharitamanas. It is impossible to attain lord Rama without the Grace of Lord Shiva says the Ramacharitamanas in Uttara Kanda, Doha 45.

औरउ एक गुप्त मत सबहि कहूँ कर जोरि।

संकर भजन बिना नर भगति न पावै मोरी।।45।।

Hence, the Manas begins only after the story of Mahadev’s marriage. Thus it is impossible to ignore the virtues of Mahadev. Lord Rama is the Ishta dev of Lord Shiva. Hence, it becomes even more necessary to please Lord Shiva and get his blessings. Reciting the Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra is yet another way to please Lord Shiva. I have already made a video on that.

What Are Nama Apradhas

Now I shall narrate the story of the Rudrashtakam. Kakabhushundi, the crow devotee of Lord Rama had a human body in his previous birth. He had great devotion, and faith in Lord Shiva but did not respect Lord Vishnu. This is one of the greatest Namaparadhas.

powerful mantra chanting

By definition, Namaparadha means, the 10 definite rules one has to follow so that Nama Japa becomes effective and will start taking you towards liberation. They can also be referred as offenses that one should avoid while doing Hari Nama. Otherwise simply chanting Nama without caring for the rules of purity is like an elephant taking a bath in clear water and then putting mud on its head, immediately after its bath.

10 Namaparadhas, are to start with. In reality, there are 64 Namaparadhas that one has to protect oneself from. But 10 are primary for Kaliyuga.

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The Story behind the Rudrashtakam

Kakabhushundi’s Gurudeva would advise him to worship Lord Vishnu, but he would turn deaf ears to his guru’s advice. He would like to hear about Lord Shiva but would become angry on hearing the glories of other gods.

With time, his arrogance grew. One day, when he was chanting Lord Shiva’s name in a temple, his guru entered the temple. Kakabhushundi did not bother to get up and instead continued his chanting.

sri rama and kakabhushundi

His guru forgave him for his disrespectful behaviour but Lord Shiva could not tolerate this insult. He cursed Kakabhushundi to rot as a serpent, suffering for a thousand years in the repeated cycle of birth and death. His guru was compassionate and sang the Rudrashtakam to moderate the curse of his ignorant disciple.

Lord Shiva’s heart melted. He said that after a thousand cursed births, Kakabhushundi shall have immense devotion for Lord Rama. Kakabhushundi was then born as a great devotee of Lord Rama in the Brahmin class.

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Story of Sage Lomasha and Kakabhushundi

The form aspect of Lord Rama attracted him more. So he had no regards for the formless aspect of Sri Rama. He was once listening to the Satsanga of the great Sage Lomasha who extolled the formless aspect of Sri Rama. Here, Kakabhushundi, disagreed with Lomasha, even after several deliberations from the sage.

kakabhushundi advises garuda

In anger, the sage cursed Kakabhushundi, to become a crow. Since then Kakabhushundi remained an ageless crow and many believe that he is even now doing Bhakti of Sri Rama. Later on, Kakabhushundi helped to deliver Ram Katha to Garuda, the vehicle of Lord Vishnu.

The Many Benefits of Reciting the Rudrashtakam

Now I shall state the benefits of chanting the Rudrashtakam. This soulful prayer melts the heart of Lord Shiva, and he immediately absolves the chanter of his sins. It helps overcome grave life challenges.

They seem trivial and as easy to cross as the hoof marks of a cow. The Rudrashtakam instills devotion towards Lord Shiva. The Sanskrit used here is very easy to read and understand. Repeatedly chanting the Stotram for fifteen days imprints the Stotram in your mind without the need to learn it.

reading scriptures

Mellows of devotion soak each word of the Rudrashtakam. Another advantage of chanting this Stotram is that it pleases Lord Rama and helps gain his blessings as well. I have made a video on Sri Rama Manas Puja, you can have a look at that. Chanting the Stotram brings peace of mind and removes negative thoughts, for certain.

This Ashtakam does not require any initiation. I urge my readers to chant this Ashtakam. I have been chanting it for many years and whatever I am today, is because of the blessings of the great devotee Kakabhushundi and His Gurudeva’s Ashtakam. It leads to spiritual growth giving good fortune and happiness. Lord Shiva fulfills the desires of the chanter.

stress and anxiety

The Stotram reduces stress and anxiety. For those perturbed by evil forces, it creates an aura of protection around the chanter. If negative forces are troubling you, chant the Rudrashtakam three times a day for relief. It also removes fears and doubts increasing clarity of mind. If you are stuck in a problem and need divine guidance, chanting Rudrashtakam opens newer avenues.

People suffering from trust-related issues start letting go of their insecurities. Lord Shiva is the deity of faith. This quality overwhelms your being without having to put in much effort. The chanting of the Rudrashtakam takes you to higher dimensions. You can have divine visions of Lord Shiva if chanted with love for the deity.

Lord Shiva is quick in pleasing his devotees. People call Lord Shiva, Ashutosh, or the one who is easily pleased. However, one’s desires should be pure and free from ill intent. The regular chanting of the Rudrashtakam helps you overcome the sorrow of losing a relative increasing soul power. Lord Shiva is the Param guru.

He instills knowledge in our hearts and gives us the courage to remain steadfast even in trying situations. Our video on the Benefits of Om Namah Shivaya may be an interesting to watch.

Process of Chanting the Rudrashtakam

Now I shall cover chanting the Rudrashtakam.

The Rudrashtakam worships the Satvik form of Lord Shiva. Hence, consume Satvik food. Remove non-vegetarian food and onion-garlic from your diet. To see the benefits, it is essential to sacrifice something dear to you. The Lord looks at your sincerity. If you follow the rules I have stated, your Sadhana shall reach a different level.

avoid non-veg

It is essential to observe Brahmacharya. Keep away from intoxicants such as smoking, drinking, and tobacco. These substances are not to be consumed while worshipping the Satvik form of Lord Shiva. Chant the Rudrashtakam consistently every day and make it a part of your Sadhana. This is the greatest success of human life.

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