Science Consciousness Wisdom: Life’s Tripod


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Science and its contradictions

The views that I express in this video are purely empirical and based on my direct experience, and not necessarily a universal Statement of Fact, which will find conformance with the scientific community of the world. What I know and express in the video is based on my sadhana, the words of wise men whose experience is verifiable.


We can verify this provided we follow their words of wisdom and act accordingly. This experience is not born out of a placebo or delusion of any kind. The words of the Spiritually wise can be verified by one and all, provided one is ready to let go of oneโ€™s conditioning and takes recourse to the path of the authentic sadhana of mantra chanting as enunciated by the Scriptures of Sanatana Dharma.

science of placebo

In science, many branches contradict each other. As a result, there are differences in opinion, technique, and results in the different branches of science such as cultural (regular) science and quantum physicsSome branches believe in the role of consciousness while some do not.

Some swear by theories of former scientists and other modern theories are based on stark contradicting theories. There is no definite basis, based on which science can draw definite conclusions, in an even field of pure experimentation.

Scientific Precision always falls short of Universality

These conclusions keep changing with time. It is not that certain conclusions are reached and then further discoveries are made from where the communityโ€™s predecessors left it. Rather, with the ever-increasing precision of measuring instruments and committed research old theories are rejected and new theories are postulated.

Some Common Examples of Scientific Incompleteness

For example, it was assumed that light always traveled straight in a linear fashion. But later it was proved that light rays do bend like a curve especially while covering long distances. Earlier scientists believed that the sun goes around the earth but scientists soon discovered that it was the other way around.

Similar is the hard problem of consciousness. Earlier scientists believed that consciousness is a by-product of the brain but then science is stuck and not able to locate the source of consciousness. It is all a matter of perception and consciousness and is relevant to understanding essential concepts that shape our intellectual faculties.

True Science is the Science of Spirituality

We must thus understand that experiments based on the so-called perfect laws of modern science do not stand in good stead with time. The results depend on the consciousness associated with that particular experiment. This is an unwritten yet definitive fact. This means that we gain different results for the same experiment with the change of consciousness. Sounds like quantum physics?

quantum physics

True science is that which is highly verifiable and does not have any frailties. The important point is that it should not change with time. Such science is verily spiritual, highly verifiable, and stands the test of time. It is the desired, permanent, stable, and definite outcome of all experiments that man has carried out since time immemorial.

The Science of Consciousness of Bharata Varsha is beyond science and directly verifiable by a person committed to faith and sadhana. One major difference between Science and Sadhana is that Science only establishes a theory when someone has stumbled upon a temporary verifiable event and proposes a theory to support that argument logically and mathematically. This is not to discount the fact that it is modern Science alone that has made life easier and livable, given todayโ€™s time.

Contributions of Modern Science cannot be discounted

Science, in that sense, is a gift from Nature, that addresses challenges related to hard matter. However, it is still incapable of establishing any theory that talks of spirit. On the other hand, Spirituality is verified directly by the individual consistently without the need for external material instruments.


I am also grateful to Modern science that I can express my views owing to the growth of social media, and make myself heard. In that sense, Modern Science is a blessing of the Universal Spirit on mankind, provided, man is aware of how he can wield this power.

Spirituality is Verifiable Truth

The Path of Dharma is the tool to attain success in the verification of Dharma and the reliance on consciousness which is far beyond the reach of the senses that the scientific world relies heavily upon. Since Senses are imperfect any form of science that uses the innate defective power of the senses cannot be perfect. When we are grounded within consciousness, Truth is directly verifiable by the inner instrument of chitta or pure consciousness.

It is the only reality that never changes although the entire world and factors governing the world change. This can, however, be achieved only if we are committed to the experiment and not biased towards material science because then it will become our conditioning. 

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How to verify Spirituality

Scriptures are unbiased. They are documents revealing perfect reality, not prone to human defects as in science. Unlike science which has one theory today and another tomorrow, Shastras have always been a point of reference for their immaculate relevance at all times, without the slightest change in the definition of Absolute Reality. On the other hand, science goes by the relative reality syndrome that gets challenged every 10 years.

bhagavad gita

When we are committed to the scriptures and are ready to undertake the journey, we shall arrive at verifiable facts. For example, if we stick to Truth as defined by the Scriptures such as the Bhagavad Gita and the Brahma Sutras, we will experience the Universal principles directly through the agency of the spirit, which does not require external struts. When we stick to Truth, we shall develop great qualities as an experiment.

Qualities of a Spiritual Person

We shall become fearless. A spiritual person does not get bothered about the results of his actions. Bestowed with untold power and commitment, spiritual seekers work towards their goals. Such people are extremely unbiased. They may face opposition, yet peace shall become an inseparable part of their personality, situated at the very core.

Fearfulness is not their attribute and so a good night’s sleep follows them without any effort. This phenomenon does not change with time, place, or circumstances. This is verifiable under all conditions and hence it’s a perfect science.


The external world is a mix of multiple consciousness, vibrations, views, ideologies, and thoughts.

People finding the ways of the world, keeping the external as the focus are misled right at the start. They believe that the external world is real and hence begin with various experiments to prove their point. Here the very basis of reality is False! It is driven by the mind which cannot study itself but requires to be studied by a superior authority.

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Freedom of perspective

There are many people with different views on life. None of them are right or wrong and everything becomes a matter of relative perspective. The difference in perspective is similar to the experience of a man inflicted with jaundice who sees everything around in yellow tones, while a person with color blindness is unable to distinguish the colored world around him.

So in the relative reality of the physical world, there exists no common reference to say who is right or wrong. This world is a world of opinions, biases, and perspectives.


On the other hand, the spiritual world is riveted in Dharma in an ascending trajectory where grades are defined and expressed so by the Scriptures. So there are Dharmic injuctions that are graded accordingly. The pinnacle of Dharma ends with Sharanagati or surrender to Bhagawan, who ensures that the living entity reaches the goal of Moksha. This is a detailed verifiable subject of Spiritual Science. But the journey of Moksha begins with spiritual wisdom when one takes up the spiritual journey under the auspices of a Perfect Guru or a Wise Preceptor.

Who is a wise man?

Wisdom is the stream of knowledge that lies embedded in the heart of the awakened one. It is the very identity of a wise man. One attains wisdom only when desires are relinquished following Sadhana through relentless meditation and spiritual seeking. The doors of wisdom open up when Grace follows the blessings of the Guru and the Deity. The Wise are very protective of their knowledge because they are the owners of the Gem called Wisdom. Because of this, they do not entertain the world.

spiritual guru

Problems of the Common Man

Today, the common man is entrenched in problems. This is because he has not drunk deep from the nectar of the life process and has been living life superficially or has fallen prey to unnecessary desires that are detrimental to his spiritual and mental health.

People are prone to get disturbed at life’s tiniest provocation. The common man, nevertheless seeks advice but does not employ the right actions to wiggle out of the problems. Seeking advice is of value only if we ask the right questions. The world is driven by fear and one driven by fear will always seek an answer to all the wrong questions.


People, many times are unable to comprehend the source of fear and only try to tackle fear superficially. This instinct of fear drives the common man to myriad irrelevant objects of life, that only increase the load of existence, rather than setting him free.

Misinterpretation of Security causes Fear

For Example, Security is misinterpreted as having less wealth or being challenged by society. People compromise values and try to abide by erroneous social norms which are divorced from Dharma.  

The real question is, the lack of inner balance, the lack of understanding of life, which creates fear. The Problem here is never lack of money or societal pressure. If one yearns to understand life as a process, it is easier to navigate the fears that life projects toward us.


If one tries to earn more wealth instead of getting a deeper understanding of the spirit, his worries are only going to multiply because wealth is an external agent that has nothing to do with the inner component of fear. Wealth may probably multiply one’s worry and not account for the insecurities of the common man.

Deep-rooted Ignorance is the source of all Problems

These challenges are posed as a result of deep-rooted ignorance that clouds the soul and drives man crazy without respite. Fear is intended by Nature so that man uses a little intelligence and takes spiritual advice rather than trying to materially solve his insecurity problems. It is interesting to note that all material problems only have spiritual solutions. These solutions are not near perfect but perfect assuring 100% security and set man free once and for all.


The sooner we realize this, the wiser we become. On the other hand, when man abandons fear and courageously moves toward the domain of God, he acquires wisdom. This is just the starting point. He gains more exponentially as he prods on the spiritual path. Walking on the Spiritual Path opens the doorway to ultimate Wisdom. There is no other solution to tackling the Problems of this material world.

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