Shiv Mantra: 7 Key Practices of Maha Mrityunjaya

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Shiv Mantra that has great Power in its Vibrations

In this video post we shall see the benefits and the process to chant the Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra. Many undermine the power of the Vedic mantras.  This powerful mantra of Lord Shiva has unimaginable healing effects on the chanter.  One can compare it to modern sound therapy. The vibrations can heal a variety of chronic diseases such as Arthritis and Cardiac ailments. The Maha Mrityunjaya mantra is very dear to Lord Shiva.

lord shiva

To a sincere seeker, the mantra is like a treasure chest. Being unconditionally merciful, lord Shiva reveals the secrets of his universe to such a sincere seeker and thus blesses his devotee.  Whoever worships the lord with a desire shall have his desires fulfilled.  Such is the potency of the mantra. However, one must recite the mantra with caution.  Or else it can have malefic effects on the chanter.  The Mantra goes like this

Shiv Mantra and Meaning of the Mantra

Aum Tryambakam yajaamahe sugandhim pushtivardhanam |

Urvaarukamiva bandhanaan-mrityormuksheeya maamritaat ||

The Meaning of the Mantra is this:

We worship the three-eyed One, who is fragrant and who nourishes all. Like the fruit falls off from the bondage of the stem, may we transcend death, may we live in the causeless domain.  You can also watch our video Benefits of Om Namah Shivaya Chanting | Om Namah Shivaya Mantra Benefits that appears on our channel.

Intention drives the Chanting Process

Lord Shiva is easily pleased with prayers, but he also looks at the intention of the chanter above anything else.  If the intention is to gain love for God, the lord is very much pleased and grants the seeker much more than asked. However, if the chanting is done with an intention to cause harm to others, it can sabotage one’s life.  The Maha Mrityunjaya mantra is very melodious to the ears. 


It not only benefits the chanter but also those who hear it.  Hence, it is one of the foremost of Shiva mantras. The mantra can fulfil material desires and also grant the highest benediction of life, Moksha. According to some versions, the great rishi Markandeya meditated upon the Mahamrityunjay mantra and increased his lifespan. 

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Categories of People who chant the Shiva Mantra

There are three categories of people of who chant this mantra.  The first category includes the people who chant this mantra to gain material benefits. The second category of devotees aspire for Mukti or merging into the Supreme Being, Sadashiva.  While the third category includes those seekers who wish to attain the abode of Lord Shiva, Kailasha. The Mahamrityunjay mantra shall equally satisfy all the seekers, regarding their level of attainment.


The chanting of Mahamrityunjay mantra releases a certain chemical in the brain called Dopamine which is said to have healing effects on the mind and body.  It relieves anxiety and stress. The mantra creates an auric field that brings one very close to lord Shiva. The chanter shall gain confidence in all walks of life and shall become fearless. All life problems shall appear mundane. 

Some Benefits of the Mahamrityunjaya Mantra

Lord Shiva shall become one’s friend and shall help one take important decisions in life.  Those tormented by Sarpa Dosha can also benefit from this mantra.  The mantra can relieve one from guilt and can be a means for repentance.  For students, it can open unexplored faculties of the mind, making them sharp.  It also blesses one with contentment, which is coveted by many.  The mantra shall make one very dear to lord Shiva.

The stressful problems of life shall now appear as small as a mole for a person who regularly chants this mantra.  Our lower self which contains the base tendencies shall fade away with continued chanting of the mantra. The Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra averts sudden deaths in the household thus ensuring physical, mental and emotional wellbeing.  It also aids in developing dispassion, or Virakti which is very much sought by spiritualists. 


The mantra opens the faculty of intuition and higher intelligence.  At the beginning, one can start by doing one mala in the morning and one in the evening. With time, one develops a bond with the mantra and can slowly increase the number of repetitions. One can chant the mantra to subside the effects of bad-planetary positions. The mantra is best suitable for peace of mind. 

Procedure for Chanting the Shiv Mantra

Now let us see the procedure of chanting this mantra.  In order to get best results, the one must chant during Brahmamuhurta or a time between 4 to 6 AM.  Such a timing is exceptionally conducive for holy activities.  One must sit on a chanting mat or a mat made of Kusha grass, if conditions permit.  After taking a bath, and performing the purification process, one must wear white clothes or clothes of a soothing color such as light blue or baby pink. 

Then, keeping Lord Shiva’s idol in front or any of his photos, one must think of the five-headed Sadashiva form of the lord. While concentrating on the Lord’s forehead, one must utter the words “Om Tryambakam Yajaamahe”. The phrase literally means Oh Lord Shiva, the possessor of three eyes. After ruminating on his divine features for some time, shift your focus on his lotus feet and utter the words Sugandhim Pushtivardhanam, which means the lord who is as pleasurable as incense.


Visualise that one is offering fragrant lotus flowers at his feet. With every flower, one is getting rid of Sanchita karma or unfavourable Karma that is about to manifest in the future.  Thus, this practice shall clear a lot of undesirable Karma and aid in attaining enlightenment. Then shift your focus on his arms and utter the words Urvaarukamiva bandhanat.

Visualise that Lord Shiva is placing his lotus hands on your head and is blessing you like a father.  This practice shall grant fearlessness in life and shall improve one’s self-image.  Finally, think of his chest and utter the words -mrityormoksheeya maamritaat which means the lord who grants liberation or immortality. Note that this phrase has multiple connotations. 

It can cure diseases and can also mean attainment of enlightenment.  Towards the end of the puja, one can offer a pudding or sweet such as sweet rice for Bhoga or offering. The Mahamrityunjay mantra should be chanted 108 times using a counter or a Japa mala made of Rudraksha.  Note that the chants must be loud and clear. One must chant in the mind, at the preliminary stage because the mind is still not pure.

If we chant in the mind, there are possibilities of drifting away from the Sadhana process. With time, impurities leave the mind ,and chanting in the mind shall become a spontaneous process.

The Narmadeshwar Lingam


As the chanter matures in his Sadhana, he shall witness the direct involvement of Lord Shiva in his life.  Sincerity of purpose is all that matters. One can also adorn oneself with Rudraksha beads, as they symbolize Lord Shiva. If one has Lord Narmadeshwar in one’s house, one can chant in front of the Narmadeshwar Lingam.

After following this procedure for a duration of 21-days and one shall see a lot of movement happening in life.  If the one discontinues the Sadhana because of other reasons, the practice may cannot deliver the desired results. For best outcomes one should continue this process for at least 41 days without a break, to get some results.

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