Spiritual Enlightenment: Top 10 Signs

spiritual enlightenment

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What is Spiritual Enlightenment?

Spiritual Enlightenment is a great “DROPPING OFF”.All worldly notions simply drop off from the hold of consciousness. They wither away just as dried leaves wither away from branches.

There are two catalysts of Enlightenment-

1) Spiritual greed

2) Spiritual Practice.

However, these do not possess any special grit of their own. They simply create space for the mind to renounce all other desires.

So, today, let’s discuss the journey of spiritual enlightenment in some detail.

Spiritual Enlightenment: Stage 1

Great Desire to break Free

Intense desire is the preliminary step. In fact, if you have great desire, you have already won half the battle. Just as a car requires fuel to run smoothly, intense spiritual desire makes your journey effortless. Only the passionate ones truly succeed.

acquiring spiritual knowledge

But yes, your spiritual desire must be fierce and intense. The soil must be fertile before sowing the seed of spiritual practice. Hence, without desire, sincerity and regularity shall never follow.

How to generate Spiritual Desire?

Sadly, you cannot artificially generate this desire. It appears on its own- just because the soul is too old to continue material life. Hence, nothing outward can induce this tendency.

Signs of Spiritual Desire or Greed

1) Growing claustrophobia for material life. This claustrophobia comes by Nature’s will. It keeps increasing with time.

2) Daily routine and life problems

People who are genuinely tired of experimenting with the world have learned their lessons the harsh way.

a hard life makes a person cry

They are genuinely interested in breaking free. Yet, they do not see happiness as a replacement for worries. Hence, this stage is not an escape route.

3) Feeling incompetence to ‘exist’.

This indicates an intrinsic spiritual bent of mind.

Actually, this realization comes from a certain degree of maturity cultivated in prior lifetimes. This doesn’t pertain to survival but the ability to know where you stand.

5) Anticipating boredom in life-ahead

The seeker initially realizes that this restlessness and boredom shall continue forever. Some inner intelligence seems to guide him.

Spiritual Enlightenment: Stage 2

Loss of All Hope

Later, all positivity, negativity, and hopes shatter, yet one continues to live relentlessly. Indeed, this feels like the rat being trapped eternally with all escape routes sealed.

loss of all hope

Spiritual Enlightenment: Stage 3

Introducing Spiritual Practice

When desire to get enlightened ignites, true seeking begins. You then start meeting enlightened masters and hear their wise words. Eventually, you take up certain authentic spiritual practices or sadhana.

a spiritual practice

Indeed, Spiritual practice has a great role to play. It grants you the vision to see through things. Also, it makes a personal space for proper reception of your surroundings.

Spiritual Enlightenment: Stage 4

Growing Turbulence in Life

As you start adopting different paths, change Gurus, recite mantras and meditate, the inner mess spills out. Naturally, instability in life may increase.

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Several events or circumstances can disturb and add to the existing internal pandemonium.

The greatest insecurity in a seeker…

For a true seeker, this process of spiritual practice is full of thorns. Sometimes, this process may never end. This is left for Mother Nature to decide. Inner scum of molten lava keeps churning. Hence, this realignment may take years together.

You might tend to sleep for longer hours, experience pain in certain areas of the body, have mild headaches, during your realignment stage.

sleeping for long hours

Shift in Energy Patterns

Also, you may experience a drastic shift in energy. However, some practitioners luckily exit this phase.

As I said there is no fixed timeline. Also, this phase may never even end!

Spiritual Enlightenment: Stage 5

Settling down of inner tendencies

When the tempest settles down, all concepts about life crumble and our so-called knowledge, understanding and brilliance come to naught.

I find it hard to define.

Defining means structuring and it is impossible to structure that which is rid of all structures. Either keep Red Jasper stones in your house or wear them around your wrists or neck. By doing so, your mind will become a repository of positive energy.

Your old negative thought patterns will begin to crumble down gradually, without causing you any discomfort.

Hence, yoga masters and enlightened mystics recommend this brilliant stone for their spiritually evolving disciples.

Now, let’s continue…

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Spiritual Enlightenment: Stage 6

The mind gets dismantled. So to say the thinking process is set into abeyance. Thinking loses all its value for the rest of this lifetime.

end of desires

Life events lose continuity and storylines lose meaning.

The desires come to an end.

However, things appear ordinary and mundane. Nothing undergoes change and everything looks normal.

Spiritual Enlightenment: Stage 7

Back to Normal Life

The zest for life nevertheless picks up like never before. There is no interest specifically towards the work-result per say, but the energy and commitment towards one’s strengths picks up and peaks to the maximum.

working without desire

The mind is almost gone, dissolved, or sucked out of all its capacity.

Spiritual Enlightenment: Stage 8

Mind remains unusually Fresh

The mind may still lurk around. However, it stops all mischief. Like a clean slate, all traces of past conditioning simply wash away.

However, you may temporarily experience a memory lapse. The mind is clear of impressions. Hence, every passing second is fresh leaving all past baggage behind. Sometimes the person may seem to suffer from memory or recollection issues.

However, this is It is absolutely normal for those whose search has finally come to an end. Nothing of one’s story remains.

Spiritual Enlightenment: Stage 9

Worries stop bothering you

Problems will continue their course because Karma remains till the time you have a body but you will not be worried. Pain may exist, but there can be no suffering. Fears and interest concerning worldly upkeep, maintenance and future worries simply evaporate into thin air.

Spiritual Enlightenment: Stage 10

Living in the now

spiritual enlightenment

All types of hopes also come to an end. Only the pulsating present continues. There is neither residue of the past nor fear of future. However, the seeker is worry-free.

There is no hurry in solving, since he deeply knows within that things are dissolving. Everything becomes normal and life is back on track. All strife end and total contentment takes over. Every passing second becomes more satisfying than the passing ones.

Also, the previous second passes by without any trace in the memory. Problems still exist. Challenges exist. Nevertheless, fear exists but to the bare minimum.

Fear is not the right word possibly. Perhaps a positive word can be interchanged with fear.

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