The 16 Most Fascinating Forms of Lord Shiva

forms of lord shiva

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In the Vedas, Lord Shiva is referred by the name Rudra. There are many Forms of Lord Shiva. The word ‘Shiva’ literally means the Auspicious One. On the other hand Rudra means the ‘Annihilator of all impurities, ill-omens, the absurdities and the decaying elements of nature.

Lord Shiva is the giver of knowledge, liberation and gets easily pleased by his devotees. He is the supreme deity and the topmost guru for the ascetics, yogis and for those inquisitive in the spiritual dimension.

By chanting the Namah Shivaya Mantras, Bhaktas can attract the causeless Mercy of Lord Shiva.

Creation and annihilation means Brahma and Shiva work hand in hand. One thing is created while the other destroyed. Thus, the phenomena of birth and death occur simultaneously in the universe.

Lord Shiva is auspicious for creation. He works in a constructive manner and pervades all of creation. He is Paramatma.

Lord Shiva has conquered death and thus we know him as Mrutyunjaya. A beautiful composition- Rudra Ashtadhyayi, (finds mention in the Yajur Veda) and it exclusively glorifies Lord Shiva. His eternal abode is Varanasi and Kailash on this earthly plane.

Forms of Lord Shiva: Physical Description of Lord Shiva

The Tantras have described innumerable forms of Lord Shiva. Some prominent forms of Lord Shiva have been described herein-

1) Forms of Lord Shiva: Sada Shiva


The Five-headed form (Panchamukhi). Each face is three-eyed, all have a crescent moon shining as the head adornment. The colors of the 5 faces in a sequential order are- White, yellow, cloud blue, red and pearl white. He is 10-handed.

The Lord holds a Trident, spear, sickle, thunderbolt, a bowl for alms, snake, bell, goad, noose, and a hand displays the blessing mudra. His body is glowing white in complexion. He is seated in a lotus in the Padmasana pose.

2) Forms of Lord Shiva: Ishan

He is 4 armed. In two hands he holds a Shakti and a drum while the other two display the Abhaya and Vara mudra. Effulgent in complexion. He is three eyed and has a crescent moon resting as a crest. He is present in the north-east direction. The Panchamukha Shiva has Ishan’s face towards the north-east direction.

3) Forms of Lord Shiva: Tatpurush


His Complexion resembles a thunderbolt. The Lord holds an axe, deer, hands display the Abhaya and Vara (blessing pose) mudra. He has 4 arms and 4 heads, three eyes, a beautiful crescent moon adorns his face. He meditates in the east direction. The Tatpurush face exists in the Punchamukhi Shiva facing eastwards

4) Aghore

He is 8-handed. He has 4 heads and scary teeth. His complexion is black as kohl and is fearsome. He holds a Rudraksha mala, the Vedas, trident, drum (Damru), sword, horn, the bowl for seeking alms, and the other hand shows the Abhaya mudra. He is prevalent in the Southern direction. The south facing face in Panchamukhi Shiva is called Aghor. Lord Bhairava is the primary deity worshipped by the Aghoris. However, there are devotees who expect nothing from Him, and experience Signs of a Successful Bhairava Sadhana, in the mode of Sattva.

5) Vamadeva

He is Red as Kumkum, has three beautiful eyes and a sober complexion. He smiles beautifully. His hands show the Vara (blessing pose) and the Abhaya mudra. The four armed deity holds a mala of Rudraksha beads and an axe. He is present in the north-facing direction. The north facing face of Panchamukhi shiva is known as Vamadeva.

6) Sadyojaat

Fair and fresh as camphor, three large eyes and 4 heads and 4 arms. He holds a deer, Rudraksha beads, and his hands display the Abhaya and Vara mudra. He is present in the west direction.

7) Haragauri


Lord Haragauri has vermillion-like complexion. He wears a bejeweled crown adorned by a crescent moon shining on his forehead. He has three beautiful eyes, a sweet smile on his face and is decked with divine ornaments. The 8-armed Lord has Devi Parvati seated on His left thigh, who holds a lotus flower. The form exemplifies a perfect bond between a couple.

8) Forms of Lord Shiva: Mrutyunjaya

His three eyes resemble sun, moon and fire. He has a smile on his face. He sleeps on a bed made of two-lotuses and is fair and fresh in complexion. His hands display the Abhaya mudra, a noose, deer and the Rudraksha mala. He is 4 armed. Adorned with ornaments, a moon glimmers on his forehead. He is bathed in the nectar splashing from the moon.

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9) Mahesh

He Resides in the Himalayan Mountains. A crescent moon adorns his beautiful forehead, He is seated in the Veerasana pose. He is four-armed. Two hands show the Abhaya mudra and a deer while the other two rest on his knees. He has a smiling face and adorns snake ornaments. He is seated around a gathering of enlightened men.

10) Dakshina Murti

sri dakshinamurthi

His complexion glows like a diamond, a moon adorns his forehead. His three eyes are like pitchers of nectar. His hands display the Gyana mudra, Vidya Mudra (symbolisms of wisdom), the Trident and a snake. He is 4-handed. Dakshina Murti is the Acharya or Guru form of Lord Shiva.

11) Forms of Lord Shiva: Neelakantha

His Complexion is like the rising sun, a moon is studded on his locks. He wears serpent ornament. He is four handed carrying chanting beads, Trident, the bowl to seek alms and a rishi’s staff. Lord Neelakantha is 5-headed with each head having three eyes. He clads tiger skin and is seated on a lotus.

12) Ardhanareeshawara


He has three eyes. His complexion is glamorous like a blue lotus. He is four-handed and holds a noose, Trident, a bowl for alms and a red lotus. A crescent moon rests on his forehead. The right side of his body is masculine while the left side is feminine.

13) Pashupati

Sri Pashupati has complexion that glows like the brilliance of mid-afternoon. He has a crescent moon on his forehead. His laughter induces fear in hearts. He has three eyes and is decked with snakes, His matted locks are scattered. The four-handed lord holds a lotus, Trident, sword and Shakti weapon. He has terrifying teeth and 4 heads.

14) Neelagriva

His complexion resembles the rising sun. He has three eyes, wears a red garland and applies red sandalwood. A smile beatifies his lips. His hands display the Vara mudra and Abhaya mudra. He holds a bowl, and a Trident. He is 4-handed. The moon sits on his forehead. He has a deep-blue colored throat.

15) Neelalohita

Resembling the majesty of a blue mountain, a crested moon on his forehead, wears a garland of heads. He is unclothed and has yellow matted hair locks. Lord Neelalohita holds a drum, horn, a bent noose, serpent, bell, a bowl for alms, a Kalash, lotus and a hand shows the abhaya mudra. He is the 10 handed and three-eyes form of Lord Shiva and has ferocious teeth. His body is adorned with snakes and feet is decked with tinkling bells, gems and ankle bells.

16) Chandeshwara

Red in complexion, has three-eyes and is clad in red garments. He holds a spear, Trident, a Crystal and Rudraksha mala and an ascetic’s pitcher (Kalash). He is the 4-handed form with the moon on his forehead.

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