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What are Ethics and Morality?
Morality is a reflection of our alignment to eternal laws reflecting one’s character. Ethics essentially comprises our inner standing that drives our actions. When we conduct ourselves in a way that inner corruption does not get to us, that is ethics. Ethics are driven by our Morality and Character. Outward displays of Ethics have no meaning although we show good ethics as an outward expression. Such a behavior is duplicitous and it will finally expose us in such a way that people will read through us and get a hang of our wrong intentions or flawed Character.

Good Ethics should be an outcome of Genuine intentions, High Morality Index and a Flawless Character. For example, in business, if we make payments on time, within the agreed time-frame, it is good work-ethics. If we are not prone to cheating in any examination, that is an excellent Academic ethic. Ethics are many, but the intention that drives the Ethic, is the main Consideration.
Types of Ethics
Usually there are some broad categories of ethics such as Personal Ethics, Social Ethics, Religious Ethics, Professional Ethics and Business Ethics
Personal Ethics
A person who lies, cheats unnecessarily or does not keep up his words, is a Person without Personal Ethics. Personal Ethics gives us access into the Person’s Moral Standing and Character.
When a person is overly concerned only about himself and gives importance only to his need without due consideration to others’ needs, is usually a person with weak personal ethics. He shall be ready to change his stance in a way that suits him and sacrifice his reputation, because of his short-sighted approach.
Social Ethics
How we behave in society defines our social Ethics. If we live a life not caring for society and run an erratic life, we shall have no social standing. If we are ill-behaved and become a nuisance to those who surround us, we have no social Ethics.

A good example is this. If there is a shortage of water in a housing society and we waste water, by unnecessarily wetting our surroundings for coolness or over-watering our gardens, whenever the water-supply comes back, that is an example of bad social ethics. If we continuously litter our surroundings without taking the pain to dispose of waste in waste-bins, then that is an example of atrocious social ethics.
Religious Ethics
Religious Ethics are one of the least understood Ethics categories. When we take an interest in Spiritual Subjects or religion, there are ways in which these subjects need to be assimilated. For example, when the spiritual Guru is “used” instead of being obedient to him, such a person has no religious ethics.

If we are only vying to take advantage of the religious system for material benefits without caring for inner growth or attain Love of the higher kind, we are displaying poor Religious Ethics. There are such innumerable types of religious ethics which we have to pay attention to. The primary religious ethic that we should adhere to is, to accept a spiritual mentor. This is the fundamental Religious Ethic. .
What is Morality?
Morality is essentially our stand on Truth, Honesty, Integrity and Character irrespective of good or bad results, owing to our adherence to the above godly qualities. Character is the foundation for Truth and Integrity. If our lust is under control, the more will Truth and Integrity reveal themselves to us.
These qualities may not transform life. But when we stick to a high value system for a protracted period, our inner core becomes rich and will manifest an external world that will be conducive and mystical in several ways. It will give weight to our words and also make things happen, just if we utter them. That’s the power of Truth, Integrity and a strong Character.

Karma may still manifest, but our adherence to Truth will safely salvage us through the unpredictable waves of time. These three pillars form the sailboat that conquer the winds of unpredictability and help us surf safely, even though there may be apparent setbacks. Our setbacks when studied in the light of Morality and Character, shall make us steady as a rock that the flimsy waves of the worldly ocean tries to destroy.
8 Questions from Sanatana Dharma
The scores generated in this Quiz are absolute. There are right or wrong answers to each Question. A percentage towards 100 indicates that you are more aligned to the overall subject matter.
How are Ethics and Morality relevant in modern times?
Ethics and Morality as a package is very relevant especially in modern times. People nowadays are shallow. They have no self-control. Their minds drive them crazy, swaying them hither and thither by the winds of their senses. In such a world, it becomes even more important to look deep within ourselves and find out where we stand and where we are going.
Ethics and Morality are the rudders of the ship that will cut through the challenges posed by society. Unless we develop discrimination through Sadhana and Spiritual Discipline, we shall not appreciate the fundamentals of Ethics and Morality. Only a genuine spiritual master can transmit that to us.

Under his benign guidance, we have to enrich ourselves with what is appropriate and what is inappropriate along with scientific reasons for the same.Only then shall the fundamentals of Morality and Ethics will make complete sense. Without Guru, a person is a two-legged animal.
Are Spiritual Practices relevant without Morality?
Many try to follow Practices such as meditation and mantra Japa, while having extra-marital affairs. They chant Lord Vishnu’s names while their Character remains tarnished. There are famous people who say that Morality has nothing to do with Spirituality. Nothing can be as far from Truth as this statement.
So, Morality is the foundation of any form of Spirituality. If Morality is not stable, then Spirituality can only be a dream. Spirituality is another name for going beyond the mind. But if we are servants to the mind through lust, hypocrisy and self-centeredness, how can we go beyond the mind ? An interesting Video to watch in this context is about Yamas and Niyamas
Can We Develop Ethics and Morality Within a Short time?
No, this is a lifelong endeavor and one cannot build it in 2-3 years time. A person can develop Ethics and Morality by surrendering to a self-realized master and this has to begin early in life.
If we advance in age, it will be so much more difficult to change one’s way of life, because by that time we would have become rigid with our skewed perspectives and tendencies. Unless one becomes fully attached to some form of Yoga directed by the etiquettes of Dharma, Ethics and Morality, Character formation is impossible.
Connection of Shreyas and Preyas with Morality
Shreyas is a long-term benefit especially Spiritual Benefit. Preyas are short-term material benefits. If a person has a Spiritual bent of mind, he automatically chooses Shreyas and focuses on Morality and Character. A person who believes that this material world is the “Be-all End-all” of all that is that is, such a person never worries about Morality, Integrity or Character.
Does Corruption have something to do with Moral Standing?
In today’s competitive world Moral Standing at an all-time low. Lies, Hypocrisy and self-centeredness has replaced inner values like Honesty, Truth and Integrity. Greed for Money and Power is at an all-time high. All this is because an individual can cultivate Morality only after years of Sadhana and dedication. Our attitude is “Who has seen tomorrow, make the most of the opportunity.”
Preyas has overshadowed Shreyas. Owing to the quick short-term benefits of the above said evil tendencies, nobody bothers about Truth or Moral Character. This is Corruption and nothing else. Such Corruption puts an end to sensitivity, basic intelligence, common sense and insight.
Having said this, no one wants to look long term, what Shastras and the Scriptures have to say about such a heinous short-sighted approach. Society thus turns a blind-eye to the sun and prefers to follow the blind alley of doom.
How can we build a good Moral Character?
If at all true Moral Character has to be built up, it has to start by being sensitive to what we consume, the way our system generates our blood. Our food habits have to be non-violent and so we should give up meat and intoxicants that ultimately cloud our mind.
We have to become sensitive to the principles and philosophy of Sanatana Dharma and take to the practices of Pure religion(True Spirituality, and not how the world interprets so-called communist/liberal ideas in the garb of secular principles). Then one has to accept a non-invasive approach to build one’s character, go inward, expect less and depend more on our Value Systems.

Our Value Systems may not satisfy our greed, but it has been my experience that they will never desert you and definitely satiate all our needs and help us live a life of high standing and become free of social binding. Sadhana and our firm purpose built our
Moral Character in understanding what lies beyond this veil of material existence. When we rely on a powerful value system, they can grant us insight into what awaits us beyond, in the light of eternity and not just this worm like existence that we currently suffer on this materialistic plane.
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