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Significance Of Cow In Hinduism
Cattle have also held an important position in Indian social life and spirituality since ancient times.
Cows provide us with their nutritious milk which is also processed as curds and ghee. They do not differentiate between their calves and human beings and provide their milk to all. Consumption of their milk strengthens our bodies and helps in growth.
The qualities of care, growth and generosity make the cow spiritual and dear to lord Vishnu.

Bulls on the other hand contributed in the field of agriculture, transport of goods and travel. They work in the sun, non stop and help plowing the field.
These qualities of service and inner resilience make them the favorite of lord Shiva. Even his Vehicle is Nandi Dev who bears the form of a divine bull.

Today the scene is different. Bulls are looked down upon and no one cares about them. Indeed, they have lost their utility value due to the progress in technology.
Atrocities On Cows And Bulls Today
Even though cows and bulls contribute to our society in many ways without any desire of their own, we as humans have forgotten basic humanity.
As times are progressing selfishness too has touched its peak. It has not only affected humans but also the animals that are around us. Bulls have been starved and overworked for profits.

The bulls that are unable to walk or are diseased, are rendered useless and discarded by their owners. These pitiful creatures wander from place to place in search of food and shelter.

Dumpyards and unhygienic places become their only sources of survival. The unfortunate cows and bulls are captured and taken to slaughter houses for their hide and meat.

These animals that have been respected since Vedic times are now nothing but mere tools for earning profits.
Cows Deserve Love And Care
Just like humans, animals also go through their own trials and tribulations. Childhood struggles, motherhood, malnutrition, the menace of ticks, winter survival and what not. Every cow is different, just as every human being differs from the other.
But sadly their stories go unheard. We give names to human beings, but leave cows nameless. They too need love and respect. Cows reciprocate when we name them and make them our own.
In this blog post, we will share the struggle of our Bhola.
Struggle Of Bhola- A Bull We Adopted

Bhola, is a bull that we have adopted. He is part of a Gaushala, long neglected by the ones who have established the Gaushala in the first place. This is probably the story of every other Gaushala in this holy land of Vraja.
With the help of our small group of volunteers at Nishkam Bhagawat Seva Charitable Trust we have attempted to serve this rather unfortunate bull that suffers from a rare skin disease, that is cancerous and treating him has become quite expensive, because of the lack of funds.
The will is there, but the way is yet to manifest.

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The Sick Bull Needs Attention!
The Vets informed us that the bull was in critical condition.
His living conditions within the Gaushala are not very clean and all the more he needs much of a protected environment due to his diseased condition.

If Bhola did not get his regular doses of injection shots, his chance of survival shall have become very difficult.
Out of desperation we contacted some of our contributors for the noble cause of saving a bull who was on the brink of death, because the disease had now progressed to an alarming level.
By the grace of Bhagawan, somehow we managed to summon a doctor 50 kilometers away.
We also managed to take Bhola to an animal hospital and get him some initial treatment. However all this required funds, which we struggled to obtain.

Fortunately, the doctors and helpers at the hospital were kind and helped us save the life of Bhola. But the struggle continues.
How Bhola’s Disease Has Affected His Mood?
Bhola requires treatment for the next 6 months and that is a tall ask. The doctors cannot visit us, because of the distance, and we are getting help from local helpers who are not very well-versed with delivering the heavy doses of injections.

The treatment is expensive and every passing month poses new challenges to our final goal of saving our lion-like Bhola, given his huge stature but fighting the jaws of death.
At the start, when we met Bhola for the first time, he was quite distant and scared. He would panic whenever someone would approach him. Feeding him meals, medicines, etc. was quite a difficult task back then.
Our Lion Like Bhola
The local caretakers tell us about Bhola’s fierce nature and that he would attack anyone who would try to go near him.
This is also a challenge for us, right now, all the more, because he is wreathing and growling with pain because of the wounds.
He has fathered most of the calves in the Gaushala and is one of the two great bulls there. The other one who has fathered the rest of the calves is our Bheema, who is a little shorter than Bhola, but also equally fierce.
Bulls Are Equally Precious as Cows!
The bulls require our care as much as the cows. Bhola is a powerful bull and we have no heart to lose him.
The Need For More Gausevaks
He is a source of strength for the gaushala. But handling him is becoming more difficult as the cancerous cells are spreading all over, giving him no respite and delivering him injections is not becoming easy by the day.

We need more workforce to handle him and serve him. We also need to build a professional treatment travis to handle such a powerful animal such as our dear Bhola ji.
What Bhola Means To Us?
The trauma Bhola suffered and his aloofness towards humans was now quite understandable.
We have always tried to make Bhola feel safe and comfortable, assuring him that we meant no harm. He is an inseparable part of the gaushala, the life of the haven of calves, the father of the cattle strength.
Bhola’s Is Currently Receiving Treatment
Bhola’s problems came unasked. He developed a sore lump on the lymphatic node, near his throat. With time, the lump continued to grow and spread in adjacent regions.
He mooed, almost growled in pain every time we tried touching him there.
During those critical hours, our committed Gau Sevaks cared for him like a baby. To commence the treatment we contacted a veterinarian. The course of treatment began with a doctor paying weekly visits to the gaushala and which he continues to visit even today. Bhola is administered several injections a week.
These injections have proven effective to reduce the bleeding and soreness. It was so hard to see him wail in pain.

Bhola’s Present Medical Condition
His fear of needles makes it difficult for the Gausevaks to control him at times. But, somehow he is pulled to Travis where the doctor administers the injections. Now, after several months of medical care, Bhola is slowly recovering.
Yet, the disease is prone to relapse. When the medicines and injections are tapered down, the lumps resurface. The doctors say it is cancerous, and for good reasons.
Even a surgery may not eradicate the disease.
Your Support Can Save Bhola’s Life!
Bhola’s life has been a traumatizing one. He has suffered. We cannot change the past, but we do intend to give him a future that is full of care and affection. His medical care is our top priority.
We do not wish to see tears rolling down his eyes, ever again. But, we see that happening every time he is forced to take injections, a sorry sight indeed. Our kind viewers and readers, kindly consider donating for this noble cause of saving a life.
May only good happen to you and everyone involved with our initiatives.
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