5 Key Features of Puranas and Itihasas

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What are Puranas and Ithihasa?

On one hand, there are 2 Great Epics (Itihasas). They are- Mahabharata and Ramayana. On the other hand, there are 18 Primary Puranas.

Epics form the Itihasa. Itihasas are ancient historical anecdotes that delineate value systems derived from the lives of Vedic characters. Puranas talk about Dharma through vedic stories of kings, ancient characters, Devatas and incarnations of Lord Hari.

Now, the 18 Puranas can be classified into the following categories-

6 represent Puranas in the mode of goodness. These are known as Sattvik Puranas. Similarly, 6 are Rajasic and the remaining 6 Puranas are Tamasic Puranas.

5 Characteristics of Puranas

These characteristics apply to all Puranas. A Purana must-

1) Describe the cycle of creation of the universe.


2) Reveal the process of dissolution of the universe.

3) Talk about the various dynasties ruling over different land masses. 4) Describe the day of 1 Brahma, (a.k.a Kalpa) and Lifespan of Manu (a.k.a Manavantara)A Kalpa covers 1000 cycles of the 4 Yugas namely- Satyuga, Tretayuga, Dwaparayuga and Kaliyuga.

14 Manus preside these 1000 cycle Yugas . In a nutshell, the rule or complete life of 1 Manu is called a Manvantara. It is equivalent to 71 cycles of the 4 Yugas.

5) Give detailed descriptions of the prominent rulers within the Manvantara.

This characteristic includes talking about specific rulers, special events of significance, etc.

Meaning of Puranas

vedic scriptures

Purana is split as ‘Pur’ + ‘ana’. “Pur” stands for being extremely ancient, whose dates can never be estimated. On the other hand, “Ana” means, setting anew or extremely fresh.

This means that the Purana though being old shall never be outdated.

It remains contemporary even if the current year is 2021 or 22021 Thus, the truths discussed in the Puranas remain ever recent and even futuristic. The Puranas never age. The Science of Chakras is also mentioned in the Puranas and Upanishads.

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Depending on the growing intelligence of the seeker who is grasping the Purana, it is capable of transmitting newer dimensions of realization, to improve life. That is the power of the Puranas.

Introduction to Bhagavatam

The Bhagavatha Purana is the topmost amongst the 6 Sattvik Puranas. Srila Veda Vyas composed the Bhagavatha Purana.

sage vyasa is disappointed

Sri Veda Vyasa’s son, Sri Sukadeva Goswami was the first to render this scripture to the monarch Parikshit. King Parikshit was the grandson of the Pandava prince Arjun.

A Brahmin named Sringi issued a curse on Parikshita Maharaj that he shall die in 7 days. Following this, he heard the entire Bhagavatha Purana from Sri Sukadeva Goswami, day-in and day-out.

However, it took a span of 7 days to complete hearing this scripture.

After hearing it all, he was rid of all the doubts about the material world. Also, all material attachments, desires and responsibilities abandoned his heart.

Number of Cantos & Verses in Srimad Bhagavatham

The Bhagavatha Purana has a total of 18,000 verses. It has a total of 12 Cantos.

Of course, it delineates the many incarnations of the Lord as well as discusses the life-sketch of countless devotees.

Lineage of Vyasa– The Author of Puranas

Sri Vyasadeva is born in the lineage of the Sage Vashishtha. Sage Vashishtha’s son is the great Sage Shakti. Sage Shakti’s son is Parashara Rishi.

lineage of vyasa

Finally, Sri Veda Vyasa is the son of Sage Parashara. He is the creator of Srimad Bhagavatha Mahapurana.

Sri Sukadeva Goswami is the son of Sri Veda Vyasa. He is a Parama Bhakta (dear devotee of Sri Narayana).

Hence, He is one of the 12 Mahajanas. His father, Sri Veda Vyasa admired the divine qualities of his devotee-son.

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Why should you read Bhagavatha Purana?

benefits of reading bhagavatham

Srimad Bhagavatham is a blessing for mankind. Hearing it bestows one with immense grace.

“If one hears and contemplates on the Bhagavatha Purana for 7 days, it shall put an end to all sins. Instead, it shall accrue immense virtues”, declare the Scriptures.

But, hearing the Srimad Bhagavatham from a bonafide, spiritually evolved master is most important. Srila Sukhadeva is probably the only person who qualifies to deliver the Srimad Bhagavatam.

Though Srila Vyasadeva is one of the 24 Incarnations of Sri Narayana, he wept on getting separating from Sri Sukhadeva Goswami. This was the reciprocation of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Narayana for His great devotee Sukhadeva.

Indeed, Parikshita heard this scripture from the lotus mouth of Sukhadeva and that was his fortune.

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Glories of Sukhadeva Goswami

Once, Sri Sukadeva Goswami prepared to leave his house. In reality, He had no bonds of attachment to house, family, or friends. Hence, Sri Vyasa became worried for his son.

Indeed, the relationship between Sri Vyasadeva and Sukadeva Goswami was more of that between two pure devotees, unlike the father & son relationship.

He could not bear the separation from a devotee like Sukadeva Goswami.

who was sukhadeva goswami?

Now, Sri Sukadeva started walking away from his home. This ignited the loving deep emotions of Sri Vyasa as he cried: “Oh son, do not leave, come back. “

Alas!, Sri Sukadeva never looked back. He walked without stopping for a moment.

But there was an echo, all over, which cried back “Father, did you call me?” Astonishingly, Sukadeva Goswami had not replied. But, it was as if the entire universe that responded back to Vyasadeva.

Truly, there is a great secret in such a response from the entire creation. You must know that, Sri Sukadeva Goswami attained oneness with all animals, birds, trees.

He was one with the entire creation. Hence, this unison reflected in the creation around him.

Because of this oneness, even the lion, trees, dogs, cats, insects, chameleons and stones responded to the call of Sri Vyasadeva.

Sri Vyasa did not know whether to cry or feel elated, having got a response to his question, from the rest of the universe.

Should Vyasa feel elated because a son of such great stature was born to him? But, now such an exalted devotee is leaving him and going.

Hence, this evoked a flurry of emotions in the heart of Srila Vyasadeva.

This episode highlights the love of God for His dear devotees, through the medium of Srila Vyasa deva and Sukhadeva.

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