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Vakratunda Mahakaya Mantra Immediate Benefits
- Removes material and spiritual obstacles
- Brings success in business and work-life
- Strengthens mental clarity and intelligence
- Enhances focus, memory, and wisdom
- Aligns the seeker with divine protection
- Helps in anger management and patience
- Strengthens faith and surrender to divine will
The Power and Significance of the Vakratunda Mahakaya Mantra
In this video post we shall discuss the benefits of reciting the mantra.
The Vakratunda Mahakaya mantra finds its mention in the Mudgala Purana, a Sanskrit scripture that revolves around Sri Ganesha. The Sanskrit used in the mantra is easy to understand.
The Vakratunda Mantra is quite popular in the Indian State of Maharashtra. If the peoples of the world accept this powerful Prayer to Lord Ganesha then Obstacles of various kinds in one’s material and spiritual lives can be eliminated completely.
The shloka runs endlessly on loudspeakers during festivals such as Ganesh Chaturthi, especially in Maharashtra. No puja takes place without the recitation of the Vakratunda Mantra. In fact it would be fantastic if the entire world takes up chanting this mantra prior to the commencement of all auspicious works.
The mantra is:
वक्रतुण्ड महाकाय सूर्यकोटि समप्रभ: । निर्विघ्नं कुरु मे देव सर्वकार्येषु सर्वदा ॥
vakratuṇḍa mahākāya sūryakoṭi samaprabha: | nirvighnaṃ kuru me deva sarvakāryeṣu sarvadā ||
Lord Ganesha: The Supreme Remover of Obstacles and Embodiment of Brahman
Lord Ganesha is depicted with a curved trunk and a majestic body. His splendor defeats the beauty of a million suns. In the verse, the devotee requests Lord Ganesha to grant success in all endeavors and remove obstacles that come his/her way. Lord Ganesha has earned the honor of being an obstacle removal through his example.
The Mudgala Purana (Chapter 2.6.11) describes various forms of Lord Ganesha, with Vakratunda being the first among the eight principal forms (Ashta-Vinayaka).
Additionally, the significance of Ganesha as the remover of obstacles (Vighnaharta) is found in the Ganapati Atharvashirsha Upanishad (Verse 3-4):
त्वमेव प्रत्यक्षं तत्त्वमसि | त्वमेव केवलम् कर्तासि
त्वमेव केवलम् धर्तासि | त्वमेव केवलम् हर्तासि
tvameva pratyakṣaṃ tattvamasi | tvameva kevalam kartāsi
tvameva kevalam dhartāsi | tvameva kevalam hartāsi
This translates to:
You alone are the visible Brahman.
You alone are the doer, the sustainer, and the destroyer.
This emphasizes that Lord Ganesha is the embodiment of the Supreme Reality (Brahman), making him the first deity invoked in Vedic rituals and spiritual practices.
The Wisdom of Lord Ganesha: Triumph Over Obstacles
Once, Sage Narada gifted a mystical mango to Lord Shiva. As a loving father, Lord Shiva gave the fruit to his sons, Ganesha and Kartikeya.However, both the brothers quarreled over the fruit. Finally, they came to a settlement.Whoever circumambulates the earth first wins the fruit.
Lord Kartikeya cleverly mounted his peacock and set out to accomplish his goal. Lord Ganesha however was at a disadvantage.
He had a mouse as his mount which struggled to carry its weight.How could it travel the earth with the bulky Lord on its back? This was a great obstacle. However, Lord Ganesha did not lose heart. He used his wisdom and circled his parents Shiva and Shakti, who are the source of the universe.
Thus Lord Ganesha emerged victorious and proved his ability to circumvent obstacles. The Vakratunda Mahakaya shloka especially worships Sri Ganesha as a troubleshooter. You may also want to watch our video titled Benefits of Chanting Ganesha Sahasranama | Ganesha Sahasranama Stotram Benefits.
The Transformative Power of the Vakratunda Mahakaya Mantra
Lord Ganesha brings auspiciousness in all fields of life be it domestic, work-life, or social life. Chanting the Vakratunda Mahakaya Mantra increases love and affection between spouses.
It also helps one sail through financial difficulties and overcome obstacles that come with business and entrepreneurship.

The mantra is a powerful tool for success and overcoming financial obstacles. The mantra provides the reciter with wealth, wisdom, fortune, and success. It also blesses us with mental faculties such as concentration, and peace of mind.
Dedicate yourself to Lord Ganesha, and see the benefits manifesting before your eyes.
The Vakratunda Mahakaya mantra helps combat mental diseases such as stress, depression, and anxiety. It also tackles deep-rooted defects of the mind such as fear, doubt, and dejection. Lord Ganesha shapes the personality of the person bestowing auspicious qualities such as forgiveness, patience, compassion, and tolerance.
The Profound Symbolism of Lord Ganesha’s Form
The entire persona of Lord Ganesha has a deep symbolism. Lord Ganesha has an elephant head. Elephants are said to have long-lasting memories, far more advanced than other species. Thus chanting the Vakratunda Mantra sharpens intelligence and helps retain memory.
Lord Ganesha is depicted with a large belly symbolizing the universe. He is known for his voracious appetite. Many mistake his appetite for the tendency to be foody. He devours our cravings and desires accumulated over millions of births. Sri Ganesha humbled the affluent Kubera and made him feel like a pauper.
Thus the wealthiest of men stand with their heads lowered in front of Sri Ganesha, the darling son of Lord Shiva and Parvati. His mount, the mouse, symbolizes ego which Lord Ganesha has completely subdued. Ganesha is loving and polite yet vigilant in guiding his followers.
His long and wide ears show his eagerness to listen to the pleas of his followers. His long trunk symbolizes the cosmic sound Om, the basis of creation. His broken tusk reminds us of the pastime when he sacrificed his tusk to initiate the great epic Mahabharata. Thus Lord Ganesha teaches the path of sacrifice to attain great heights in life.
The Deeper Spiritual Significance of Lord Ganesha and His Mantra
Ganesha, the elephant god is magnanimous while his mount, Mushakraj, is a tiny mouse. A mouse can enter tiny crevices of the house and reach inaccessible areas. Similarly, lord Ganesha sits on his mouse and rectifies all the neglected and decayed areas of our lives, surcharging us with joy and excitement.
Mice also symbolize a restless and disturbed mind tormented by thoughts and desires. Thus Lord Ganesha subdues the mind when we pray and surrender unto him. Also, mice are considered to be vulnerable, and predated by vicious snakes, and so is the plight of a jeeva suffering in the pool of materialistic living. Lord Ganesha thus protects the destitute granting protection from the material world.
The Vakratunda mantra helps in anger management and resolves inner conflict. Lord Ganesha is famous as Vighnaharta, but not many know that his previous form Vinayaka is called Vighnakarta, or the creator of obstacles. Vighnakarta or Vinayaka is the human-headed form of Lord Ganesha created by Mother Parvati, before the decapitation by Lord Shiva.
This form creates obstacles in the path of a soul so that he takes up the path of pure Bhakti giving up material desires. The living entity gets tired of failure and finally takes recourse to an enlightened spiritual master. Thus, he climbs the spiritual ladder.
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The Universal Power of the Vakratunda Mahakaya Mantra in Spiritual Evolution
In Tantric Hinduism, Lord Ganesha is associated with the Muladhara Chakra (Root Chakra) and so is the Vakratunda mantra. The Muladhara governs stability, security, and the foundation of spiritual growth. Chanting his mantra helps balance this energy center, removing fears and uncertainties.
The Vakratunda Mantra aligns with the words of Bhagawan Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita. The mantra aligns with Bhagavad Gita (18.66) where Lord Krishna says:
सर्व धर्मान् परितज्य माम् एकम् शरणम् व्रज
sarva dharmān paritajya mām ekam śaraṇam vraja
This means: “Surrender unto me alone, and I will liberate you from all sins.”
Similarly, Ganesha’s worship is about surrendering our ego and trusting divine intelligence.
The sound of Ganesha’s trunk and tusks resemble the cosmic sound “Om”, which is the primordial vibration of creation. The Vakratunda Mantra aligns with Omkar (ॐ), emphasizing that chanting it attunes the mind to divine consciousness automatically.
It is advisable that non-initiated individuals who should not chant the Cosmic Syllable OM according to the revealed scriptures can instead take to the chanting of the Vakratunda Mahakaya mantra, because this mantra is universal and does not require formal initiation by a Guru.
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