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World: The Integrated Teaching of Sanatana Dharma
We need not be troubled by the world. The problems are really not out there in the world. The faults of the world, that we seem to see outside are really within us. If we fix things within, the world shall get fixed automatically. This is the knowledge of the Vedic System or Sanatana Dharma.
It takes great intelligence to get to this point of realization. There are two approaches to the problems of the world. First is realizing that the problem is within us or then simply accepting that the problem exists within us, although there is no realization.
Once there is complete acceptance, it is easier to transform and get rid of all problems at the snap of a finger. It is that easy. However, it will become easier to walk on this path of Truth with the able guidance of a Guru or Preceptor who is established in this Consciousness that the world is a projection of the inner instruments.

It becomes easier to get to the point that the World is just an outside representation of the inner world of man. You would have traversed many levels of intelligence if you simply accepted this Vedic fact by trying out this approach in everyday life.
All that you have imagined in your conscious, subconscious, and unconscious levels of the mind along with subtler aspects of your emotions, intelligence, outlook, and attitude, all take physical forms and appear in the world outside of us. This is the reality of the world that we live in.
If we try to fix the world outside or correct it, without realizing how we are within our core, we are being outright foolish.
Practical application of Spirituality in life
How can one fix the image on the mirror? What needs to be fixed is the person looking at the mirror, our inner faculties, not the world outside which is merely our reflection or the response. Responses will change if the inputs are changed. It is the inputs that are the problems.
One need not worry about the result. They need to be sublimated and purified so that they may reflect a crystallized and pure outer experience. The world is our own unconscious creation. This is the first thing to be realized.

Spiritual practices are aimed at getting us to this realization. The whole basis of inner transformation is based on acceptance of our shortcomings, approaching a knowledgeable source and interacting with it, taking up practices for inner correction, and diligently identifying our shortcomings and working on them. In all these conditions, we should focus our awareness on our ego.
By being conscious of the ego, we can positively knock down the barriers that cloud our inner nature. This is a sure-shot methodology that helps demystify life that will eventually transform us.
How do we start this Inner journey?
Our life is ruled by perceptions. Our polarized perceptions about our weaknesses make us a failure. Failure is fundamentally our inability to find consonance between our external world and what is going on within.
The best way to embark on this journey is to first focus on what we are good at, that is by focusing on strengths and passions. Our materialistic approach to life gives us a limited view of life as success and failure.

It does not recognize the wholeness of life and the happiness that is hidden at the very heart of life. Our life becomes cold and transactional. There is no wholesome appreciation of life.
Just like there are two sides to a coin, life is just success and failure for us. Real success is in identifying what interests us and being passionate about it. Soaking our mind in that activity itself represents true success.
But we are often driven by external goals and our inner alignment never happens. This is a very pessimistic approach. The whole perspective with which we view life has to change.
The best tip to get rid of success and failure thoughts
Success and failure in the worldly sense have no connection with creativity. Where there is no creativity there is no life. We need to become creative without expecting any result out of it.
Energy only flows where there are no mental barriers. The moment we knock down these mental barriers and stop identifying ourselves with the mundane view of the rest of the world around us, we shall develop the ability to watch ourselves better and get ourselves aligned with our inner force.

We need to learn to value things for what they are without attaching ulterior motives to life processes.
This is the first mental habit we need to develop so that we get relieved of the stress of performing in day-to-day life. Unless you get relieved from the pressure of competition and performance, we shall never know the value of creativity.
Unless we truly exhibit creativity for our inner fulfillment, we shall never be able to work our way out of the pressures of success and failure.
This in turn shall never allow us to observe the subjectivity of life.
The more we connect with our inner being and get creative, the pressures of success and failures will, by the rule of nature, ease out.
We shall then never worry about whether we are called a success or a failure. We shall transcend these notions. Now, as we work towards our strengths without worrying about success and failure, the next point to worry about is what is right and what is not.

This is what truly aligns us to our soul, thereby opening up the possibilities of seeing what we really are and what is it that is reflected in our larger Self, in the world outside.
Confused with Right and Wrong?
We have conceptions of right and wrong. These conceptions are the ones that take us through the illusion of the world.
What we feel right is an opportunity for us; the opportunity to raise ourselves and put the other one down. To know the Truth, we must rip away all conceptions.
The dualistic approach of Right or Wrong just enhances the maze of the material rut around us. We hold views and there are others who hold contrary views.
Our entire life has become a war of right and wrong and with time the parties switch over to opposite views and yet conflict remains irrespective of what is wrong or what is right.

What is important is to look for Truth within and not fall prey to taking sides of right or wrong because both views are equally wrong.
Truth is not dependent on the ideas that the mind pops up as “Right” or “Wrong”
It is important to get aligned with our deeper self by accepting ourselves as we are rather than getting muddled up with how the world feels or reacts towards our own views.
We need to be connected intensely with our true inner nature first and that’s the key. Thus taking up spiritual practice is an important step towards cleaning the mirror of the mind which is buried under the dust of general views and opinions.
We have unconsciously formed these views and opinions over many lifetimes, through many life forms. The more our consciousness is purged of these constricted views and perspectives, the more we are free from the wheel of right and wrong.
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The first step towards knowing the truth
All of us have conceptions of right and wrong. These conceptions are the ones that take us through the illusion of the world. This is confirmed by the Vedic scriptures.
What we feel right is an opportunity for us; the opportunity to raise ourselves and put the other one down.

To know the Truth, we must rip away all conceptions. The dualistic approach of Right or Wrong just enhances the maze of the material rut around us. We hold views and there are others who hold contrary views.
Our entire life has become a war of right and wrong and with time the parties switch over to opposite views and yet conflict remains irrespective of who is wrong or who is right.
The views of right and wrong are the reasons for conflicts. We take right and wrong as gospel truth rather than taking them as mere viewpoints.
Is it important to know what is right and what is not?
Truth is not dependent on the ideas that the mind pops up as “Right” or “Wrong”. It is important to get aligned with our deeper self by accepting ourselves as we are rather than getting muddled up with how the world feels or reacts towards our own views.

We need to be connected intensely with our true inner nature first and that’s the key. Thus taking up spiritual practice is an important step towards cleaning the mirror of the mind which is buried under the dust of general views and opinions that we have unconsciously formed over many lifetimes.
The more our consciousness is purged of these deficiencies, the more we are free from the wheel of right and wrong. We should note that one man’s medicine is usually the other one’s poison.
The mindset to accept the Truth
If we are able to accept others as they are, with a pinch of salt, there would be much less conflicts in our lives.
Getting too much identified with right and wrong is a great reason for increasing stress levels in our lives. We have become very much opinionated and that has become a source of concern.
Our dogmatic approach towards the right and wrong of life has made us constricted beings who have become less capable of radiating love and care. It is time to let go and become free of our fixations if we imagine ourselves in a stress-free world.
Sadhana holds the key
Performing Sadhana helps us attain all the objectives mentioned in this blog. When we accept a bonafide Guru, firstly he shall guide us methodically in peeling off our ignorance which is comprised of our distorted views about life, our assumptions of what is out there, and that which animates the world outside.

Then we shall be able to pursue the True work, the deep work of the soul. The next area will be the capability of distinguishing the Truth and not falling prey to the worldly narratives of wrong and right.
When the above objectives are met under the Guru’s guidance and when the inner heart opens up to higher intelligence, that is the stage when we discover that what we have assumed about the world out there was absolutely wrong, right from the word go.
Perhaps for the first time, at this stage, we shall discover that the world is simply our inner extension. The only thing is that we were blind to it and never realized it.
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