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The History Behind The Bankey Bihari Temple
Swami Haridas was a highly advanced devotee. Hence, he spent most of his hours in divine contemplation of the eternal couple in the groves of Nidhivan. He saw his cherished deity Sri Bankey Bihari as his own child. The lineage of Swami Haridas (Guru of the royal musician Tansen) traces back to Garchacharya (the royal preceptor who conducted the naming ceremony of the two Lords, Krishna-Balaram.)

Moreover, Haridasji is known to be the direct incarnation of Lalita Sakhi, the principal friend of Shrimati Radharani.
Appearance of Bankey Bihari Deity
There are two tales of his appearance.
1) Once, at the request of his disciples, Swami Haridas with a heart full of emotions sang the bhajan (Emotional , Devotional song rendition), “Mai ri sahaj jori pragat bhai.” Pleased by his devotion, Sri Radha Krishna revealed their form to the assembled devotees.
2) In the thickets of Nidhivan, Swami Haridas often went into meditative trance. As a result, his disciples were eager to see his Kunja. Hence, they sought his permission and entered the Kunja, but to their dismay, strong currents of light blinded them. Finally, Swami Haridas came to their rescue.
The divine couple then revealed their charming form and captivated the hearts of all.
Their bewitching beauty left the spectators mystified. With unblinking rapture, they continued to gaze their wondrous form. Finally, at Swamiji’s behest, the eternal couple left behind a charming black-hued idol of Bankey Bihariji.
The very same idol stands in its full glory in the temple sanctum.
The Temple Location

At a distance of 160 km from the capital of India, New Delhi, lies the holy town of Mathura. 15 kms from Mathura, in the land of Vrindavan is the temple of Bankey Bihari.
Bankey Bihari temple stands in Goda Vihar, Raman Reti, Vrindavan, 281121, India.
It is at a 2 minute walking distance from the Radha Vallabha temple. Interestingly, people consider Bankey Bihari temple and Radha Vallabha temple to be the two eyes of Vrindavan. One is incomplete without the other.
About The Bihariji Temple
Initially, Bihari ji roamed in the groves of Nidhivan without a temple. Later, the king of Bharatpura donated his orchard for construction purpose. In 1862 AD, the Goswamis (Rupa, Sanatan, Gopala Bhatta, Raghunatha Das, Raghunatha Bhatta and Jiva Goswami) gathered all the resources for the temple reconstruction. The temple design is a marvelous spectacle of Rajasthani architecture.
Thousands of devotees flock to the Bankey Bihari temple just to catch a glimpse of the deity.
What is so special about The Bihariji Temple?
The practices followed here aren’t seen elsewhere and the mood of the devotees here is praiseworthy. Do you know, like other Krishna deities, Bankey Bihari ji doesn’t hold a flute. During Darshan, curtains fall intermittently. Here, there is no custom of Mangala arati. Also, in this temple, you won’t find temple bells.

Today we shall explore many such unknown secrets which make the temple a mystifying venture. Keep reading.
Why No Radharani?

In the nomadic circumstances at Nidhivan, Haridasji would cover Bihariji with the available leaves and twigs of the forest, but what about Radharani? Hence, he requested Bhagavan to merge Radharani in his form. As, those days, there were no deity adornments. Also, the beauty of the divine couple could easily induce distaste for the world in the common man.
Hence, Swamiji requested Sri Radha Krishna to dwell in a single idol, resembling the combined beauty of rains clouds and lightning.
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Pulling of curtains
This is perhaps the most mystifying customs in the Bankey Bihari temple. A curtain is drawn at intervals interrupting the flow of the devotee’s vision. There are supposedly three reason to it.
Irresistible Charm of Sri Bankey Bihari
It is said that the deity of Bankey Bihari is so captivating, that with an interlocked gaze, the devotee may fall unconscious. Bankey Bihari is a very emotional Lord. He adores his devotees and looks for every opportunity to reciprocate to their love. Once, the princess of Bharatpur (Rajasthan) travelled to Vrindavan to behold her prince Bankey Bihari. Bankey Bihari has a magnetic charm.
Enamored by Him, she at once decided to renounce her all and spend the rest of her life at his feet. However, her parents forced her to leave the land. Hence, with faltering steps, she trailed back to her palace. Bankey Bihariji couldn’t bear to see her grief. So, He decided to follow her to her place in Rajasthan.
On finding the deity missing, the temple authorities frantically searched all places.
Finally they heaved a sigh of relief on seeing the Lord with the princess in her palace.
The devotees of Vrindavan greatly felt His absence. To find a solution to these repeated threats, the devotees finally decided to pull curtains thus ensuring the safety of their little Kanha.
To prevent evil eye- Bankey Bihari is extremely attractive and child-like. A child is easily susceptible to evil forces. Hence, for its protection, the parents anoint its forehead with kohl. The falling of curtains is one such gesture.
No Bells or Claps
Clapping or ringing bells instills fear in the hearts of children. Here, the devotees are very protective about their little Krishna. Even during Arati, you won’t find any bells.
Once, during the night shift, a sevak was pulling the fan strings for Thakurji. However, he fell asleep. On waking up, he looked into the cradle only to find Thakurji missing. It was already 1 am.
After waiting for long, at around 4 am, Thakurji returned in a fatigued condition. However, the next day, the servant kept awake, but once again Thakurji sneaked out at midnight.
What is the cause behind Thakuji’s absence?
Every night, Bihari ji sneaks out of his room to celebrate the rasa dance with the gopis.
After celebrating the dance of love, the Lord returns tired. Hence, the attendants of Bankey-Bihari do not perform Mangala arati to ensure sound rest for their Lord.
No flute For Thakurji (Sri Bankey Bihari)
Bihari ji dwells in his child form. A flute is heavy for children to hold. Hence, He doesn’t hold a flute. However, the flute lies next to his feet. Partly dressed like Radharani–
Since both Radha and Krishna dwell in Bihari ji, pujaris dress His limbs with a lehenga (like Radharani) and His torso like Krishna.
No Mangala Arati (Early Morning Invocations)
The temple is strongly against the practice of Mangala arati since it is a disturbance to their sleeping Lord. Hence, Bihariiji is given the liberty to rise late. Mangala arati happens only once a year on the day of Janmashtami (2-am). Bihar Panchami (Bihariji’s birthday)-
Since Bihariji appeared on this day, it is His official birthday. On Bihar Panchami day, Swami Haridas and Bihari ji’s procession comes from Nidhivan.
Then, both the Lord and his devotee (Swami Haridas) partake Prasad together in the temple premises. To honor Lord Krishna’s birthday, Mangal arati is performed once a year on this day.
Akshaya Tritiya

It is not easy to get darshan of Bihariji’s feet. Hence, this opportunity comes only once a year, on the eve of Akshaya Tritiya. You get to behold His feet and the ball of Chandan lying on His feet.
Holi (Basanta Panchami)

Bihari ji loves Holi. Bihari ji celebrates holi with many colors- red, blue, yellow and green.
Only once a year, on the day of Sharad Purnima, Bihariji holds the flute. On this day, he also wears His special ornamented Mukut.It is the full-moon day when He steals the heart of the gopis by His Rasa dance. Besides, he wears a Mukut every day.
But he wears this special mukut only on Sharad Poornima.
Hariyali Teej (Swing festival)
On Hariyali teej, Bankey Bihari sits on his wonderful gold-silver swing. Indeed, He comes very close to meet His devotees. You won’t find such an exquisite swing in any part of the globe. A Benarasi craftsman had designed the swing. The swing consists of rosewood rods with plating of gold and silver. Hargulal Seth had sponsored this endeavor.
The Radhashtami Day
Swami Haridas (The founder Acharya) was born on Radhashtami day (1535).
Hence, this is the only day when Bihari ji performs the Rasa Dance in the temple premises.
The celebration begins after the Raja bhoga Arati. During summers The temple is highly appealing during the summer season. To provide coolness to the deity, the temple authorities bedeck the entire temple with flowers.

For these elaborate settings, preparation starts right from the Ekadhashi day (After Navaratri).The festive arrangements remain till Amavasya (For 3 and a half months).
Devotees make 107 flower bungalows in all.
Temple Marvels
Entrance Wall– Recently, devotes have studded silver on the walls of Bihari ji’s assembly.
Chandan Kothari and Phool Bangla- Only Goswamis have entry into the Chandan Kothari. Besides, Bihari ji owns a private garden that meets His flower requirement.
You find all types of flowers-fragrant and beautiful. For summers, devotees prepare various garlands, floral jewelry, flower bungalows, and garments with rare and exquisite flowers.
In fact, today Bihariji has countless gardens.
Timinks for the Bihariji Temple
Timings vary depending on the season. The darshan timings are-
During Summers- (Morning-7:30am-12-00 pm; Evening- 5:30am– 9:30pm)
During winters- (Morning- 8:30am-1:00pm; Evening- 4:30 pm-8:30pm)
Shringar Arati- (8:00- AM)- This includes Bathing, clothing and ornamentation.
Pujaris bathe Bihariji with Yamuna water. Finally, He is made ready to attend His court.
Raja Bhog Arati- (12:00 PM)– This includes a sumptuous meal
Shayan (Afternoon nap)– After Thakurji takes His afternoon nap, the Pujari enters His sanctum at 3:00 PM. He then gives Bihariji a nice bath.
Scented oil massage- Since Bihari ji dwells in his child form, the pujari massages His limbs with scented oils of many flavors. Bihari ji is a divine child, for Him, not mere oil, but scented oil is used. This keeps Him light and happy. Bihariji is laid toward His stomach.
With an extremely gentle touch, the pujari rubs the oil on His limbs.
They remove all their rings and ornaments to prevent any harm to their Kanha.
During winters- Use of henna and Kesar itra.
During summers- Gulab and khas itra.
Uthyapan bhog- Pujaris offer evening snacks which includes Chat items.
The menu consists of Pakodas, Dahi Vada and Tikiyas(Flat Potato Fries).
Evening Darshan
Bhog- The diet is according to the Vrindavan lifestyle. This includes Samosas, Kachodi, Sada Pudi, Namkeen Pudi, Doodh bhaat, Raita and Sabji. By the way, our Bihariji enjoys eating Doodh bhaat.
Temple closes- While the Lord sleeps at night, the pujaris clean His alter and make all arrangement for His entertainment. Since Thakurji is a child, He may rise untimely.
Hence, there are toys, food, water, ladoos and betel nuts.
Astonishingly, at daybreak, when the pujaris open the temple doors, they find the articles scattered all around the room.
Why so many names for Bankey Bihari?
Like his colorful personality, Bankey Bihari has innumerable names.
Bankey Bihari: The word ‘Bankey’ literally means ‘bent.’
Lord Krishna stands in His charming three bent pose, known as Tribhanga. He has hence earned the name Tribhanga Sundar. So, in this context, Bankey Bihari means, the enjoyer who steals hearts by His three-bent pose.

Yugal Svaroop: Externally, it would appear that Sri Bankey Bihari doesn’t have His consort, Sri Radha, by his side. However, Shri Radharani dwells in the deity itself.
Hence, Bankey Bihari is the combined form of the eternal couple.
Kunja Bihari: Bihariji formerly resided in the Kunjas of Nidhivan. Owing to His sporting nature, He is known as Kunja Bihari.
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