10 Secrets of Pratyangira Devi’s Power

pratyangira devi

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Initial Warning About the Fierce Pratyangira Devi

I am making this video post at the request of some of my devoted subscribers. However, I do not promote performing Pratyangira sadhana as it may prove detrimental to the sadhaka in the long run. Pratyangira Sadhana deals with the dark aspects of the universe.

I personally only promote the science of bhakti which transcends lowly dimensions. Yet, I have taken up this subject just to provide some interesting aspects and information about Pratyangira Devi.

I do not advise anyone to perform Pratyangira sadhana.

This is my sincere request. I am purposely not revealing the mantra since it is unsafe for an inexperienced chanter to recite. This background was necessary.

10 Secrets of Pratyangira Devi’s Power

  • Her link to Atharva VedaRole in calming Lord Narasimha.
  • Depiction with 1008 lion faces.
  • Union of Shiva and Shakti in her form.
  • Her eight snakes and protective blessings.
  • Impact on Sarpa Dosham and nightmares.
  • Her chariot pulled by four lions.
  • Her fierce tantric classification.
  • Her significance in Indrajit’s Yagna.
  • Power to destroy black magic and witchcraft

Meaning of Pratyangira

bhadrakali pratyangira devi

Now I shall begin the video post.

‘Prati’ means counter and ‘Angiras’ means attack. Thus Pratyangira Devi counterattacks black magic and witchcraft. Pratyangira Devi has many names-

Atharvana Bhadrakali, Narashimhika, Simhamukhi, and Nikumbala. Atharvana Bhadrakali means she is the goddess of the Atharva Veda. Atharva Veda is a repository of charms and magical spells. The Atharva Veda is the fourth Veda.

Mostly, in the Vedic Culture, the Jnanis give only three Vedas due importance.

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The fourth Veda called Atharva Veda does not receive importance because it has many prohibited practices, not suitable for the Kaliyugi Jeeva or a spirit soul of these times. Also, pleased by the penance of two sages Pratyangi and Angiras, the devi revealed her form to them. As a benediction, she became famous with the combined names of the two sages as Pratyangira.

Having Darshan of Pratyangira devi is a prized blessing.

Sharabha and the Origins of Pratyangira Devi

The Tripura Rahasya calls her a pure manifestation of the anger of Tripura Sundari.


She is the female manifestation of Sharabha. Sharabha is the unique form of Lord Shiva and is the combination of a bird and Lion with 8 legs, 4 hands, 2 wings, sharp teeth, and nails. He is ferocious.

How did Pratyangira devi originate?
There are many versions of her origin. According to Shaiva texts, Lord Narasimha, the half-man-half-lion incarnation of Lord Vishnu became uncontrollable after ripping Hiranyakashipu’s chest and drinking his impure blood. The gods were fearful and approached Lord Shiva for help.

Some Rare Benefits of Pratyangira Devi Sadhana

She majestically rides on a chariot which is pulled by 4 lions. Worshipping Pratyangira Devi cures illnesses and prevents accidents and poisoning. She also opens the channel of creativity by dissolving mental blocks.

Pratyangira sadhana improves willpower and the ability to make the right judgment. She blesses one with extrasensory perception to discern impending danger. Pratyangira Devi is also called Mahashatrunashini or the destroyer of enemies. Hence she removes the fear of enemies and surrounds the house with her protective aura.

Who is Gandabherunda ?

Lord Shiva took the form of Sharabha, a bird-man hybrid to lift Narasimha in his talons or claws. Narasimha assumed the form of Gandabherunda as a countermove- a two-headed bird.


A tough battle ensued between the two. Finally, Devi Pratyangira emerged from the wings of Sharabha defeating Gandabherunda. Hence she is the Bhairava Patni or the wife of the Bhairava aspect of Lord Sharabha. According to Vaishnavas, Gandabherunda defeated Sharabha.

What is the takeaway?
Aren’t these two versions contradictory? Know that Lord Shiva and Lord Vishnu are non-different. These pastimes instill bhakti in devotees. That is the sole purpose. We should not compare the two gods.

Pratyangira in the context of Indrajit, the son of Ravana

It is a Nama Aparadha if we consider Lord Shiva to be greater than Lord Vishnu or vice versa. Also, Sadhakas believe that Pratyangira Devi is to have calmed Narasimha. Shoolini Devi and Pratyangira Devi live in the two wings of Sharabha.


Indrajit, the son of Ravana was an ardent devotee of Pratyangira devi. Lord Hanuman stopped his Yagna, or else Indrajit would have become invincible.

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A Description of Pratyangira Devi

Pratyangira Devi is a tantric goddess. She is dark complexioned, has the face of a lion, reddish eyes, and rides on the mount of a lion. She is depicted naked or dressed in black garments. The Devi wears a garland of skulls depicting the transitory nature of life.

Intention matters in Pratyangira sadhana. If one has a bad motive, it is impossible to retract your intention even if one desires. Ultimately, one gets punished.

Tantra Shastra and Pratyangira Homam

Tantra classifies deities into 5 types.

Shanta, Ugra, Prachanda, Ghora and Teevra. Pratyangira Devi is a Teevra deity or an “Intense Deity”. It is not advisable to worship her with half-baked bhakti. Devi Pratyangira gets displeased easily if one commits an error in her service.

However, she also forgives individuals who have surrendered themselves to her. She has eight snakes on her body. On worshipping her, people having nightmares related to snakes and Sarpa Dosham gain immediate respite.

People perform Pratyangira Homam usually on Amavasya nights. According to one version, she originated from the third eye of Sharabha.

The mighty form of Pratyangira devi has 1008 lion faces, 2016 hands, and a bloody tongue protruding out. Her 1008 heads represent the 1008 petals of the Sahasrara chakra which is at the crown of the head. The lion-head is masculine while the body is feminine depicting the union of Shiva and Shakti.

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