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Highlights of the Narasimha Kavacham
In this video post, we shall discuss the Narasimha Kavacham in detail. I will cover the following aspects of the Narasimha Kavacham. I shall also cover a simple process of Narasimha Pooja.
1. Similarities between Lord Narasimha and Lord Ganapathy
2. What is the Narasimha Kavacham
3. Various methods of reciting the Narasimha Kavacham
4. Benefits of reciting the Narasimha Kavacham
Similarities Between Lord Ganapathy and Lord Narasimha
Lord Narasimha is one of the vibrant manifestations of Lord Vishnu. Although this form of the Lord is Satvik by nature, His manifestation possesses the qualities of extreme action or Rajas.

We worship Lord Ganapathy to remove all obstacles in traditional Hinduism. Similarly, Lord Narasimha is an empowered manifestation of the Lord who removes all obstacles in the path of the Vaishnavas or the followers of Lord Vishnu and his other incarnations.
You may find our video ‘Benefits of Chanting Vishnu Sahasranama Stotram | How to Chant Vishnu Sahasranamam’ interesting. It will not be wrong to say that Lord Narasimha is similar to Lord Ganapathy in the context of a Bhakta or a person who has undertaken Satvik devotional service.
How to Awaken Lord Narasimha
The Narasimha Kavacham is a shield mantra that protects you from the bombardment of vibrations of evil intent. Reciting the powerful Narasimha Kavacham is a sure-shot method of awakening the Narasimha Deva deity.

He shall then surround you with a fence that no force on earth can pierce through. Sri Narasimha will always be present by your side, ready to pounce on any force that intends harm to you. Black Magic and spells will fail against you.
Origin of Narasimha Kavacham
The Narasimha Kavacham was first spoken by Lord Vishnu’s dear devotee Prahalad Maharaj. The Kavacham is revealed in one of the chapters of the Brahmanda Purana. We shall discuss the various powerful ways in which the Kavacham is recited.

One powerful way to recite the Kavacham is by installing the Narasimha Yantra on the altar. Yet another way is through offering white and red flowers to the Narasimha Yantra as you chant the Kavacham. This is a powerful way to invoke the deity in your home and obtain all sorts of protection and power to defeat internal and external enemies.
Worshipping And Chanting the Narasimha Kavacham
Another way is to install the deity of Lord Narasimha along with Laxmi Devi seated on the thigh of the Lord. It is advisable to worship the combined deities of Lord Narasimha and Goddess Laxmi. A third way of chanting the Kavacham is simply reading the Kavacham, during dusk, during the Rahu Kaalam, wearing clean clothes, and sitting in front of the altar.

A powerful method of invoking the Kavacham is to imagine Lord Narasimha seated inside your heart along with Laxmi Devi. Imagine that you are offering various services to the Lord, like washing and wiping His feet, offering flowers to Him, and showing Bhoga, all within your heart.
The video under will give you a broad outline of how you should do Manas Puja
This is one of the most powerful techniques that shall activate the Kavacham. Now I shall detail some more benefits of reading or reciting the Narasimha Kavacham.
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Benefits of Chanting the Narasimha Kavacham
The Narasimha Kavacham bestows the benefits of all the higher planetary systems. It also grants Moksha to the person who chants the Kavacham. The only condition is that the practitioner of the Kavacham should perform the chanting as a life-long practice.
The Kavacham can grant all sorts of spiritual and material benefits based on the needs of the sadhaka.
Kavachams Are for Need and not for Greed
Note that Kavachams, Stotrams, and Mantras provide as per the need of the sadhaka and do not in any way satisfy the greedy wants of the sadhaka. What the Kavacham does, is clean the hearts of the chanter and weeds out all unnecessary hankerings from his heart.
The Kavacham protects all the parts of the body of the chanter. When we say that the Kavacham protects the head of the chanter, it means that the protection occurs at the physical and spiritual levels.
Major Benefits of Chanting the Narasimha Kavacham
Physically the Kavacham protects the chanter from head injuries. Spiritually, the Kavacham purifies the thoughts of the chanter and makes him spiritual.
Our video How to Purify Mind and Thoughts | Ramcharitmanas on Inner Purity will be interesting to watch in this context.
The Kavacham is known to enhance the glow on the face of the chanter and makes it fragrant. It protects the throat of the chanter and increases the power of words uttered by the chanter. The regular chanter of the Kavacham shall gain the capacity to mesmerize his listeners.
The Kavacham also increases the strength of the chanter. Stamina to perform work and deliver results increases manifold. The Kavacham produces a shield around the house of the chanter and prevents fire and arson attacks of all kinds. It defeats various kinds of spells and intentions of people who become envious of the chanter.

Lord Narasimha, through His Kavacham, protects the naval and stomach of the chanter. He resolves all aspects of digestion and blood circulation of the chanter. Hence diseases of many kinds are averted.
The Lord protects the private parts of the chanter and strengthens them. He gives power to the chanter and maintains the celibacy of the chanter. It is advisable for people who intend to live a life of control and celibacy to read the Narasimha Kavacham every day without fail.
Lord Narasimha, through His Kavacham, increases the strength of the knees and gives the capacity to the chanter to carry the heavy burden that Karma has in store. By continuous chanting of the Kavacham, one can dissolve Karma that has been accumulated over many lifetimes. Untimely deaths and accidents are easily averted through the repeated chanting of the Kavacham.
All the elements such as Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Ether align themselves to the need of the chanter. The chanter develops the capacity to manipulate these elements, especially when he intends to help the world with the power he has obtained through reciting the Kavacham over many years.
Surya Devata is happy with the Chanters of Narasimha Kavacham
Surya Devata is pleased with the person who chants the Narasimha Kavacham and bestows His choicest blessings on the chanter. A regular chanter of the mantra is immediately freed of his sins. If the chanter had been reciting the Kavacham for many years, the Kavacham grants the chanter with powerful children.

Lord Narasimha impregnates his own power directly into the offspring of such a chanter. One can also write the Narasimha Kavacham on paper and wear it rolled into a pendant. Such a device becomes a powerful armor and saves the chanter from many debacles.
The Narasimha Kavacham states that one who chants the 32,000 rounds of the Kavacham attains Liberation at once. Hence, in my view, a lifetime of chanting the Kavacham becomes unavoidable if we are to reach this cherished goal. Reciting the Kavacham 3 times a day is most recommended.
Within a short period of chanting the Kavacham, all the ill effects of planetary positions are removed. Reading the Narasimha Kavacham daily is a sure-shot way of invoking the complete grace of Lord Narasimha Murthy in one’s life.
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