5 Lessons from Sri Hayagreeva’s Wisdom

5 lessons from sri hayagreeva's wisdom

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Highlights of the 5 Lessons that Lord Hayagriva Offers

  • Lesson 1: Role of Sri Hayagreeva as the rescuer of Vedas.
  • Lesson 2: Significance of Pranava Mantra (Om) in knowledge.
  • Lesson 3: Association of Hayagreeva with Surya Devata’s illumination.
  • Lesson 4: Symbolism of Guru and disciple (Brahma and Hayagreeva).
  • Lesson 5: Benefits of meditating on Hayagreeva for intelligence and focus.

Who is Sri Hayagreeva?

Sri Hayagreeva is one of the lesser known incarnations of Lord Vishnu. He is the plenary incarnation of Sri Aniruddha, who is one of the Chatur Vyuhas of Sriman Narayana. Lord Hayagreeva has immense significance among Vaishnavas, particularly within the Sri Vaishnava Sampradaya.

Highlights of the Chatur-Vyuhas (4 Expansions of Lord Narayana)

the 4 chaturvyuha forms of bhagawan vishnu

Lord Narayana manifested in 4 forms that are collectively known as Chatur Vyuha. They find mention in the Bhagwat Mahapuran Chaitanya Charitamrita, Laghu Bhagavatamrita, etc. The Supreme Lord splits into these forms to display His various attributes and to fulfil various functions. The 4 forms are: Sri Vasudeva, Sri Sankarshana, Sri Pradyumna and Sri Aniruddha. Let us see them in brief so that we may understand the intrinsic nature of Lord Hayagreeva.

Lord Vasudeva:

Pure Consciousness that resides in the core of the Heart, in the form of the Paramatma. Dhyana (Meditation) is the means to know Him. He is the first plenary manifestation of Lord Narayana, from whom Lord Sankarshana appeared.

Sri Sankarshana:

In Book 5 of Chapter 25 of the Srimad Bhagavatham, Sri Sankarshana is said to be residing in a realm far below Patala Loka, supporting the entire globe on one of His thousand heads. He represents the function of maintenance. He is an aspect of the Ego. At the preordained time of destruction, His wrath causes the appearance of Rudra from the center of His furrowed brows.

He resides as the Supersoul in Rudra and causes destruction. Lord Sankarashana also known as Ananta Sesha appeared as Lord Balarama, as the elder brother of Lord Krishna. From Lord Sankarashana, manifests Sri Pradyumna, the third Vyuha.

Sri Pradyumna:

He represents the principle of Intelligence. It is His creative power that is infused in the God of Love, Kamadeva (Cupid). Sri Pradyumna carries out creation. The procreational potency ingrained in living entities, Devatas and other species arises due to His Power and Will. From Him, emanated Sri Aniruddha.

Sri Aniruddha:

He represents the Mind Principle. He maintains the universe by manifesting as the Supersoul of Dharma, the Manus and the Devatas. He is the source of all sound vibrations (shabdayoni) and the controller of the mind and senses.

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Lord Hayagriva’s Association with Sound Vibrations 

In the Sri Vaishnava tradition, it is said that Lord Hayagreeva appeared in His most splendid form to rescue the Vedas from the captivity of the two demons Madhu and Kaitabha. He shrieked in the Utgitham swaram (The Pranava Mantra in Samaveda) to terrify the 2 demons, who in turn hid the Vedas and fled from the scene. 

The Chandogya Upanishad states:

“Om iti etad akṣaram udgītham upāsīta”

ॐ इति एतद् अक्षरम् उद्गीथम् उपासीत

(Meditate upon Om, the imperishable sound vibration.)

This verse declares the syllable Om as the primal sound, which expands to form the Vedas. Thus, the Vedas and Om are non different, the latter being Nada Brahman (sound form of Bhagawan). It is also important to note that Sri Aniruddha is the origin of all sounds.


Thus, in His pastime as Lord Hayagreeva, special emphasis was laid on the Pranava Mantra and the Vedas, which are inextricable.

Sri Hayagreeva and Sri Brahma represent the Guru (spiritual teacher) and Shishya (spiritual aspirant) respectively. Lord Aniruddha is the controller of the mind and senses. Sri Hayagreeva enlightens Sri Brahma with the knowledge of the Vedas and empowers Him to carry out his responsibilities.

brahma and hayagreeva

In a similar way, a Guru, through his teachings transforms the disciple to ultimately break free from the ageless slavery to the mind and senses. Reading Sri Hayagriva Stotram purifies the mind and makes a person calm. The vision to see reality sharpens as one starts gaining sense control. One begins to view life objectively, in line with Dharma.

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Worshipping Lord Hayagriva enables us to interpret the Vedic Scriptures. When beseeched, He enhances concentration levels and intelligence.

Sri Hayagreeva Displays the Qualities of the Sun (Surya Devata)

In the Srimad Bhagavatam, Rudra Gita, Lord Shiva addresses Sri Anirudha as Paramahamsa and Purna, which also allude to the Sun God. Just like how the rays of the Sun dispels darkness, Lord Hayagriva in His magnificent pastime slew the demons Madhu and Kaitabha, who personify ignorance. Sri Brahma, in this specific case embodies the mode of Sattva (goodness) while Madhu-Kaitabha, Tamas and Rajas respectively.

This episode signifies that lower modes of nature are always drawn to Lord over the mode of Goodness. That is a norm in the material world. Brahma (the creator) was hindered from fulfilling His responsibilities. But, through the intervention of Lord Narayana, He was able to continue with creation.

hayagriva and madhu kaithabha

Knowledge and Wisdom are synonymous to Surya Devata. Surya Devata and Sri Hayagreeva represent gross and subtle forms of illumination. Surya Devata dispels darkness in the universe while Lord Hayagriva through the Vedas. What can exceed the knowledge extant in the Vedas?  Worshipping Lord Hayagriva can be considered equivalent to worshipping Surya Devata. One develops confidence and intuition. Our aura clears up and becomes very powerful. It shall shun negative vibrations from affecting us.

Relationship Between Sri Hayagriva and Other Deities

Lord Hayagriva and Lakshmi Devi


Lord Hayagriva along with Lakshmi Devi is one of the most prominent deities among the Sri Vaishnavites. Their form can be interpreted in multiple ways.

  •  As the union of Jnana and Bhakti
  • Resplendence, prosperity, fortune (aspects of Lakshmi Devi) attained as a result of adhering to the Vedas and Dharma (symbolized by Lord Hayagriva).

Invoking their blessings forms a part of daily morning rituals among the followers of this sect. 

Lord Hayagriva and Deities of Knowledge

There comes a beautiful shloka, in the Hayagriva Abhigamana, that describes an assembly of divine personalities at the time of sunrise.

वेदाः पुरस्ताननु तन्मही गिरिशो

वाचस्पतिः कविबुधौ च कलानिधानः।

देवारयश्च मिलिता गुरवः परे च

श्रीवाजिवक्त्र भगवंस्तव सुप्रभातम्॥

This means:

Oh Lord with the face of a divine horse! In your close vicinity, at the break of dawn, Sri Brahma recites the four Vedas accompanied by His consort Devi Saraswati. Lord Shiva (Girishah) stands behind them. Devaguru Brhaspati reads the Panchangam along with his sons Budha and Kavi (Kacha, who was a poet). They come in Your divine presence to wish You an auspicious dawn.

Having a closer look all the divine personalities assembled to offer morning greetings to Lord Hayagriva symbolize knowledge.

Lord Hayagriva, is the source of knowledge, an incarnation of Lord Aniruddha (Narayana). While Brahma Dev qualifies as a repository of knowledge after having been tutored by the Lord, Devi Saraswati represents sonic vibrations. In other words, She is the oral and audible form of knowledge.

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The recitation of the Vedas performed by Brahma Dev materializes due to the presence of Devi Saraswati. Lord Shiva,  is the dispeller of ignorance and thus the cornerstone of Wisdom. His form as Lord Dakshinamurthy symbolizes the Guru Tattva. His presence in the assembly highlights propagation of knowledge among sages and sadhakas.

bhagawan dakshinamurthy

Sri Brihaspati along with Kavi and Budh add to the eloquence of the assembly. They represent the faculties that are indispensable when acquiring knowledge. Buddha represents intelligence while Kavi represents an aesthetic and abstract bent of mind. They strike a balance between arts and science.

An endeavour to explore creation can never begin without wonder and logic. Our admiration for the universe and an investigative, scientific approach, both must go hand in hand. Finally, Vācaspati (Bṛhaspati), the Guru of Devas, is seen reading the Panchangam (almanac), symbolizing time, calculation, and cosmic order. Sri Brihaspati, the greatest benefic planet symbolizes growth and expansion through the aid of wisdom.

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