7 Benefits of the Kleem Beeja Mantra

kleem mantra

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7 Secrets of the Kleem Beeja

  • Attracts love and improves relationships.
  • Enhances confidence and self-image.
  • Helps overcome rejection and failure.
  • Relieves insomnia and blood pressure issues.
  • Brings prosperity and well-being.
  • Improves marital harmony and trust.
  • Generates positivity and personal growth.

Be Cautious With the Kleem Beeja

Klim is a Beeja mantra. No individual should chant the Beeja Mantra without formal initiation from a Sampradaya or a genuine Guru. This is a very serious caution I have to give to people reading this video post.


Many people chant Beeja Mantra without authentic, proper initiation from an authentic Spiritual Master. Beeja mantras are like potent nuclear weapons which have to be handled with care. When there is a guru or a Sampradaya behind you he/Guru Parampara shall automatically absorb all faults in chanting, provided the disciple chant the Beeja with all sincerity, following all food and lifestyle constraints laid by the Parampara or Guru.

If you do not take formal initiation, the Bijas can cause disturbances, even causing devastation of your mental and physical health or your existing circumstances.

With What is the Kleem Beeja Associated With?

Kleem is the Bija Mantra of the Goddess Kali, one of the 10 Dasha Mahavidyas. Some associate Kama Deva and Lord Krishna with it as it brings love into our lives. Both initiated Hindus and Buddhists, meditate on the Kleem Mantra.

buddhist kleem mantra

The chakra that it is associated with, is the Mooladhara Chakra. Kleem is a Shakti Akarshana Bija Mantra. Akarshana is the Sanskrit word for Attraction. One should not misuse this Mantra by wishing ill for others.

This Guru has to instruct the practitioner with all rules and constraints while chanting the Beeja Mantra and the Shishya or disciple has to follow the instructions as they are, without his own concocted variations to the process, otherwise the Mantra can backfire. In case one is not obedient, the force of the Beeja can create obstacles in life and this is dependent on the power and purity of the Guru.

Care While Chanting the Klim Beeja Mantra

It is the bound duty of the disciple to seek humble clarifications from the Guru in case of doubt. The Guru is also bound by his eternal duty to douse the doubts raised by his sincere Disciple. Chant the Mantra with the purest of intentions or it can lead to loss of quality life and fortune.

A few popular Om Aim Hreem Kleem Chamundayei Vicche. Om Kleem Kalikayei Namaha.  The list gets longer. Klim is most commonly used to energize other mantras. It is short yet powerful.

I have already uploaded videos on Krishna Mantra and Chamunda Mantra.

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A Detailing of the Kleem Beeja Mantra

We can break The Kleem Mantra into four parts, Ka, La, Ee and Mm. Ka means Cause, La denotes the external body, Ee denotes the causal body and finally Mm stands for perfection. The Klim Mantra harmonizes the external and causal bodies leading to higher states Of Consciousness.

kama deva

There is yet another interpretation.

Ka stands for Kama Deva, the god of love, La represents Indra, the lord of the Devas, Ee stands for the full moon or contentment and finally Mm means the cause of love, happiness and abundance.

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Benefits of Chanting the Kleem Beeja Mantra

Now I shall state the benefits of chanting Kleem. The mantra helps you attract your spouse and loved ones. It improves marital relationships granting one, the power of seduction or Vashikaran. You become the center of attention and steal the limelight.

The Klim mantra fulfills desires bringing all-around well-being. If frustration sets into your life, then this mantra is definitely for you. But again, a Guru must initiate you into this mantra. Kleem Mantra attracts positivity making you a more loving person.

It helps you overcome rejection and constant failure. Repeated chanting of this Beeja mantra, after consulting with Guru, also cures medical conditions of insomnia and blood pressure.


Prosperity enters your doorstep. You feel confident in public gatherings and have an improved self-image. The Beeja mantra works on your personality by highlighting the defects in your lifestyle. Your relationships blossom with affection and trust.

However, those who use the mantra for immoral activities such as black magic and attracting someone else’s partner suffer terribly. Mother Kali governs this mantra.

So beware.

The Kleem mantra generates raw energy and requires channeling. There are many ways of performing Kleem Sadhana. Today, I shall share the easiest yet most potent method, assuming that you have already been initiated.

Process of Chanting the Kleem Beeja Mantra

Practice chanting the mantra 108 times or in multiples of 108 for 41 days. If your Karmas are heavy, the Kleem Beeja mantra may take longer to manifest. Maintain purity of body and mind while chanting this mantra.

Rise early in the morning at around 7-8 am. After purifying yourself, sit in Padmasana or Sukhasana posture with your back erect. Meditate on the Mooladhara chakra at the base of your spine. While repeating Kleem, your voice should emerge from the deep abdominal space.

Focus on the sound and feel the vibrations.

In the beginning, you may feel drowsy or the sadhana may appear lengthy. This happens because of Karmic interference. Consider this to be a positive sign and continue the sadhana one-pointed. Utter Beeja Mantras in the mind or in low volume. The subtler it gets, the better.

While chanting, do not let your mind go astray. For reinforcement, you can also visualize the Kleem mantra on the slate of your mind as you recite it. Writing is powerful.

But do not share the book with anyone.

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One disadvantage of chanting the Kleem Mantra is that you become like a magnet without discretion. You may attract undesirable people in your life. Be sensitive to your world and stop chanting the mantra if it affects your personal space. Nature has the best plans for you.

I strongly feel that there is no need to resort to Beeja mantras at the initial stage of sadhana. Use Beeja Mantras only after 4-5 years of chanting Nama Mantras like Namah Shivaya or Sri Ram Jai Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram.

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