7 Ways Sadhaka Connects with Mantra Devata

7 ways sadhaka connects with mantra devata

What can Mantra Sadhana Do for a Sadhaka?

In this episode, I shall discuss some interesting aspects as an outcome of the intense Mantra Sadhana , especially when a Sadhaka is under the instructions of an authentic Guru.

hindu guru

Pain is bad, but suffering makes life worse than hell. Man is engulfed with suffering, and he is at a loss to understand how to come out of suffering. When the right knowledge, the right place, and above all, the right guidance come to you, it can end suffering literally. When this happens, life becomes livable. One should also discover fresh air and happiness for the very first time.

Will Bad Karma Go Away with Sadhana?

This is not to say that all will be hunky-dory. Bad Karma may still exist and will trouble the individual, but now that individual knows, and his intelligence is sharp enough to decipher things. Because of the right knowledge and the power given to him by the Mantra chanting process, he can take the sting away from the trouble that comes to him. Happiness does not leave the heart.

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Joy remains, and one remains cheerful in the midst of problems. Karma is unavoidable, but Karma cannot cause suffering to the man with inner light and knowledge because the man has solved the math of life through his Sadhana and Guru Bhakti. Mantra Sadhana is for this purpose. It is meant to pave the way for higher understanding and put an end to suffering once and for all.

A Sincere Sadhaka can Face any Situation with Mantra Sadhana

A person who has the Mantra Bala, or the power of Mantra, is rock steady and can face any situation without any indecision. He has impeccable clarity and becomes a lion when Karma stares at him. Mantra Sadhana itself has the capacity to dissolve most of the sting of situations, enemies, and life challenges.

mantra chanting

This will keep the Mantra Sadhaka in high spirits. Because we are humans, sometimes Sadhakas may also have blues, but this state is short-lived because the Devata lives with the Mantra Sadhaka and reminds him that the Supreme is with the sadhaka, so he has nothing to worry about.

Who is a True Sadhaka?

A true Sadhaka is not interested in the petty things that the world offers. Rather, he worries only for his Ishta Devata and serves the Devata with all his heart through his Sadhana.

When the Devata is with the Sadhaka, he opens up new floodgates of enthusiasm in the life of the sadhaka. Life cannot be boring for a Mantra Sadhaka. He is kept in high spirits by the Ishta Devata.

How can a Sadhaka Attain Perfection through Mantra Sadhana?

These are some Important Steps for a Mantra Sadhaka, abiding which he can inch towards Perfection.
1. Pray to Bhagawan for a Sincere Guru
Without a Sincete Sat-Guru in one’s life, one can never perfect one’s life. It is with the energy of a Sat-guru can the spiritual energy be directed to drill through the sheaths of the Sadhaka’s ignorance.
2. Be Patient and continue Prayers to Bhagawan
Unless we develop steadfastness in prayers, we will not be able to develop a bond on the spiritual plane with our forthcoming Guru. Continued Prayers to Bhagawan isa Must.
3. Following the Guru in thought, word and deed
One has to have intense faith in one’s prayers and Bhagawan always answers sincere prayers. Following the arrival of the Guru, one has to surrender to Guru and continue sadhana under the strict auspices and vigilance of the Guru and share one’s state of mind and feelings with the Guru. Following these 3 steps perfection is steadily attained.

When will Mantra Sadhana be effective ?

Mantra Sadhana should never be done as a duty. It should be done as a means to attain Siddha Bhakti. The Mood has to be to serve Guru and perform Sadhana to ensure that the cycle of Birth and Death is ended fast through Sadhana and the Grace of Guru and Bhagawan. For this the mind has to be soaked on Guru, Bhagavan and Mantra. The Mantra shall reveal the glory of Guru and Bhagavan. Only when such a mood manifests can the true goal of Mantra Sadhana is revealed and it becomes ultimately effective.

What is Sadhana Bhakti?

When we render service to Guru, Follow his unsullied instructions, for one’s own spiritual benefit, such that the secrets of Bhakti are automatically revealed as a result of Bhagawan’s mercy and Guru Bhakti (Loving the Guru as one’s own father/mother and benefactor), manifesting a superior stage of Bhakti. The stage prior to such superior attainment, is called Sadhana Bhakti.

What is Siddha Bhakti?

After one has practiced Sadhana Bhakti (Performing Sadhana through effort and consciously following Guru’s intention), a time comes, when Bhakti becomes natural and the outward tendencies of the mind suddenly get withdrawn and the mind rivets itself onto Bhagawan. This stage in Bhakti, occurs purely through Grace, after most of the Prarabdha Karma are naturally exhausted. Only a little Prarabdha Karma remains, so that the body survives. The mind then rests on Bhagawan and His Grace naturally, effortlessly. This is Siddha Bhakti.

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Mood of a Sadhaka and Ishta Devata

Full of spirit, the Sadhaka is only interested in keeping the Lord happy. Such a Sadhaka is the epitome of unselfishness and does not expect any gain from anyone. When it comes to the needs of life, such as food, clothing, shelter, job, or family life, it is the lookout of the Ishta Devata. Such a Sadhaka depends on the Devata for his material welfare, the way the Devata wants it.

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The Sadhaka does not demand anything from his Ishta, but out of love, the Ishta Devata takes care of the sadhaka just as a father cares for his infant son. Even Karma passes away without difficulty by the grace of the Supreme Being.

The height of spirituality for a Mantra Sadhaka is when the person starts loving the Devata to such an extent that he forgets about all other aspects of material life. Material life for such a person is normal, choiceless, and dependent on the wish of the Mantra Devata.

devotee loves bhagawan

Thus, Mantra chanting is to be taken up for attaining this mindset. It is taken up for the love of God alone, with no other motive in mind. One attains perfect liberation or Nirvana when one’s heart melts only for the Mantra Devata.

What it Takes to Committ to the Ishta Devata?

For example, if I have been chanting the Rama Mantra, Rama means everything to me. It means I will do anything for Him. I’m ready to take up any hardships if Sri Wills. Whatever happens to me, I will consider that it is Sri Rama’s doing, and I will be happy that Sri Rama wants it that way.

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Even if I lose my job, even when I have little money, I’m happy, fully aware that my Lord has taken full control, and I know that I am safe because Sri Rama has the reins of my life in His hands.

This is when the Mantra Sadhana becomes utterly fruitful. This is the goal of Mantra Sadhana. It is when Bhakti fully matures, and the person even comes to know that he will enter the eternal kingdom of Saket Dham of Sri Rama when he dies.

This is the power of Mantra Sadhana. The mind becomes fully spiritualized, and the emotions of such a Sadhaka cannot be material and is always inspired by the Mantra Devata. Above all, the inspiration of the Mantra Devata cannot be false.

The Mantra Devata never lies and keeps up his word to the Sadhaka. He will ever remain in contact with the Sadhaka, not only in this life but for eternal time. This is the state of liberation or Nirvana through Bhakti.

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