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Highlights of the Radha Kripa Kataksha Benefits
- Attainment of Dharma, Artha, Kama, and Moksha
- Spiritual transformation and divine vision
- Fulfillment of pure devotional desires
- Entry into Krishna’s Nitya Leela
- Removal of Karmic entanglements
- Strengthening of Bhakti and Surrender
- Manifestation of Divine Consciousness
Table of Contents
The True Purpose of Mantras and Stotrams
Before I begin with the benefits of the Radha Kripa Kataksha hymn, I have a special request for all my viewers and dedicated readers. Never use any mantra or Stotram to solve material problems.Mantras and Stotrams are meant to take you to a spiritual state that is beyond the mundane state and not to solve petty material problems, however serious they may appear to you.
The rationale behind such an approach is that when one becomes dedicated and surrendered to the deity through Mantras and Stotrams, a relationship is established between the chanter and the deity. When such a relationship is established, where is the scope for any problems in life? Other than pure joy nothing else matters to the sadhaka.
Normally a chanter appears grave and serious because he is yet to attain spiritual strength. Also the sadhaka does not understand the spiritual methodology of attaining everlasting joy. This spiritual strength can be attained only through the Satsanga of a perfect Guru who can guide one to new spiritual heights, from where material problems will appear puny and worthless.
So pray to the mantra and Bhagavan for such a Guru who can take you to such a state through right guidance.Then Mantras will work through the Grace of Bhagavan.
Mantras have their potency invested in the heart of the perfected spiritual master and only when one surrenders unto the feet of such a perfected soul, can one become even eligible to receive a mantra for higher spiritual attainments that shall ultimately end with Bhagawat Prapti or Ultimate God-realization. Only such realization is the source of everlasting joy and contentment.
Sri Radha Kripa Kataksha: The Gateway to Divine Grace
Now we shall start with the article on Sri Radha Kripa Kataksha. The Radha Kripa Kataksha stotram is sung melodiously in the temples of Vrindavan. Among the devotees of Lord Krishna, this saying is very popular- राधे राधे जपोगे तो आएंगे बिहारी- which means if you chant Radha Radha, Bihariji will come running. Also they say- राधे राधे श्याम मिलादे- Oh Radhe, help me meet Shyam. Srimati Radharani is not just Krishna’s beloved, She is His life and soul.
She has a very important place in the hearts of Krishna Bhaktas. Just by hearing the name Radha, Lord Krishna becomes ecstatic. Radharani is Hladini Shakti or the bliss-giving energy of Lord Krishna. Without Her, one cannot attain the highest and the purest mellows of Bhakti.
If we truly want to attain the grace of Radha-Krishna, we should chant the Radha Kripa Kataksha regularly. Lord Shiva Himself is the composer of the Radha Kripa Kataksha Stotram. He revealed this stotram to his consort Parvati Devi which is documented in the Urdhvam-naya Tantra.
The Divine Blessings of Radha Kripa Kataksha Stotram
You may also watch our video titled Benefits of Chanting Shri Krishna Sharanam Mamah | Shri Krishna Sharanam Mamah Benefits. The Radha Kripa Kataksha Stotram praises the remarkable beauty and expertise of Radharani in winning the love and affection of Lord Krishna.
The refrain is कदा करिष्यसीह मां कृपाकटाक्ष–भाजनम् | Which means When will you cast your merciful sidelong glance upon me?
The Phalashruti begins from verse 13.
Lord Shiva requests Vrishabhanu Nandini, the daughter of Vrishbhanu to cast Her most merciful side-long glance upon the reciter destroying the three types of Karma namely Sanchit, Prarabdha and Agami that entangle one in the past, present, and future. The recitation grants entrance into the assembly of Nanda Nandana’s loving eternal associates.
Auspicious Days for Reciting Radha Kripa Kataksha Stotram
The Sanskrit used is not very complicated and can be recited on a daily basis. However, Lord Shiva says that there are some special occasions for the recitation. The devotee who recites the Radha Kripa Kataksha on the lunar days of Purnima, Dashami, Ekadashi, and Trayodashi has all his desires fulfilled without fail.
When I say desires, I refer to desires in the mode of pure Bhakti and not lower desires related to food, clothing, shelter, jobs, or children, which shall be equating glass to the diamond such as the Radha Kripa Kataksha Stotram. By the most compassionate side-long glance of Srimati Radharani, one attains devotional service experiencing everlasting bliss and spiritual ecstasy.
One gains spiritual opulence.
The Power of Radha Kunda in Spiritual Practice
Here, spiritual opulence refers to divine qualities such as forgiveness, patience, generosity, and humility. Verse 17 is a ritual to have a direct darshan of Srimati Radharani. The practicing devotee should stand in the waters of Radha Kunda up to the thighs, navel, chest, or neck and recite the Radha Kripa Kataksha 100 times with all faith and devotion.
Know that holier than the Ganga, Yamuna, Cauvery or Narmada Rivers, is the transcendental water-body known as the Sri Kunda or Radha Kunda, whose waters are the purest, highest divine mellows of transcendental love of Srimati Radha Rani’s spiritual body. Entering the Radha Kunda is like entering the repository of the highest form of Divine Love, unheard of in any corner of the multiverse.
Reading the Radha Kripa Kataksh by entering the transcendental waters of the Sri Kunda is an austere practice that yields 100 percent results, especially the highest form of Bhakti towards Bhagavan.
Can such a thing really happen? Simplicity of heart matters.
7/8 Questions from Sanatana Dharma
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Attaining Spiritual Fulfillment Through Radha Kripa Kataksha
If we pray to Radharani with devotion and our spiritual desire is strong, why won’t Srimati Radharani bless us thus? Even in the Hanuman Chalisa, there is a line जो सत बार पाठ कर कोई। छूटहि बन्दि महा सुख होई-
Which means the one who recites the Hanuman Chalisa 100 times is freed from bondage and attains great happiness.
To know the complete benefits of chanting Hanuman Chalisa, watch our video titled Benefits of Chanting Hanuman Chalisa | Why Read Hanuman Chalisa?
Recitation of the Radha Kripa Kataksha grants the four Purusharthas namely Dharma, Artha, Kama, and Moksha.

Also, we get the siddhi of manifesting whatever we speak, we are transformed into transcendental beings who have conquered the lower aspects of existence that reside in worldly desires such as wealth, material relationships, Profit and Loss, Success and Failures etc.
The Path to Divine Vision Through Radha Kripa Kataksha
It blesses us with the diamond of Truth, Integrity and Surrender. By the power of the sadhana, we get to witness Srimati Radharani face-to-face with our spiritual eyes. Srimati Radharani becomes so greatly pleased by the reciter that one gets the vision of her beloved Shyamasundara too.

Then the Lord of Vraja, Sri Krishna grants us entry into his Nitya Leela, or eternal daily pastimes after attaining which there is nothing else to hanker for. This is the promise of the Param Vaishnava Sri Sadashiva Bhagawan. This is the true goal of pure Vaishnavas, according to Bhagawan Shiva. Ideally, one should recite the stotram sitting near the banks of Radha Kunda.
However, most people who reside outside Vraja should recite the stotram in a Vedic way.
After taking a bath and necessary purification, we should sit on an asana. Keep an image of Sri Radha Krishna in front of us. Focus one’s attention on their lotus feet for two minutes.
A Sacred Practice to Invoke Sri Sri Radha Krishna’s Grace
If we have a photo of the divine symbols of their lotus feet, it is the best. Then chant one round of Radha Naam.
This practice streamlines the mind by purging negative tendencies that may prop up during our recitation. We should mentally touch the feet of Lord Ganesha, Lord Shiva who is the composer of the stotram, and our Gurudeva if we are initiated. Thereafter we should begin the recitation.
This is a sure-shot way to draw the Grace of the Divine Couple.
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