Mantra Japa: Secrets Towards the Self
The inner energy accumulated through the Mantra Japa, many times, starts flowing through the eyes of the sadhaka. They have power in their eyes.
The inner energy accumulated through the Mantra Japa, many times, starts flowing through the eyes of the sadhaka. They have power in their eyes.
Many times, people take up Mantra Sadhana Process without any Sankalpa. First condition- Chant Mantras at fixed times of the day. 2- Maintain Continence
With prolonged mantra chanting the practitioner develops intuitive capacities. He develops an ability to read other people's mind.
Some people become extraordinary astrologers or soothsayers after following a long sadhana process to acquire it. These are Siddhis. But many disadvantages follow such attainments.
What is Kshatriya Dharma?. The fundamental role of Kshatriyas is to protect the rights of the Brahmana class. 2. Protect the rights of the common men.
The 6 duties of a Brahmana are applicable even in Kali Yuga. (1) Study (2) Teach (3) Offer a Yajna (4) Officiate a Yajna (5) Accept Gifts (6) Offer Gifts.
Charity is least understood today. Some activities might look generous, but may not necessarily qualify as a good karma. Some parameters decide whether you charity is good or bad.
The World Society is all about man's role in the so-called civilized society. Are we really civilized or are we yet to discover it? Join me to know the deepest secrets never revealed before.
Truth and Compassion are deeply intertwined, where genuine compassion arises only from the purity of Truth. This article explores the contrast between compassion and pity, revealing how true compassion emerges beyond actions, rooted in spiritual purity.
It is not entirely possible to completely grasp the meaning of Sanity. Yet there are some don's and don'ts that will get you closer to sanity. This contributes greatly towards the awakening process.
Having the right mentality is preliminary condition towards healthy and peaceful living. Great Mental health and spirituality are closely connected and represent the two sides of the same coin.
Higher ideals in an individual are an indication of the purity of his soul. This is a fundamental quality of the Spiritual Seeker. The purity of intention and purpose decides one's inspiration.