Chandrasekhara Ashtakam: 6 Paths to Grace

chandrasekhara ashtakam-6 paths to grace

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What is the Chandrasekhara Ashtakam

The Chandrasekhara Ashtakam is a Vedic Stotram, an Ashtakam meaning 8 verses of exquisite spiritual poetry composed by the Vedic Sage Rishi Markandeya. This hymn is an epitome of the Bhakti Rasa, where Sri Markandeya expresses his deepest love and devotion towards Bhagawan Shiva, who is described as Chandrasekhara, one who adorns the moon on his head. This Ashtakam, if recited with one pointed surrender to Lord Shiva grants absolute fearlessness and a state of mind that is free of the fear of death. 

The Ashtakam is very special for the genuine devotee of Lord Shiva, the granter of boons, especially as the deity who grants Love for God.

Now let us explore the origins, purpose, benefits, the highlights of the deepest meanings and spiritual significance of this powerful Ashtakam composition.

The Origins of the Chandrasekhara Ashtakam

The Chandrasekhara Ashtakam dates back to the Pauranic period, connected with Sage Markandeya who saw Maya in the form of the great deluge or Pralaya  with the mercy of Bhagawan Vishnu. He had worshiped Bhagawan Vishnu for 6 Manvantaras. 


Every Manvatara is 71 cycles of a Chaturyuga. Each Chaturyuga comprises Satyuga(1.728 million years), Dwapara Yuga(1.296 million years), Treta Yuga (864 thousand years)and Kaliyuga (432 thousand years). 

It is important to know the greatness of the author of Spiritual works. The purity of the work is determined by the purity of its writer. The Bhagavad Gita is revered because it was delivered by Sri Krishna, spoken by Sage Veda Vyasa and documented by Lord Ganapathy. Similarly the Chandrasekhara Ashtakam being a spiritual work becomes a highly potent work because it was composed by one of the stalwarts of Vedic Dharma, Rishi Markandeya. 


According to Vedic History, Sage Mrikandu and his wife Marudvati, who were childless, received a boon from Lord Shiva. They could choose between a son who would live long but be unintelligent, or a brilliant son destined to die young. They chose a son who was brilliant but sadly who would not live for long.Thus Markandeya was born.

From a young age, Markandeya was spiritually inclined and developed immense devotion towards Bhagawan Shiva. When his destined end approached at the age of 16, he took refuge in a Shiva Linga and composed the Chandrasekhara Ashtakam as an outpouring of his devotion and a plea for protection.

markandeya death

Moved by his surrender, Lord Shiva appeared in his Chandrasekhara form, drove aways Yama Dharma Raja  (the god of death), and granted Markandeya immortality. This event immortalized both the sage and his hymn composed in the event of Markandeya, the composer, granted immortality by Bhagawan Shiva.

Who is Chandrasekhara? 

The name “Chandrasekhara” combines two Sanskrit terms: “Chandra” (moon) and “Shekhara” (crest or crown). Thus, Chandrasekhara means “He who adorns the moon on his head.”


The crescent moon symbolizes:

  • Time and mind

The moon governs time and the mind. Shiva’s control over the moon signifies mastery over time and the mind. Thus a person attached to Lord Chandrasekhara gets a grasp on one’s otherwise uncontrollable mind and also is able to manage time for higher purposes.

  • Cooling Grace

 Balancing his fiery third eye, the moon represents serenity and compassion.

  • Immortality

The waxing and waning moon represents the cycle of life, and wearing it signifies transcendence over death.

cycle of life-phases of moon

In the Chandrasekhara Ashtakam, Bhagawan Shiva is glorified in this powerful aspect — both fierce and kind, and as the destroyer and protector. Death was destroyed and Sage Markandeya was protected

Structure and Poetic Beauty of the Chandrasekhara Ashtakam 

The Chandrasekhara Ashtakam consists of eight verses and a phalaśruti ( or concluding benefit verse). Each verse is packed with vivid imagery, metaphors, and spiritual prayers.

The recurring refrain:

चन्द्रशेखर चन्द्रशेखर चन्द्रशेखर पाहिमाम् 

चन्द्रशेखर चन्द्रशेखर चन्द्रशेखर रक्षमाम् 

candraśekhara candraśekhara candraśekhara pāhimām 

candraśekhara candraśekhara candraśekhara rakṣamām 

serves as a protective chant and a mantra in itself. A person who is fearful of life or the challenges of life can simply chant the above verse and take it as a powerful mantra. This mantra does not require initiation and can be safely chanted by anyone. It enhances the power, the greatness, and devotional fervor of the Ashtakam.


The poem celebrates various aspects of Shiva: his attire, abode, weaponry, cosmic functions, compassion, and his unique role as the savior of devotees.

Purpose and Power Behind the Chandrasekhara Ashtakam

The primary purpose of this hymn is protection from death and fearlessness in life. It also serves to bring about unwavering faith, devotion and spiritual surrender to Bhagawan Shiv. Markandeya composed it as a direct plea to Shiva, facing Yama’s noose. Therefore, the Ashtakam carries the energy of desperation transformed into divine grace.

It functions on several levels:

  • Devotional: Praising Shiva with love and reverence.
  • Mystical: Invoking other worldly divine intervention.
  • Transformational: Inspiring inner strength and clarity.

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Inner Meaning and Spiritual Interpretation of the Ashtakam

Each verse of the Chandrasekhara Ashtakam carries deep spiritual symbolism.It describes Lord Shiva as the wielder of cosmic weapons, destroyer of the Tripura demons, and the one worshipped by all gods. 

He is seated atop Mount Kailasa and beyond the reach of Yama (death). Reading the first verse alone can easily defeat the 6 demons within our hearts namely Lust, Anger, Greed, Illusion, Self-Pride and Envy. 

When these 6 evils are destroyed, it is enough to conclude that all fear is destroyed, resulting in deathlessness and attainment of the Spirit within. The work depicts Lord Shiva as the conqueror of desire (Kama), the ash-smeared ascetic, and the one whose glance alone can dissolve worldly bondage. 

Ash-Smearing represents Vairagya. A person who chants the verses of the Ashtakam shall develop Vairagya or dispassion, which is a necessary ingredient to become fearless. When worldly bondages break, the person is empowered by Lord Shiva. 

The person thus reciting the Ashtakam can become all capable. Lord Shiva is depicted as the Supreme Being worshipped by Bhagawan Vishnu and Sri Brahma. Although Markandeya Rishi was a Vishnu Bhakta fundamentally, he was an equal devotee of Lord Shiva. 

Such unique cases of equal devotion towards two deities is very rare in Vedic history. The Verses describe Lord Shiva as the destroyer of the Ego. The Verses reveal that Lord Shiva can grant any boon to a sincere devotee and destroys evil.Lord Shiva is the ultimate healer of the disease called samsara. He is beyond the three gunas, yet governs all. 

fiery shiva inside the moon

He grants both worldly and spiritual fruits. Bhagawan Shiva is the fire hidden within the moon, which means that his anger is not born out of ignorance but out of ultimate sanity and purpose.The Phalashruti proclaims that whoever recites this Ashtakam with faith shall have no fear of death, gain longevity, health, prosperity, and ultimately liberation by Shiva’s grace.

Benefits of Reciting The Chandrasekhara Ashtakam

This Ashtakam is widely believed to grant several spiritual and worldly benefits

1. Freedom from the Fear of Death

As seen in Markandeya’s life, the hymn invokes Shiva’s direct intervention against death. It is often recited during health crises or periods of danger.

sick man

2. Protection from Evil Forces

The refrain is a protective mantra. Regular chanting builds a spiritual shield and comes to aid against negative energies and unseen obstacles.

3. Granting of Devotion and Liberation

The Ashtakam opens the Heart Chakra and gradually detaches the soul from material bondage, guiding it toward Moksha.

4. Healing and Longevity

Reading the Chandrasekhara Ashtakam has a healing effect on general health and can provide long life, especially when blessed through a Guru. 

5. Mental Peace and Clarity

By invoking the moon (mind) and fire (awareness), the Ashtakam helps balance emotions and awaken inner wisdom.

Best Times and Methods to Chant

While one can chant the Chandrasekhara Ashtakam anytime, these occasions are especially potent

  • Mondays (Somavara): The day sacred to Lord Shiva.
  • Pradosha Kala: Twilight period on the 13th lunar day.
  • Maha Shivaratri: The Great Night of Shiva.
  • Hindu Star Birthdays, Anniversaries, or implementing it as a Ritual for Protection

Method of Worship of Sri Chandrasekhara

shiva lingam worship
  • Bathe and wear clean clothes.
  • Sit in front of a Shiva Linga or picture of Bhagawan Shiva.
  • Light a lamp and offer incense. Face East direction during the morning or West direction during evenings.
  • Chant with devotion, either silently or aloud.
  • Repeat the refrain with full focus: “chandraśekhara chandraśekhara chandraśekhara pāhimām.”, which is the heart of the Ashtakam

Symbolism of Key Elements in the Ashtakam

The Chandrasekhara Ashtakam is rich in spiritual symbols:

  • The Moon: Mastery over time and the mind.
  • Ash on Body: Impermanence and spiritual renunciation.
  • Trinetra (Three Eyes): Sun, Moon, and Fire; perception beyond duality.
  • Serpents: Control over ego, fear, and life force.
  • Elephant Skin: Triumph over pride and animal instincts.
  • Ganga in Hair: Purity, nourishment, and grace.
  • Burning of Kama: Conquest of desire.

Each symbol serves as a meditative doorway into deeper self-awareness.


The Chandrasekhara Ashtakam stands as a monument of Bhakti Poetry, a mantra of immortality, and a testament to the compassionate nature of Shiva. Through eight potent verses, one may realize the cosmic functions especially when he reads the Stotram under the instructions and Satsanga of a God Realized Guru Whether one is facing trials or simply seeking deeper connection, this Ashtakam can become one’s spiritual companion.

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